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Everything posted by LovesToWet

  1. That is just wonderful. This is 1 of the sexiest things I would love to have done to me. So glad you had a good time and thank you to K for letting you share the photos
  2. Well, this bloody weather is not helping me. I'm not even half way to my running goal and I haven't been able to get out this weekend because the paths are too icy and the roads are just as bad so it looks like I won't be able to go for my usual Sunday ride. That'll be 2 Sundays in a row were the weather has hampered me. Grrrr
  3. LovesToWet


    Hello and welcome, hope you have fun
  4. Mmmm, she's bloody gorgeous and that suit is sexy as fuck
  5. Very brave to try and thanks for sharing. Such a shame he missed a great view, I'm sure anyone on here wouldn't have missed it lol At least you had some fun afterwards 😉😉
  6. Good luck with the rest of the month and with the push ups
  7. Joining this site, that was the best pee related thing that happened to me last year
  8. Getting ready for a run, should I put on shorts over my running tights to hide my little fella?
  9. As it is now a dream selection, I have selected being peed on but I'm happy to soak someone too..... Please form an queue while I grab a drink or 2
  10. I wish I had the experience to answer this but sadly I've never had 1 nor have I given 1
  11. It could be fun if you're into cam girls and wetting. Sadly I'd lose as I have not got a great bladder but I would hope she would wet herself afterwards
  12. Whenever I see @Sophie has posted in here, I know they'll be beautiful. You've got a great eye Sophie
  13. I would say most of us do have a play whilst viewing and reading the content and that alot of stuff has been put up knowing that that will happen, so go ahead and enjoy yourself 😊😊
  14. I usually forget to cool down after a run which I then know about the next day, usually in my thighs
  15. My first week didn't go as planned so I am a little behind but I'm sure I'll make it up over the next 3 weeks. Onwards and upwards
  16. Went for a bike ride on Sunday, had a little fun too but sadly it was too cold to have some wetting fun https://www.erome.com/a/1DiiHNTN
  17. Well done @Kupar you're doing better than me. I've managed 1 commute and 1 run so far but I've been busy with my tiny cute 1st grandchild so I've got a good excuse lol I'll get some miles in on my bike tomorrow morning so it won't be a total loss this week
  18. Hi, welcome back. Hope you enjoy your hold
  19. Thought I'd join the fun and show mine
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