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Everything posted by glad1

  1. Then I won't suggest you do anything that would cause damage. Floor and off the side of the couch sound good, especially if it's an easy cleanup. Still, I'm kinda partial to the outdoors. It might give you that thrill if you could aim at things like stones and leaves and such.
  2. I'd highly encourage you to keep practicing. 😁 Maybe a few times every day. It's the only way you're going to get good. I might suggest you start off in the shower and try to hit the drain. If you have some good pressure, see how far up the wall you can go. Of course, I'll expect you'll give us full reports. (You will be full, after all.) When you find you've gotten better, maybe skip the toilet and pee in other places around the house. And then, there's always the great outdoors.
  3. No reason why you shouldn't. It is your shed after all! At my summer house, I pee outdoors all the time. I tell myself I have near-sighted neighbors.
  4. I suspect that before the invention of toilet facilities, there was very little expectation of privacy. People, whether male or female would typically pee when the need arose, usually around the level of 5 or 6, rather than the 8 or 9 we often hear about today. Although, I suppose all through history there have always been a few who liked to hold. In general, people were smaller in general a few centuries ago. I'd imagine the size of their bladder was proportional. And, there was little incentive for them to work on developing their capacity when they could pretty much pee at will, whethe
  5. I think it's mostly for reasons of privacy. Since women usually squat, less of them is exposed when they face forward rather than away, especially if they lean forward enough that their stream falls straight down or even behind them so their shoes and clothing stay dry. However, I've had the fortune to know several women who frequently pee standing like a man, either for the shock and entertainment value or because they just prefer that way. Usually, like men, they'll face away, unless they want to put on a show for me.
  6. I imagine both the lack of facilities and the awkwardness of the clothing would have discouraged most upper class women from travel and exploration. But, surely they're must have been a few whose curiosity got the better of them. I love to read their accounts of how they dealt with those times when they got caught short. And, there were all those pioneer women who trekked across the country in search of new land. In the days before fast food restaurants, convenience stores and tourist rest areas, one has to wonder how they fared whenever nature called. Somehow, I suspect nature provided t
  7. Who said anything about using a toilet? 😝
  8. Don't you agree that daylong hiking trips are an ideal way for collaboration?
  9. Some of the ones I've seen looked like they wouldn't be able to hold all that much. Can you imagine being so desperate that you overflowed one and your stream was still going strong? I suppose, back in the days before Big Gulps, Starbucks Trentas and two-liter water bottles, bladders were much smaller.
  10. I'd love to go back to the era of early flight, not much more than a hundred years. There's something very appealing to me in being among the first to soar above the earth and see what's on the ground from a totally new perspective. Then again, if I could only back fifty or so, I'd want to be one of the astronauts who first stepped on the moon. At least I've been fortunate enough to talk to one of them.
  11. That's why its called a dream job. It never lasts nearly long enough! 🤣
  12. I certainly hope there are at least a few who do. 😝
  13. It might be fun for a couple to share a watering can. Fill it most of the way up with water. Then, each using their own equipment, top it off.
  14. Since I'm a big believer in equality of the sexes, I think women should be encouraged to do the same as men.
  15. It's probably good I didn't see this until today. Hopefully, I'm not too late to the party.
  16. I think for most on here, they consider it an honor that their posts encourage such behavior.
  17. A warm welcome. You'll find us a friendly and helpful bunch. And, we almost never bite, unless you ask (nicely please 🤣).
  18. Seeing how most of my dates have been outdoors ones, this... (cough)... might have happened... er, once or twice.
  19. I never made the connection between the horsey set and peeing until I dated a woman rider. On one of our very first dates she popped a squat in front of me, all the while carrying on a conversation as if this was a normal situation. Apparently it was, because almost every time we went out after that, she'd pee in front of me at least once. She also liked to watch and insisted I stayed well-hydrated. Who was I to deny her, since I got to enjoy great views, too.
  20. Many times I've been asked to keep watch for a female friend. It's nice they feel safe around me that they can let their guard (and more) down. I suppose it's because I'm protective and will give them the privacy they need, well maybe most of it. But, I'm sure some do it just to see what kid of reaction they can get out of me.
  21. A warm, wet welcome to our community, pecan79. I've been around here several years and think we're a good group to hang out with. We're helpful, respectful and willing to help out with any questions you may have. While I'm male and straight, I see we have at least one thing in common. What I'd suggest is you read as many stories as you can, them maybe post a few replies to those that most "wet" your interests. I think your best experience will come the sooner you get to know people here and the more you meet. I'm sure I speak for many if not most here in saying I'd love to h
  22. I've heard similar stories from older people who've moved in with their children. They, too, have no choice but to have sex in their cars. And, you wonder why they put up such a fight if you want to take their keys away!
  23. Only a few occasions? You must have had a very uninteresting youth. 😆
  24. I'm hoping this situation wasn't a one-time event. If you have more stories, well, don't tell anyone. 😉
  25. Much the same for me, except it was a deserted beach. We would have ourselves a picnic. Most always it was a little food, a little sex and a lot to drink, which made for a few trips off the blanket. Not sure it was the crashing waves in front of us, the brilliant stars in the sky or something, but I'll always remember the great views.
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