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Everything posted by LovesToWet

  1. LovesToWet


    Do you have days where you wake up really horny and just can't seem to calm down...that's me today.
  2. I managed it, i did a total of 502 miles last month.
  3. My 500 mile challenge really has turned into a challenge. At 1 point it looked like I would smash it and potentially hit 600 miles, but this past week has been hard. The weather has bad, my wife ended up in hospital so I had to take time off work then man flu struck. I'm up to 460 miles so I'm close but really need this flu and rain to bugger off so I can finish my challenge.
  4. We have a topic about women in leather trousers so I thought I'd start an equally sexy topic of leather skirts cos well, why not lol
  5. Stupid body clock woke me up really early again, partly from being used to getting up early for work and partly due to still being a little bit ill. So to cheer myself up and to make use of a quiet house, I decided to have some fun....hope you enjoy https://www.erome.com/a/0WwVnmSE
  6. I've also found myself watching and getting turned on by videos I wouldn't have watched before joining here. Said it before, this site has definitely brought out things in me I didn't know. Maybe because it's so nice and relaxing here that our own inhibitions are dropped and we can be our true self
  7. I could happily follow this view all day long
  8. Oops, I had a little accident last night
  9. I've done it a few times now and it's a great feeling. Being already wet from the rain ment I didn't have to worry about people seeing a wet patch either so I felt relaxed afterwards too
  10. Fun morning ride. Well as I was already wet from the rain, I couldn't be bothered to stop for a piss so I just let it go as I was pedalling along. It was a nice warm relief from the cold rain and looked fucking great as it ran down my thigh and splashed to the ground as I rode along. Got home and needed to pee again so dashed to the bathroom and just let myself go in my already piss & rain soak tights. https://www.erome.com/a/PQB4jKGj
  11. I'm definitely NOT a fair weather rider
  12. Welcome. Hope you have fun here, its a great place
  13. Sorry but temptation got the better of me. I must be weak but who can blame me when you see these
  14. For anyone that's interested in my 500 mile challenge here's an update. As of my commute home last night which marked the halfway point of the month, I am ahead of schedule. I had covered 283 miles so I'm well ahead. Hope the weather doesn't get too bad so I can keep riding and hit my target
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