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Everything posted by glad1

  1. Somehow, I think you're responsible for a lot of your country's rain. 😋
  2. Yes, but not with a stranger.
  3. Sometimes the strongest feeling we had at the time was relieving our shared desperation.. We'd be back in the car and down the road before we realized how much it was a major turn on.
  4. I've been to several coffee shops that have only one shared facility. At least a couple of them have both a toilet and a urinal. More than once, I've gone in there with a partner and it's been a race for the latter. The toilet doesn't get used. 😋
  5. Don't rush on my part. Unlike some things, I can hold out for this. 😀
  6. What can be done is, if you press the SHIFT key along with ENTER, you get a single space like this: I know it isn't perfect, but it's a good workaround.
  7. I think at times we all feel lonely. Even when family and friends are around, it often feels as if no one is paying us the attention we need. It's all too easy to fall into the trap of self pity. I've been there myself. Most of the time I work out of the house. I can go for several days without ever making face to face contact with a person. But, once a month or so, I get to travel and get to talk with real live people. It must be hard for you not having that opportunity. That's why the internet must be a godsend. It is for me. Sure, at times you feel like you're talking to a wall, b
  8. Another writer, I see. While I got my degree in science, I make my living writing.
  9. I'm not sure I call it fun testing a full bladder, unless I'm all alone. Then I can enjoy some of those exercises without worrying I'll leak. But, I've been caught short out in public and it's not what I consider comfortable. Many times I've tried not to be so obvious that I was needing to get a good grip on things.
  10. Exactly! I went on a trip less than two weeks ago. When I left there were piles of snow, sometimes three and four feet high. I came back the end of last week, not only finding all the snow gone, but temperatures in the 70s. I think I missed spring this year.
  11. No need to apologize. While it's always lovely to see what you post, your friends here are only virtual. You have want I hope is your best real friend at home.
  12. An interesting challenge game, no doubt! Of course, if the rules were slightly changed, I'm sure you would have won. 😋
  13. In your case, it's not the ones on stage who are giving the best performance!
  14. This paints a most lovely picture in my mind. I'd don't think I'm the only one who enjoys seeing a woman do this, either. It may not be all that common to see, but perhaps it's that element of surprise that makes it so hot for me.
  15. Craigslist has shut down one of it's most popular sections this week, following the passage of the Senate’s Stop Enabling Sex Traffickers Act. While Craigslist has maintained the links to sections on its homepages, clicking on them will bring up a statement that the content is no longer available for fear of putting the entire site at risk. On the bright side, perhaps this will bring an upsurge in new members here.
  16. Likewise. I guess this explains why there are people you meet with whom you make a powerful connection.
  17. It kind of then makes it our duty, maybe our purpose, to channel our energies wisely.
  18. I see magic(k) as more the mirror image of science, something in a parallel universe or altered space. The two do not conflict, but rather enhance one another. Working together, hand in hand, like yin and yang, they take us places we could never get to by either one alone.
  19. Maybe we should impose a "truth in advertising" rule as well? I've often been drawn into a profile only to find things aren't as they seem.
  20. glad1

    Wheres Puddyls?

    I've missed her. too. But, I thought it was just my aim off.
  21. You know, I started it some years ago, but never could get the ending right. In real life, Joanne and I hung out together for almost a year, then our lives got crazy. We both moved away with weeks of each other. I never saw her again. And, while I've looked many times, I've yet to find her on social media.
  22. Hope everybody is safe, Scot. We'll keep you and the girls in our thoughts.
  23. Too many people buy furniture just for looks and never use them. I really hope your table never suffers that fate.
  24. I think you've hit the nail on the head here. Sure, I come here for the pictures and videos, but much more so for discussion and conversation. I, for one, would like to see a great deal more emphasis placed on original content and interaction. While we may be distant in terms of miles, if we share our perspectives and observations, then, and only then, we can become close friends.
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