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Posts posted by DoctorDoctor

  1. 37 minutes ago, marking my territory said:

    You're absolutely right, all men contribute to leave their scent. Most men don't let their primal instincts take over, if they did, I'm sure we would be witness to a lot more openly peeing in public

    @marking my territory  Women need to mark and leave their scent in different locations too!  (That is a topic I hope is expanded upon in a different forum.)

    • Agree 2
  2. 1 hour ago, Sophie said:

    Yeah I've done ADS-B and AIS! Had more luck with the ADS-B than the other. ISS telemetry? All I've found on Google is things like SSTV and ham radio contacts. I can see telemetry?


    Main telemetry is Ku band satellite.  It used to send data burst with GPS position every 2 seconds on 145.825 MHz when no amateur radio stuff was active.

  3. 5 hours ago, Sophie said:

    I use a RTL-SDR Blog V3 paired with a Moonraker Skyscan discone antenna in the loft. I haven't done any satellite work yet, I have managed to pick up the signal from one of the NOAA satellites but I am not set up yet to capture the APT images they transmit. I need to set up my dipole antenna in a V configuration and it needs to be outdoors. It is something I wish to do though, I have all the software ready, satellite predictions etc, I just need to be prepared and sit outside.

    61R79w7h9NL._AC_SL1500_.thumb.jpg.78fb6498ec32a1af8b5cd025ff6b1796.jpg dwi1077_1.jpg

    Cool setup.  The ISS telemetry is easy to hear when it passes over your location with even a small outdoor antenna.  There is also ADS-B for aircraft and AIS for ships depending on your location to marine areas.  All fun and fairly strong signals to receive.

  4. 1 hour ago, Sophie said:

    This isn't really a project but I hope it is okay to share here.

    I have a SDR, or Software Defined Radio. It's essentially a USB dongle that lets me connect an antenna and listen to all sorts of different radio signals. A bit like the FM stereo you have at home, but on steroids.

    Right now I am tracking a weather balloon! It has a little transmitter on it and I can pick up the signal it is transmitting, and with some nerdery and a little software I can see where it is on a map, how high it is, how cold it is etc. There are websites out there that do this, but I am doing it with my own device, no internet required. I think it's awesome!! I am more than happy to go into more detail about my setup or anything else if anyone is interested.



    Screenshot 2023-09-25 003934.png

    Screenshot 2023-09-25 004020.png

    Very cool, @Sophie.  Can I ask what kind of USB SDR you use?  Have you done any satellite work?

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, ppppppp said:

    Too much pee porn is shot from directly ahead, or directly behind, too close, and with the poor girl forced into an unnatural pose.

    Even when there is little to see, I enjoy watching women sitting or kneeling on the ground to pee.  Or a good high hover where there is a stream falling from her.  

    When she's squatting it's hot to get even a glimpse of thigh and bum from a side angle, and even more so to see her stream and puddle.

    Agreed!  Any natural pose is good.  Not very much is filmed from the woman's POV where she is looking down at her stream and the resulting growing puddle.  Seeing the stream is 100% necessary, otherwise it might as well be nude yoga (but nothing wrong with that either).


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  6. I am not a fan of personally peeing through underwear, but I do enjoy stills and videos of people enjoying peeing through their own.

    There are so many types of fabrics and styles.  Boxers, briefs, thongs, "boyshorts", cotton, satin, silk, lace, sheer pantyhose, etc.

    So, those of you who enjoy this activity, do you have a favorite fabric, style, etc. and why?

    (Maybe I am just "doing it wrong" and would enjoy it more with the right underwear.)


  7. 37 minutes ago, gldenwetgoose said:

    I don't know about anybody else's FB accounts, but mine keeps highlighting these #driftgirl type reels for me to watch.

    No idea why it keeps doing that (could it be 'cos I keep watching them - closely?).


    I get similar ones, but they seem to feature only the busty women, not the upskirts.  Are there multiple categories of "drift" vids?

  8. 37 minutes ago, arigalo said:

    I love the feeling of peeing while high! Last fall I took a small edible before going on a night walk, and the whole experience was amazing. We had just started to dip into 50-degree nights, so there was a really nice tingly feeling to the cool air. At some point I needed to pee, so I found a secluded spot to go and I can't even describe how perfect it felt. I tend to have all of my senses dialed up when I'm high, so it was like I could feel it much more fully. That sensory experience combined with the genuine relief I was feeling was incredible.

    ..... and now I've talked myself into doing another edible tonight. 😅

    If you feel like sharing your pissing experience - I'd enjoy reading about it.

    • Like 1
  9. On 3/9/2023 at 12:20 AM, Lilly bowman said:

    So I was just playing search with a couple of guys and one of them was drinking a shit ton of beer so he said he was going to take a piss. After a few seconds I heard him pissing with the mic on lmao. He did it in front of the whole game thru game chat and we all just sat there silent. It was a long ass time to cause he really had to go 😂 


    A few games later we were just sitting in the lobby and all of s sudden we hear someone peeing and I literally said “are you pissing again”? And he was like yeah lol I drank a lot so I piss a lot. 

    I loved hearing him take a leak. Would have been cooler if he went in a bottle with the mic on haha would love to hear gamechats reaction to that! 


    Hi Lilly, Do you have any experience of peeing while gaming (or anywhere for that matter) you would like to share?  I would enjoy hearing them! 🙂


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  10. 7 hours ago, Emilaze said:

    😂😂😂 This I relate to alot unfortunately. Its like you're trying to pee faster so that people dont catch you, but then that very act leads to almost getting caught/seen. 😭 

    It always sounds loudest to the person doing the peeing. There are a lot of sounds to drown it out if outdoors, but not indoors or a parking garage.  If outdoors in a city, go for it.

  11. 24 minutes ago, tulipslane said:

    Oooh, I recently acquired a FWB who shares my kink AND has a stash of edibles. I just might have to propose a holding contest next time we get together...

    Sounds like a fun plan.  Let us know the results!

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  12. 1 hour ago, iLoveGirlsPissingOutside said:

    They told me they're interested in having me pee on them, but I'm more into watching people pee. They've also told me they know how to pee standing up, 

    If they have told you these 2 facts, then I think they may be pretty open about peeing in front of you.  Maybe suggest that you would like a demonstration of their knowlege of how to pee standing.  Then be honest that you are into watching that.

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