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Everything posted by Havelock

  1. Interesting they would use the bushes vs. the barn stalls. I wonder why. Did you find puddles/piles in the bushes? Did you have any sightings or ever join them in the bushes?
  2. I love the hiss. My wife does this and its super hot. I love when she blasts the toilet or the pavement when squatting with a strong stream. I associate it with a dominant woman and a forward stream. I have no idea if forward streams are associated with a hiss but somehow I have imagined it does.
  3. @colette888 I am interested. Judging by other threads on "nonchalant" peeing in places other than toilets, many here are interested. The fact that it was totally normal and not intended to be sexual is interesting. Even explaining the context in which you came to understand this is normal is interesting. How did you first figure out this was normal? We would appreciate the share.
  4. @Chris50p This site seems to be focused on wetting. Are there any french sites focused on peeing in public? Thanks.
  5. @colette888 do you have any memories or peeing in barns, stables or horse trailers? When did you learn to do this? What was the culture and attitude towards peeing in the places you rode? How about any stories or friends doing this?
  6. There is a German forum called https://www.klogeschichten.net/ I posted a similar question in this thread. There have to be some forums we don't know about in other languages. I would assume other EU and Asian countries would have something. Japan seems into pee.
  7. @alfresco I've witnessed similar things at outdoor / park birthdays without nearby toilets. Eventually the little ones need to go and I think that just blurs the boundaries for the adults. I was recently at a birthday in a park and we took the girls to the parking for a pee. After the kids had gone behind the car, my wife said "my turn" and squatted to make a damp patch of her own in the dirt behind the car. As we were walking back to the party another mom was heading to the parking. My wife asked if they were leaving and she commented no, they were just going for a "potty break" and my wife h
  8. A few relevant links I found that suggest this is common https://horsesport.com/cuckson-report-1/ever-use-your-stalls-latrine-then-urine-trouble/ https://forums.horseandhound.co.uk/threads/part-livery-etiquette.638345/ https://www.bakersfielddressage.com/home/which-bathroom-to-use https://www.horseforum.com/threads/what-do-you-use-as-a-bathroom-in-your-barn.652809/ http://forums.barrelhorseworld.com/forum/forums/thread-view.asp?tid=465453&start=1 http://forums.barrelhorseworld.com/forum/forums/thread-view.asp?tid=455806&start=1
  9. I caught the other girls peeing around the barn a few more times. Once my girlfriend and two of her riding friends and I all drove to the stables together. After everyone was finished riding we were going to leave and my girlfriend said she had to pee first. The other girls said "me too." They went in an empty stall while I paced around the isle trying to look uninterested. I could hear their streams hitting the floor. My girlfriend finished first and walked to the door which gave me the excuse to walk towards her and the stall. Out of the corner of my eye I could see the other girls fini
  10. If you follow Chickfly on instagram, occasionally the will post a video or photo with a stream. No flesh, but a stream.
  11. I would love to hear some more stories of where you peed together.
  12. I'm glad you took your relief where it was convenient and comfortable to you. That's what you should do. I think these days people are too concerned and constrained in their personal comfort and peeing. You pointed out that different people's pee had different impact. I don't want to intrude but is it possible you are taking some medication that had some impact? Or, are you a smoker? Those factors could affect chemicals in your pee.
  13. This week my wife brought up horse riding lessons. I immediately had a flashback to a college girlfriend who rode horses and created some unique pee memories. My then girlfriend, A, had grown up riding English style horses and competed in Jumpers. She was on the university riding team. I never really liked horses and always wanted to do something else when she went riding. Then one day she coerced me to come see her ride. It was a jumping practice with some of the other university girls. I quickly discovered why horses should be of interest. We drove about 35min in to the hills and I joi
  14. @kitty and mimi it seems like the solution is to design bathrooms that have both squat and western toilets. I wonder when and why it is that the younger generation develops the preference for western toilets? It seems like girls in Asia (China, Vietnam etc.) still learn to squat to pee when they are young. From all my travels and talking with my wife it seems that girls squatting to pee outside still happens frequently on playgrounds, parks, street and even school yard. It seems similar to when the older generation was young. So how have they stopped wanting to squat?
  15. @kitty and mimi This is unfortunate. It sounds like squatting may be going out of fashion with younger people in developed Asian countries. Its too bad this last area of natural squatting to pee is diminishing. I have a feeling this will also impact these women's practice in squatting to pee outdoors. It always felt like they were more willing to pee outdoors because they were already so used to squatting in the same position indoors.
  16. @Hightower I would love to hear more about this airport peeing. I actually started a topic on airport peeing.
  17. @Dr.P Do you think your wife is more open squatting to pee / peeing outside because she is from China? It's a small sample, but my wife and previous girlfriends who spent time growing up in Asia have seemed more accustomed to squatting and peeing in various places.
  18. @ChrisS Bay to Breakers used to be awesome. I have a thread on it here: Honestly, I never plan it out too much. I just go with the flow so to speak and improv. But reflecting, I usually make a comment to gauge people's reaction like "I really have to pee." Depending on the reactions, you can read whether others are engaging on the subject or looking to avoid it. I never push it on people looking to avoid it. Sometimes you will get lucky and someone will volunteer an idea of where to pee or say they also need to pee. You can then follow with the question; "I wonder where I (or
  19. I thought of another time with my same friend, W who fell out the window in college. Many years later I was living in a big modern house in the hills in LA with many windows and sliding doors. W had just broken up with his wife and was staying with me. A group of girls I knew and have written previously were over having cocktails. Girls tended to like him. It was a beautiful late afternoon so we had many of the doors and windows open as is often the fashion with California indoor/outdoor spaces. I was making drinks behind the bar, some girls were at the bar and some in the living room. There w
  20. @windy55 Please share your ex-wife memories, especially with the semi-public peeing.
  21. @vpw I would love to hear more detailed memories of these outdoor sightings and hearing hissing.
  22. Yes. Mostly in college. Many people peed out windows who were not even into pee because it was convenient to not have to leave your dorm room and go down the hall to the bathroom. Also, some floors were segregated male/female so if you wanted to go the bathroom and you were on the opposite sex floor you would have to go down a whole floor. Most people had their desks under the window so you could just climb up on a desk to do it. Some of the dorms also had sinks so people used those instead. I did this in a few circumstances: Middle of the night pee: It was easier to get out of b
  23. @Ms. Tito I asked my wife and she asked why they would stand? She said Asian people are very comfortable squatting and often squat when not peeing (just waiting, eating etc.) because it's comfortable.
  24. Travel to parts of the world, specifically in the EU, where peeing in public is more accepted on a more regular basis.
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