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Posts posted by DoctorDoctor

  1. 7 hours ago, avatar said:

    It was last night for me and the video was actually something "home-made", namely a vid of me peeing into a large bottle to measure my bladder. It was really the first time I've ever recorded myself like that and never had I expected watching yourself pee from that POV would be such an incredible turn on. Well, it turns out it is.

    I agree those are fun.  They may not initially feel like a turn on, but re-watching with the sound and the sense of accomplishment of a huge bottle-filling pee are the best.

  2. I wish they were real, but I am going to have to say fake.  Two reasons, their perfect hemishperical shape defies gravity (but that could be because her arms are up) and the top, inner surface seems to have a wierd "valley" where it meets up to her pec. muscles.

    Just a guess.


  3. I go mostly all in one go.  If I try, I can manage to squeeze another quick squirt or two after the main stream, but it definitely isn't a "stream" - probably just reminants "in the pipe".  Oh, I should add that my stream doesn't really slowly trickle down to drips, it slows and then ends fairly abruptly.


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  4. 1 hour ago, avatar said:

    Oh, something I wouldn't expect. I've encountered piss on the floor in the men's toiletes a lot of times, but it always obviously just guys being shit at aiming lol. 

    I agree.  Seeing pee intentionally on the floor in the men's rooom is rare.  Most puddles are due to brief blasts due to bad aim!

  5. 15 minutes ago, RainyDay said:

    Let's say you and a partner/friend/whatever were interested in a day of naughty peeing. Would you find it fun for them to tell you where to go?

    I love knowing what turns people on, so I would probably find it very exciting for someone to give me instructions, like "I want to watch you pee all over the carpet." 

    Followup question: would you find it fun if they surprised you with places to pee? I feel like it would be fun to blindfold a guy and lead him to different places in the house, pull his dick out, and tell him to start peeing. I would aim it so that he could just relax. He would hear the pitter pattering and know that he's peeing somewhere naughty, but he wouldn't know exactly where. 

    Apparently, these are the thoughts keeping me awake tonight. 😂 I'm curious to know if anyone else has similar fantasies.

    If you need a suggestion, how about marking a vertical surface with your stream.

  6. 2 hours ago, sd91 said:

    When it snowed in December, I decided I simply had to piss on it.

    I go over to the recessed area, and the snow is untouched! This recess is essentially a diagonal line where the bungalow narrows. On the other end of the alley is the front of another bungalow, and the blinds seem to be drawn. I'm desperate for a wee, especially now I'm in the cold, so I'm just going to do it. I back against the wall and I can't see the walkway or the main road. Perfect! I unbutton my jeans and slide them down along with my black knickers and drop into a squat. I feel the cold air over my pussy, the very short ginger hairs around it, not doing much to keep it warm. There squatted over the street pavement I try to wee. Despite being desperate I feel like I might have chosen quite an open place and can't start. I look left to right over at the other bungalow and the walkway. I look at that the window I've chosen to squat a metre from. It's now or never and I force out a yellow morning pee with a strong hiss as the urine leaves my labia and splashes down onto the snow in front of me. Steam firstly comes off the snow before I notice my stream also has steam coming off it in mid air due to the difference in temperature! Although the snow must have been nearly 6 inches thick, I piss my way through it with a small hole after a few seconds with an unusually high pressure stream. I have a quick look around before then playing with my stream by making a 'pee V' with my fingers. Basically an upside down v shape with two fingers, and placing them each side of your vagina. I pull back and forth for a couple of seconds before going left or right. I might have mistimed this as my stream started to die down, or it might have just been a mistake as I ended up weeing on my fingers spraying my stream left and right. I lift up my hand and shake it a little whilst I let my stream dwindle. I let out one final squirt which sprays an inch or so further than where my stream originally was going. The result of this was that there was a small but slightly expanding hole all the way through to the pavement with a yellow rim, with yellow droplets spattered all around it. You could also see a build up of my piss permeating through from the bottom of the hole and to the rest of the area, making the whole area a lighter yellow. 

    Thanks for posting such an erotic and descriptive experience!  Now, if you would excuse me for a moment, something came up that I need to take care of.

  7. 21 hours ago, Lalayla557 said:

    Thank you guys!! It doesn’t bother me massively that he’s not into it tbf… I kinda like that it’s a little secret, makes me feel more naughty! I haven’t peed against a wall for a while but am on a train and have just filled up a bottle rather than using the toilet!😁

    . . . .


    Welcome to the site and thanks for sharing.  Great aim and good amount of pee in that bottle.  Good thing you didn't much more.  I like the name on the bottle too.  Hope you can experience your pee against a wall soon!

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  8. Pee shivers? 

    You know when you are peeing and have a sudden whole body shiver like you are cold.  I get them randomly, but never know when it will happen.

    How many people get them?  Any particular circumstances?  Men only or women too?

  9. 11 minutes ago, wettingman said:

    Also for some reason I cannot compleatly empty my bladder sitting dowm. If I need to sit to do the other thing, I always must stand to finish. I still feel the need to go after I released what I can sitting down . There is probably a third of my bladder left . It has been that way as long as I can remember. 


    I agree and also notice a severely reduced flow rate while sitting and more difficulty in emptying completely.  I always attributed it to having to bend my penis downward and tuck it behind the seat, to prevent it from flopping onto the seat and peeing over the front.

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  10. 12 minutes ago, AbbyPeePrincess said:

    I was talking about this to my grandpa he said his father my great grandfather pee in a troughs when he was a bar in the uk in the 1960’s in a rundown bar 

    Bars commonly have troughs (to this day) inside of the men's room to pee into.  Is this what he was meaning?

    I have never seen troughs around the base of a bar (besides the pictures of antiques in this thread) to pee into,

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