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Everything posted by likesToLick

  1. It works well, a lot of people would enjoy seeing that nice clean carpet getting used. I was only joking about the sofa, though I do think it looks nice when a woman pees on one. I think If I was making a pleasure room I would go for pale green or gray velvet to show the splashes really well.
  2. Very bad news for sex workers. Many of them lost access to their customers because of Covid, now this will destroy their only alternative source of income. The war on erotic art continues. We are showing no signs of running out of interfering bigots. I do wish people would just mind their own business.
  3. likesToLick


    Lovely. 🥰👄😋
  4. Just found this on YouTube. Artisans who combined the skills of the sculptor, the jeweler and the watchmaker to make an astoundingly beautiful work of mechanical art. I love it. Hope you do too.
  5. Last time for me was March 2020. It's a combination of staying in isolation until I can be fully vaccinated against COVID, and also lower back problems that severely limit my ability to move my body. This, too, shall pass. The future will be better than today, I feel sure.
  6. Beautifully written Sophie, and very sweet. That is how sex should be - sensuous and loving with mutual delight. What you have together is something to be treasured.
  7. No problem Steve. I suspect I may have done the same thing in one or two of my own threads. I have also noticed that other people sometimes post duplicates in my threads - images I already posted in that thread. I never complain about it, because it's just not practical for anyone to check all the images in a long thread before posting. I'm always pleased to see the great images you post, and the occasional duplicate does not trouble me at all.
  8. I have a twelve year old Toyota if that would ease your conscience 😇
  9. It's been a part of my real life for the last 20 years, though before that it was only fantasy and porn. My close friends know, and also my last two girlfriends. I haven't had any problems as a result, in fact both girlfriends enjoyed it and found it exciting to pee on me. For various reasons I avoid relationships now, but wet fun is often available as part of casual sex.
  10. What a cruel asshole. I hope you dumped him. I'm so sorry that you went through an experience like that.
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