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Everything posted by LovesToWet

  1. This is a song about a French war hero from WW1. I think it's cool that they are singing about the lost heros
  2. I'm a visual person so I usually watch a video or look at photos and imagine myself in those scenarios whilst I masterbate. And that's every time
  3. I usually empty in 1 go but there are times that about to put myself away when I feel there's more left and have to get myself out and finish emptying.
  4. I best think of some targets for February now.... Right, 250 miles on my bike (not going crazy as I keep hearing the weather will be bad) and I'll try 4 runs, so 12 miles.
  5. My January goals were 200miles on the bike and I've done 310, so I'm happy with that but my running haven't gone to plan. I wanted to do 15 miles but only managed 11. Better than nothing but still a little annoying as it was the weather that stopped me. I hope all those that set themselves goals have done well and managed to keep motivated
  6. She's stunning. Thanks for all the pictures of her Sophie
  7. Note to self.... Don't hold your phone too close while filming! My stream hit my phone and it sent the screen crazy (luckily it still works) and stopped filming. I did manage to get a short film and a few pic 1st
  8. You are right there. Sadly I think a threesome will just remain a fantasy of mine
  9. MMF threesome and your sorted. And that's the 2 I'd love to tick off aswell
  10. I'm sure me and plenty of others on here will be more than willing to help you out gaining more points. I'm definitely up for the 3 or more 😉😉 And yes, it was probably made up by someone who's had a boring sex life so far
  11. This is just for fun. How long would you be in jail for? I'd be lock up for 49 years
  12. Yes, doggy style. It was OK just gotta keep your balance lol
  13. To all of those doing a challenge this month, I hope its going well and keep it up. We're all doing great
  14. LovesToWet


    Hi @Shypee hope you have fun on this lovely welcoming site
  15. Wow, brilliant and brave. I wonder if he is one of us and got a massive thrill out of it too?
  16. Theme tunes to cartoons I used to watch as a kid but can't remember the lyrics to my favourite songs
  17. The temperature doesn't bother me too much as I have plenty of layers to put on but it's the road conditions that have put a stop to it. My council is crap and they haven't been out gritting. Don't fancy face planting the road just for a few extra miles so I've been busy sorting out my spare bike and the turbo trainer so I can have a go at Zwift instead. Gotta get rid of the Xmas excess somehow lol
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