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Everything posted by likesToLick

  1. If you are on a plane and need to wash your face and brush your teeth, it's all in the same tiny room as the toilet. Maybe she needed all three.
  2. Best of good luck to all our members for the new year. May your lives in 2022 be filled with good health, love, happiness and prosperity, and may all your dearest wishes come true. 🎇🎈🎉🍰🍭🍷🍸🍺🍻🥂
  3. Fairly standard in Australia. I haven't had a toilet in my bathroom since 40 years ago when I lived in a rented flat. Posher houses have a basin in the toilet room for hand washing, but most don't. Traditional homes built in the 1970s or earlier have the toilet in its own room, near the back door and usually entered via the laundry. People normally use the laundry sink for hand washing.
  4. Which is funny because "toilet" is itself a euphemism. Toilet: The process of washing oneself, dressing, and attending to one's appearance. ‘her toilet completed, she finally went back downstairs’
  5. Thai language also has euphemisms. Women say "det dorkmaai" which means "pick flowers", and men say "ying gradtaai" which means "shoot rabbits." I'm guessing these terms first came into use in rural villages, where these would have been acceptable excuses for disappearing into the bushes for a few minutes.
  6. Replacement link for the original video that started the thread Missy Stone happily receiving cunnilingus.
  7. Sorry, previous links in this topic are dead now, but I happened to find this new one today. A lovely gentle foreplay and cunnilingus scene with Kenzie Reeves. https://www.xozilla.com/videos/451628/family-sinners-family-favors-vol-2-scene-1-1-kenzie-reeves/
  8. It's always been my absolute favorite thing to do for a woman, ever since I was a teenager. I'm always amazed that there are many guys who don't like to do it.
  9. Just a guess, but I'm thinking that they might feel safer while doing it in a group. A woman peeing alone at a festival might be hassled by nearby men. Also, multiple women peeing together have the social power to establish that what they are doing is OK, while one woman alone risks being deprecated or reported. Not an answer to your questions I know, but perhaps relevant to the situation.
  10. Ahhh Sophie. With just two little sentences you create an image that makes my heart skip a beat on the far side of the world. Such power you have. 🥰
  11. Hmmmm. Left foot braking in an automatic is a big no no! The G-force from the braking action throws your body weight forward against the pedal, creating a positive feedback loop. That said, I do remember doing it once, about 40 years ago. My first time in an automatic and it also had ABS. We stopped so suddenly I felt the force in my eyeballs!
  12. In my sixties and have noticed very similar things happening recently. It must be at least partly psychological, as it does not seem to relate to the bladder being full at all. Getting out of the car at a shopping centre does not bring it on, but getting out of the car after arriving home triggers that "RIGHT NOW OR ELSE" feeling.
  13. There are more of us than you might think 🥰
  14. Many thanks Steve, for all of the great contributions you have made. If you feel the need for a rest, then it is well earned, and there's no need to apologize. Our greatest pleasures can become chores if we do too much of them. Whatever you do from here on, you can always know that you are one of the stars who did the most to make this forum the great place it is today. Thanks again and good fortune be upon you.
  15. @SophieI don't know if you get much time to read, but I would recommend "Propellerhead" by Anthony Woodward. He tells his own story of learning to fly in the UK, in a Thruster microlight. This is the exact same aeroplane type in which I was taught to fly back in 1987. He had many experiences in common with mine, so I can vouch for the realism and authenticity of the book. His writing style is very readable and entertaining too.
  16. It depends. For me it went the other way sometimes. I can report that feeling lonely when your girlfriend is with you is much worse than feeling lonely when you are alone. That feeling of being in a relationship where you have so little in common that you will be forever strangers, is hard to take.
  17. Wearing clothes in bed has always seemed a strange idea to me. I have never bought pyjamas in my life, and have not worn any since I was twelve years old. If I have to spend a night in hospital I just take an oversize T-shirt.
  18. I know what you mean. I am socially a libertarian, but economically a socialist. That conflict means that I get hated by many socialists and libertarians 😵
  19. I don't believe that's true. The rules are here, and they do not say anything about that. Moderators have said in the past, that this site is not to be used as a dating site, as mentioned in rule 8. We are also required not to give personal contact details in a forum post, and not to harass other members with contact requests. @Admin has advised in this post that it is OK to exchange personal details in private messages once members get to know each other. Specifically : "Of course, members who have built strong friendships here and privately wish to exchange contact inf
  20. Wow! I just found this thread for the first time and read all four parts of the story. This is exactly the kind of fantasy I wish I could take part in in real life. Beautifully written too, with great descriptions so that I could see a mental picture of the sexy fun and games as I was reading. @ifucksluts I hope you will write more parts to this story.
  21. One thing perhaps I should have done differently at age 23 would have been to buy an apartment near town instead of a suburban house. Living 20km from the city really put a cramp on my social life. My house was at the top of a steep hill, which led me to stop cycling to work and take the bus instead. The resulting lack of exercise, combined with the reduced social life and wasted commuting time put me on the road to become fat, suburban and boring, and that really messed up my life.
  22. likesToLick


    I don't know if you're thinking the same @Sophie, but I, personally, am filled with a desire to kiss her lovely slit.
  23. Perhaps you will find a woman who wants you to do it. You never know. Good luck with it anyway.
  24. I wonder why you think it will never happen. Is it that your present boyfriend does not want to do it for you, and you don't want to be intimate with anyone else? You never know what life may bring you in the future. He might change his mind, or you might find yourself with a guy who absolutely loves you to put your pussy into his mouth and piss. There certainly are many guys like that in the world. I hope your fantasy can come true one day.
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