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Everything posted by likesToLick

  1. Yummm, Thai red curry. (Some things can distract me ... sometimes 😇)
  2. Can happen if the driver has a seizure or a stroke. You can briefly lose control of your muscles, so they lock in one position. It can be an early sign of a brain tumor.
  3. Hairdresser for me too. In my younger days when my hair was longer I used to have it cut and styled at a women's salon. I was quite surprised at first to discover that they would frequently press their breasts against my arms and shoulders while cutting my hair. I've no idea if they were doing it on purpose or not, but I did find it very pleasurable.
  4. I have an instinctive but major distrust of strangers. When I meet a new person for the first time, I feel unreasonably hostile to them and try to avoid interacting. It's some kind of deep seated reaction that makes no logical sense, but I have to make a conscious effort to overcome it in social situations.
  5. Used to be able to pin them to your trunks with a safety pin, but I guess the modern electronic keys would not like that.
  6. I used to fly small aeroplanes as a hobby, but haven't done that for a few years. It really burns through the money. @Sophie we do seem to be interested in many of the same things. I took piano lessons as an adult at one time, but I never seemed to find the time to practice. I'd still love to play, but arthritis is beginning to creep into my hands now, so probably it won't happen. I did get as far as hooking up a MIDI keyboard to a laptop running Synthesia, but still haven't done much with it. Have played with electronics in the past - built a personal computer when I wa
  7. People who took part in the rescue were given the letters "VIP" on their membership status, which I think was a really nice gesture by Admin. It always gives me a good feeling when I see that at the left of someone's post.
  8. Update: Another report I looked at suggests this may relate to using your browser to store the site password, so if you are doing this, you could try clearing the stored password and entering it manually on the sign on screen.
  9. Hi Sophie. This error code seems to be a problem with invision software that has been around for many years. References to it around the web are vague and often unresolved, but there are some references to incompatibilities of display themes between different versions of the Invision forum software. I would suggest that you try clearing any browser cookies you have that relate to the site, and possibly clearing the browser cache, then try the login again. (I am assuming that invision uses cookies to determine your choice of theme, so clearing them might take you back to the defa
  10. I've been a member here for 8 years now, and I've seen the site go through some troubled times. A rogue moderator for one, and later a threat of complete shutdown, with the site being rescued by @Admin with help from a few friends. It actually did vanish for a few days that time, and the grief was real. Some members have left in that time, and some have died, while others have simply "gone dark" without ever saying goodbye. It does make me sad when a member drops out because someone in their life has shamed them over it. It does happen, sometimes for religious reasons, and other
  11. Well, something is a fetish if you can't become sexually aroused without it, so for me peeing games would be just a kink. I can happily enjoy pleasures with a lady even if she doesn't want to pee on me. Cunnilingus though, definitely a fetish. I can't get by without doing that. 😋
  12. It's always a treat to read your reviews @greedyneedygirl. I specially like it when you include your own reactions to the scene and the actors as you did with this SB22 review. Somehow it brings the whole thing to life as I look at the pictures and imagine you looking at the same scene and enjoying it. I also wonder, when you looked at these magazines for the first time, were you sharing them with a partner or was it a solo thing? I find that the printed story text adds another dimension to the images and increases the erotic effect. It seems to make the characters more real, and
  13. Hello Dakota in Hawaii and welcome from me in Australia 👋 I really liked your comprehensive introduction in your profile. I'm an ancient retired computer nerd, read LOTR first when I was 15, way back in the last century, and have read it about 10 more times since. Would aspire to Ravenclaw, but don't know if I'd have been chosen. ISTP/J (I'm on the P/J cusp 🙂) I hope you find a lot of enjoyment here. It's a safe and friendly place.
  14. There used to be a shop in my town called "Extreme Watersports" that had the name on a huge sign facing the street. I had planned to get a photo of the shop to post on here, but it looks like it has gone out of business. I did find another one near Melbourne though https://www.google.com.au/maps/place/Extreme+Watersport/@-38.3637453,144.8766137,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipNdi2a_3-opL4wtXkGq4Ju5N0yfV1Wrs2wxeiEt!2e10!3e12!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipNdi2a_3-opL4wtXkGq4Ju5N0yfV1Wrs2wxeiEt%3Dw397-h298-k-no!7i4032!8i3024!4m16!1m8!3m7!1s0x6ad5c981252adc77
  15. You just gifted me with a new fantasy Sophie, because I would love to be in your audience when you do. 😍
  16. I was sad about that. I've always wondered if you achieved your desire to play with the other ladies, and if someone was lucky enough to have you pee on them. I'd love to know, but if you don't want to answer, I understand.
  17. I've received golden showers from women, and enjoyed them a lot. I have never peed on anyone else. I would do it if she specially wanted me to, but it's not something I seek out for myself.
  18. Definitely some random sexiness going on here 😲
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