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Everything posted by LovesToWet

  1. @emilyjoneswet welcome to PeeFans, hope you ha e fun here and I'm sure we will all look forward to hearing more from you
  2. Start small and slowly increase and you'll soon get there. I certainly don't blame you for enjoying Christmas, it's too nice not to enjoy off the food and drink. Hope you had a great time
  3. @Sophie@Sophie it's good to get out though isn't it. I also went for a ride this morning. Made the mistake of being under dressed. It felt fine when I took out the rubbish before going for a ride but when I got out and got out into the countryside, the roads turned white and my hands froze so I turned around. Only managed 15miles
  4. I'm going to try 200 miles on my bike and 15 miles running. All of which will be weather dependent of course.
  5. @Kupar I was think we could set ourself personal monthly targets to hit. Nothing stupid so that's its achievable and we can report in each week to say how it's going and to encourage and support other people's efforts. And at the end of the month we say whether we hit our goals or not. Also, each month can be a different goal as I know I won't be able to do more miles in January than July. We could even change events each month, so you can do walking 1 month and swimming another etc.
  6. Motivation is sometimes hard to find so getting out for a run, walk or ride can be difficult as the call of the sofa and a hot cuppa is too appealin, so how about some sort of challenge to get us moving? Such as, how many steps we can do, or miles we can walk or run or cycle we can do in a month. Anybody fancy joining me for something like this?
  7. This is great. I think you'll like it too @MidoriLemonade85
  8. Dragged my arse out for a small run this morning, just 1.5 miles to see how I'd feel as I haven't been in the running mood lately. Felt loads better than I thought so I'm really glad I did it. I might have burnt off half a mince pie while doing it too so that's a bonus lol
  9. I've got a thing for female rock singers at the mo, and she is 1 of the best. She very pretty too
  10. Oh absolutely, it can change your mood, enhance your mood and even take you back in time to long lost memories. I can't imagine not having music in my life
  11. Spotify put this on randomly so decided to look them up, glad I did now
  12. Ho ho holly fuck. She's just got me in the xams mood
  13. I hope that everyone here has a great Christmas
  14. @Bacardi hope you have a great time too. Be merry and have fun
  15. @Lalayla557 welcome. You've come to the right pla e, it's very welcoming here. I know how you feel, my wife doesn't like pee so this site helps relieve that frustration. Enjoy and have fun
  16. Welcome, hope you have fun. Its a very liberating place to be
  17. Steamy pee n stroke cos I'm a little bit horny at the moment https://www.erome.com/a/YWXwp0Il
  18. It's how I imagine her face when she sees me naked lol
  19. She's stunning, I'll have to look her up
  20. Thanks. I really enjoyed writing this 1
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