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Everything posted by glad1

  1. I totally agree about the intimacy part. Perhaps the shower/tub at the hotel, although nature seems to offer some interesting places of its own. Perhaps a secluded shoreline? 😁
  2. Very seldom when I'm alone. But, for sure when I'm in the company of someone I find interesting, like a new hiking partner. 😁
  3. I'm not keen on events and festivals with thousands upon thousands of people, either, and this might be my number one (or number two) reason. I'll almost never use a portaloo. If I have to pee, I'll seek out an alternative and failing that, hold until I'm desperate and at that point I'd rather wet myself. The only thing that would draw me to these activities is the opportunity for sightings. The ones I've been to have almost always been rewarding. Maybe that's because I know where to look, figuring at least a few women might be seeking out the same places I would. Most of the time,
  4. That's exactly what I love hearing. After reading all your posts from today and especially this one, the feeling at this end is also amazing.
  5. Your secret is safe with me. As for those pictures... taking a deep breath while collect my, er thoughts... I love how you're willing to share.
  6. I'm following your continuing saga. It's nice you have a bladder so willing to play along with your adventurous spirit. If only your boyfriend appreciated your games. Rest assured, you have a great many newly-made followers on here. I'd be surprised if I'm the only one enjoying at least drinking along with you.
  7. I think it's a pretty common preference here. I'm not much of a drinking man myself, but anything below the neck is fair game. With the right partner, a piss fight sounds like great idea. I just hope there wouldn't be any shortage of water.
  8. First, a big warm and wet welcome. 😁 I appreciate you for sharing your feelings. Very nice story as well. I think most all of us here understand, and at least a few of us would do the same as you if we were in the same position. As one who seldom tries to use the toilet, I'll encourage you to be more creative whenever your bladder gets too full. If you ever need suggestions, don't hesitate to ask. Since you're new here, I'll try to behave myself, though I have been known to lead by example.
  9. There's a good reason why I like mountain biking. While I most always head out on the trails alone, I've often run into others. Occasionally we'd ride together, usually just for a few miles but sometimes at least a couple hours. Probably my most memorable encounter was when I rode with a woman on a long stretch of forested singletrack. I wasn't expecting anything the first time she hopped off her bike. But, as soon as she pulled her shorts down to pop a squat, I became aware of just how full my bladder had become. It was more a needs must thing, so I don't think we paid a lot of at
  10. I suppose a lot depends on what form of play you're looking for and in what context. It's not very likely you'll find a woman who'll pee on you or let you drink from her tap without a bit of setup. As for expecting her to do those things society finds disgusting and degrading, nearly always it involves money or you've found yourself an interesting psychological case. But what I have found more frequently than one might expect is someone willing to take a few small steps if you make the situation fun and appear to be spontaneous. I've lost count the number of times a woman enjoyed watching
  11. This actually makes a lot of sense. Many times while rushing to an appointment, whether business or social, I've felt that familiar urge and pulled over before I reached my destination. I, too, feel it's a bit awkward to rush in and look for the facilities before making my introductions and at least some brief conversation. Then again, I never needed an excuse to pee outdoors.
  12. It seems we must have used the same bucket. 🤣
  13. I've talked to many friends in these situations. While most all the moments have been very memorable, I've often forgot the conversations.
  14. I think some of us already do that. 😝
  15. There's no need for me to be intoxicated to enjoy a pee outside. My bladder seems to fill just as easily with water as it does with alcohol. And, the fact that I'm much more aware of my surroundings makes the act even more thrilling, especially when an appreciative female gets to witness me.
  16. I think we all should have days where we resolve that no urine goes in the toilet bowl. Better yet, we should try to make this our everyday goal!
  17. Did you know it's better from the point of health to mountain bike with a somewhat full bladder? It seems to cushion the shock to the pelvic region. So what if there's a little leaking? Just make sure you're wearing something dark and absorbing.
  18. I'll often set off on a ride with a nearly full bladder. As long as I'm seated, it takes a long time for me to notice my increasing desperation, often a good hour, sometimes two. But, once I step off the bike, it seems I have only seconds to avoid an accident. More than once I was bit too late pulling the waistband down. Good thing those Lycra shorts are so absorbent!
  19. This sounded like such a fun time. I can only hope you got over your stage fright quickly. Having gone on literally hundreds of dayhikes with friends, it's rare when at least one of us doesn't haven't to pee. For someone with my kink, it's usually the high point or points of the day. When we hike as a group, it's pretty much a needs must thing. We do nature's business, then go on our way. But, when I'm in a one on one situation, we tend to be much less inhibited. Depending on how shy my trail partner is, we might take two or twenty steps off the path and I'll often be asked to keep w
  20. Ever since the beginning of time, there have always been a few who've spoiled things for everyone else. I suspect Lavatria would fare the same. At least there's sites like this where we can talk freely.
  21. There something to be said for being comfortable enough with a friend to pee in front of them, even more so if you find each other attractive. It is, after all, about the most intimate thing you can do with them without touching.
  22. For me, more like a stop along the side of a trail and release a stream that arcs three metres, maybe four if if I'm sufficiently, er, inspired. And yes, I've been complimented on it, in fact on several occasions.
  23. Then, you need to go around and find some targets. It's great to do this by yourself, but it's even better played with company. (Or, so I'm told! 😝) I'm pretty sure I have a more accurate delivery device than you, but I have been proved wrong sometimes.
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