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Everything posted by glad1

  1. Some lovely hot tinkles. 😛 Too bad you had to waste them in a toilet. Hope you have some opportunities to be, er, creative.
  2. Actually, you probably don't want to be too full, maybe three-quarters or so. If you're at the point you're desperate, you won't be able to control where you go. What I always suggest is that you practice as much as possible, say whenever you're in the shower see if you can aim for the drain.
  3. As a 59 year old American male, I'm old enough to be your father! 😮 (How did I let myself get that way?) As for my answers, they're probably way different from yours. Fav movies: an eclectic mix of current and classic, often foreign. Recently saw Green Book and The Mercy. I'd earlier seen what The Upside is based upon. Fav tv shows: These days I watch little tv, but faves in the last decade have been, Mad Men, NCIS and Boston Legal. Fav foods: I pretty much stick to a macrobiotic diet, but when I eat out it's usually Japanese, Thai or Italian. Fav bands: have a few
  4. Had to pee badly and it was too cold to go outside. I've had a lot to drink today, so might have to go again soon.
  5. No sense risking frostbite on your most sensitive parts. It's not much below -10C here, but I'm staying inside today. Of course, I'm not as daring as you Canadians.
  6. Still, I don't expect you'll be writing your name in the snow today, nor even making a heart.
  7. Yeah, but that only -25 C, as in Canadian!
  8. You were absolutely lovely. It's just me that's not going down okay. 😉😝
  9. It's amazing what the power of suggestion will do. I was doing fine until you posted your pic. Thought you might like to know I used a cup, too.
  10. I love it when a girl is into her cups. 😝
  11. In my book, there's at least a kernel of truth. Whoever this guy was, he was incredibly good. As for the burning of witches and such, if you ever listened to his words, you know he never condoned such stuff.
  12. Hopefully there will be more opportunities. You're not the only one with a fondness for Lavtian women. I have a great recollection of their Olympic volleyball team.
  13. Yeah, this is almost me. 😊
  14. Practically every day I'm on the road I do at least one. I keep hoping one of my friends from here will catch me.
  15. I do, indeed! 😛 But, I did manage to write my name in the snow yesterday. Of course, it was "only" -25C.
  16. The thought of you losing control doesn't help my aim either.
  17. As a writer, this often happens to me. And, since I get paid based on what I write, I'd better get over it quick. But, there are times when it doesn't go away by itself. That's when I know I need to take a break, even if it's only half a day. Hopefully, your batteries will get refilled. And whatever else.
  18. One would think you could get a few girls to help.
  19. I'm sure I've seen girls a lot better than you. 😝
  20. Nothing like seeing if you can clear a 5-foot fence.
  21. I went out for a long bike ride one afternoon this past summer. I'd been on the road, traveling for my work, much as I had for a lot of the year. This particular week I was visiting where I lived some years ago, so I knew my way around. I planned a route that took me down mostly back roads, along fields and forests, then two beaches, before returning me by way of more countryside. It had been rainy the past two, almost three, days and I was getting cabin fever. Finally, about mid-day, the clouds started to break up and the roads began to dry. It was almost four before I left, which meant
  22. While this piece is pure fiction, I'm sure there's a grain of truth somewhere! 😀 We'd been married a few years and, between us both working long hours and numerous crises with relatives and friends, I think the passion we enjoyed in the early days had somehow fallen by the way. I knew I needed to bring that feeling back, but how? I did some thinking and decided we'd have dates again, of the kind when we started going out. So, I proposed that the next day we were both off we'd go for a scenic ride, take a walk to a secluded spot where we could play and then watch the sun go down from som
  23. Most any one about ten feet in front of me.
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