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Posts posted by DoctorDoctor

  1. 6 hours ago, ndemarino said:

    I spread my legs as wide as possible and pushed out a strong, intense arc of piss that splashed the wood chips 3 feet infront of me. 


    6 hours ago, ndemarino said:

    II push hard and watch a beautiful and powerful arc of piss flow feet in front of me and shower the bushes about 10 feet below. 

    Those strong arcing pees sound like fun to do and beautiful to watch. 

    6 hours ago, ndemarino said:

    I’ve been trying to think of places to pee inside that wouldn’t be noticeable but they’re really neat and organized people and I feel like they would notice if something was damp or smelled even a little like pee. I could pee on the tile or wood but I don’t want to clean anything up. I’ll probably try to piss a few more naughty places before the week is up so any suggestions are greatly appreciated 😉 

    I suggest using the large outdoor spaces to release some more unrestained pee streams.

  2. 4 hours ago, peegirl99 said:

    Decided to eat my lunch on the patio. I had been holding all morning and while sipping my lemonade and enjoying my lunch in the sun the need became too much. I emptied my bladder while relaxing back in my chair. 


    Nice puddle. Have you ever tried for distance or peeing on an object?

  3. 9 hours ago, weequeen said:

    it’s evening here and i’ve had only two breaks so far, my morning pee and one around 2pm. currently needing to pee right now and holding just because. 

    Either your fluid is limited or those are some volumous pees (or both).


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  4. 5 hours ago, Kirby23 said:

    It's not common in Indonesia for people to discuss bathroom habits, but I've seen videos, and (based on the videos), it looks like to women enter the cubicle, close the door, pull up skirts/dresses, squat, pee on floor, then use a scoop of water (from a bucket) to clean themselves and wash the pee and water toward the floor drain. 

    In the videos I've seen, it seems the women don't make any particular effort to pee over the drain. The just squat and pee wherever they feel like (within the cubicle), then use the water to wash it all toward the floor drain. 

    This is what I have seen in the videos.

    Two things strike me as culturally different:

    1.  Having a concrete floored room in my house

    2.  Just peeing on said floor instead of into some sort of toilet/urinal device that goes directly to a pipe.

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  5. I was on one of the popular video sites and came across a collection of different women from India (according to the video labelling and the clothing style) urinating in what appeared to be their homes (not apartments or commercial toilets).  In all of the videos, I didn't see any toilet (Western, squat or otherwise), just concrete floors.  I really didn't see a drain either - their urine just splattered and pooled across the floor.   All of these women appeared to be peeing in rooms with a plain floors or maybe there was a toilet out of view.

    I assume that the drain was also out of view and that these rooms are some sort of a showering/bathing room that doubled as a place to pee (regularly? or maybe just for the videos?).

    • Can anyone from India or that has lived in India elaborate on this floorplan or place?
    • Where do they go to the toilet if they need more than to just pee?
    • Do guests just openly pee in this concrete room too?

    There seem to be many videos and I am curious in the cultural differences to this porn.

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  6. On 8/4/2023 at 4:19 AM, ABBYPEEGODDESS said:

    When I am desperate oh man I really don’t care where and what I wet I usually aim away from things but sometimes you gotta go.

    @ABBYPEEGODDESS I agree with your philosiphy of not caring when you gotta go, With your extra large bladder capacity and strong stream how do you decide where to aim?  Is protecting your privacy and modesty more important, or choosing the place your pee goes more important?

  7. 6 minutes ago, Alygal1331 said:

    2. I find that sometimes I need to clench and unclench 2-3x after I finish releasing my bladder so I can get the last drops out. If I don’t, I usually end up releasing a small spurt/couple of drops into my panties after I’ve wiped and redressed. Even if I do try to clear the line, so to speak, I will still sometimes end up with damp panties. 

    I think a big portion of people quietly have this problem.

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  8. On 8/4/2023 at 8:26 PM, Bacardi said:


    I had such a stressful day today, wherein I spent most of it in the hospital. I went to pee and found the toilet up like this. Ya'll 💀 why does it look like a face???? I had a laughing fit in the bathroom just looking at it.

    Also say hello to my foot lol. Cant be bothered to crop it out rn.

    I agree that it looks like a face, but interesting design.  I wonder the purpose.

  9. 1 minute ago, vivi54 said:

    I've always been kinda interested in taking up urbexing as a hobby, but sadly never lived anywhere with many abandoned places...

    But the ones I have been to I've also peed in


    Any particular places or objects you enjoy watering in the abandoned buildings?

  10. 7 hours ago, InsertName said:

    My body wanted more than a slow release of pressure and muscle spasms, similar to orgasmic contractions, pressed bursts of piss from my body. They flooded the funnel and overflowed my warm urine against my sensitive lips and through the chair’s mesh seat. After a few such bursts, I just removed the funnel and allowed my body to just take control. 


    @InsertName This part of the description is very hot!

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  11. 2 hours ago, Kupar said:
    • Measuring / competitions (distance contest, volume) ... we haven't done a holding contest because I would lose 😉 
    • Bath-tub-based golden shower
    • Simultaneous pee into a bucket  
    • Wetting for viewing pleasure
    • Extinguishing tea-light candles with pee (take it in turns)
    • Pee outside together (yard, countryside, beach)
    • Wetting while sitting on lap
    • Nonchalant peeing in the kitchen



    Have you considered "handicapping" the events that you believe their is a significant difference, like in golf or other sports?  Like she give you an extra 100 ml to your volume or you give her an extra 30 cm for distance (made up values for examples)?

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  12. 1 hour ago, panelvanman said:

    My go to used to be "have fun in there!" But more recently I've been saying "smile for the camera!" (There's no cameras in there obviously) or to really confuse them I'll ask "bring me something back when you do" . It's funny to me and I only think it works because of the weird mid-west sense of humor we all share.

    My phrase was "Pee for me too, while you are in there!"

    • Haha 1
  13. 1 hour ago, waterspurtsquirt said:

    Hello all, it’s been a while!

    I thought while I’m a little bit high and horny, I’d recollect some of my favourite pissing experiences I’ve had over the year and a bit since I moved and got a bit more freedom. Most are the naughty pees I like to do around my house, and some fun watersports stuff:

    • We also have a basement area outside, I’ve sat on the stairs leading down, pulled down my pants and pissed a fountain down them. I also hurriedly went into a back corner, pulled back my T-dick and sprayed the floor and walls in there. It felt soooo good, I did it a few more times before, and slightly sprayed a few things in storage (nothing too important down there anyway!) 

    • I’ve had a few accidents in my kitchen and either rushed outside or to the shower to quickly spray down the tile with a big power piss. 

    • Wet myself a lot in the bathroom, over the toilet, in the shower and on the floor. Have had a few pissgasms in there, especially when using the shower head to get off. I also love to piss in the shower- just letting it run down my legs without the shower on, pissing casually taking a shower; I also like to power piss all the way up the tile, it’s so fucking fun! I also loooove spreading my legs and pissing a big arching stream in the bath, and also aiming it all over myself. Me and my partner love to piss on each other in the shower too! 

    • I had to reeeeeeally go after a job interview that was far away from my house, there was luckily a foresty- park area nearby, so I wanered around to find somewhere private and pulled my pants down and stood up, spraying it forward in front of me. 

    • I use an old washing up bucket sometimes as a sort of potty when I know I’ll soon really need to go but I know I’m gonna be lazy and not go to the bathroom soon. So I have often put it under my ass and sat on it while playing video games or when my partner is out and I just piss off the side of the bed into it. 

    These particular experiences that I highlighted are awesome to read about.

  14. 2 hours ago, kitty and mimi said:

    does anyone know how policewomen pee while on duty?I heard that policewomen have more issues than policemen when it came to urination while on duty. some European countries have stand urinals on the street for men who work outdoor, including policemen. all they need to do is unzip their pants to pee while stand up without take off their pants, sitting down and dealing with their gun belt,but police women cannot use them. I saw that in some eastern Asian countries, including japan and Hong Kong, police women wear skirt rather than pants as uniform during summer, and gun are less likely carried by policewomen in Asia , compare to western countries, therefore, gun belt may not be a issue for policewomen in Asia. also, western sitting toilets are more common in west, and it maybe too hard for policewomen to find clean toilet, unlike Asia, that there are more squat toilets.

    how do police women find clean toilets to sit down to pee while on duty in western countries?how do they deal with their gun and gun belts?will they drop their gun if they hover to pee? will they accidentally fire their gun while urinating? do they load their guns before go inside the ladies room? if their guns are unloaded, will they get ambush attacked in ladies room? will they just squat to pee outdoor, if they cannot find clean bathroom? will they get ambush attacked if they squat to pee outdoor?

    I'll comment, because men have to sit on Western toilets while on duty too for a #2.  Yes, the duty belt is somewhat of a problem.  There is all kinds of equipment attached.  The "nightstick"/baton is by far the worst due to the length.  The pistol is loaded and secured in the holster at all times (it is actually latched in) and can't go off in a proper holster.   As @Sophie suggests, this is not that much of a problem.

  15. 9 hours ago, Wetling said:

    Seriously, I never understood this antisocial behaviour of opening restrooms only for customers. People affected should piss right in front of the counter to make a point.

    The homeless use them as their personal bathroom (for bathing) and drug addicts get high or overdose in them.  That's why they are so restricted.

  16. 7 hours ago, BGSB86 said:

    I’ve done this many times out of emergency. It’s a little hard since the neck of the bottle is so narrow, but if you’re standing still it’s not really a problem. In a car, now that’s another story. 

    There are some brands of sports drinks that come in bottles with larger necks and can hold a liter.  Even if the neck was big enough, those 500 mL water or 20 oz (591 ml) soft drink bottles are going to hold enough for me.

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