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Everything posted by LovesToWet

  1. Well the weather gods intervened and stopped the rain before I managed to get on my bike. I'm taking it as I sign that I should behave.
  2. Here I am trying to behave myself and what does the weather do, it gives me the perfect opportunity to have some fun on my bike ride home but I can't as I'm trying to be a good boy. Bloody typical!
  3. After chatting with a fellow PF, I think I've cracked this......well I hope I have lol Sometimes you've just gotta hit the reset switch in your head and crack on with things. Thank you
  4. Music questions from me: What's your favorite band/bands? What was your 1st concert? Do you have a favourite cover song?
  5. Thought I'd join in this lovely topic. I think these count
  6. I think I may be getting carried away here, I just can't help myself lol
  7. @oliver2 I've done both but I prefer to stop as I like to film it too
  8. I'd say in the middle of nowhere whilst on a bike ride, then I'd just let myself go in my lycra shorts and enjoy the warmth. Yep, that's my favourite place
  9. I may need some alone time, I'll be back in a minute or 2 (grabs tissues and leaves)
  10. Oh please do, I'm sure we would all love to hear about it
  11. Thats sounds like a good idea to me
  12. Well I hope you do, I'm sure it'll be a lot of fun
  13. I wish I knew, I'd love to tell my wife but I know she wouldn't like it so I'm stuck
  14. He definitely has got a way with words hasn't he
  15. This is a day dream that keeps coming back Male and female masterbation plus female wetting There she was, sitting on a chair in front of me. Wearing her favourite black lace bra underneath a black see through top and a pair of tight black leather trousers. She'd been drinking all morning and still hadn't been, her bladder was now aching it was so full. She loved the feeling, the feeling of not knowing how much longer she will last. She desperate sense that she could explode any minute always made her pussy tingle with excitement. She looked across at me, knowing that I loved
  16. At least 1 on that sofa..... ME 😁😁💦💦
  17. Just got back from a little ride. My wife has challenged me to hit 500miles this month. She knows I like a challenge and this is a good 1 for me. 6 days in and 97 miles complete already.
  18. Natural beauty is the best, and she looks so natural. It makes her so beautiful. (Thats what I think)
  19. That's 1 of my fears, I don't want to be caught so I have to be careful
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