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Posts posted by DoctorDoctor

  1. On 1/16/2021 at 4:36 PM, Ppgirl said:

    Have you ever been disappointed by your own pee?   

    So, I was told to do some holding today, which I did 😇 I drank 3 glasses of water, then 2 more, one larger glass of juice and one more of water. Enough to fill me up quickly. I held for a couple of hours, studying to distract myself from the ache in my bladder. As I don't live alone, I don't have too much opportunities for a naughty pee, so, I decided to pee in the tub when the moment comes. I held some more and finally got to relieve my bladder which was painfully full for about some time now.

    I stripped my bottoms and panties, and sat over the edge of my tub. Just a second before I was about to release a torrent of pee, I got a video call. I had to take it, I was jumpy the entire time. I could feel my bladder pulsing. 5 painful minutes later I was positioned over the bathtub again. I let out a small trickle of pee when I heard a knock on the bathroom. I quickly jumped up, said that the bathroom was occupied and locked the door.

    When I finally leaned over the edge once again I completely relaxed and pee started to smoothly flow out of me. BUT IT ONLY LASTED A LITTLE OVER 30 SECONDS. I was quite disappointed. I expected my bladder to burst out all the liquid I've been holding. I did enjoy peeing in a tub like that, but I wanted to let out more pee. And I still felt that my bladder wasn't completely empty. So, I jumped in the bathtub to take a shower and soon enough, an urge striked again.

    This time I was just standing in the tub letting the pee pool inside my hand while I touched myself. The warm sensation of my pee in hand and against my pussy really turned me on. I had to turn off my shower as my pee was as clear as water and I wanted to properly feel it against me and leaking down my legs. I peed for good 20 seconds. I was still disappointed I didn't pee more. I guess I'd have to drink more next time.

    Sounds like some urgent, big and strong pees.  I like the image of you sitting on the edge of the tub with your pussy positioned over the edge.  Maybe you pee quickly and 30 seconds is actually a large volume.  Each person is different.  If you had fun, that is what matters, right?

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  2. I was travelling and stopped at a public toilet with a full bladder.  I let my pee stream spray onto the mat in the bottle of the urinal (used to keep debris out of the drain) and suprisingly, no splatter at all.

    Normally, I get at least some splatter (most stays inside of the urinal).

    This one looked like others that I have seen, with many tightly spaced rods sticking up about 3-4 mm.  Most of the other ones only reduce the splatter, but this one actually worked!

    I didn't see a name on it, but I had to comment that it worked perfectly as intended.


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  3. 3 minutes ago, Bacardi said:

    Recently I have been wanting someone to pee on me when I wake up 😬 and, on the other end I really would love to be cuddling with someone as the big spoon with my leg wrapped around their hip and pee on their back while they are waking up. 

    I have never tried "watersports" or being the recipient of a naughty stream, but @Bacardi your scenario sounds like something that would make me want to try.

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  4. 7 hours ago, Girllikespee said:

    I was just in the bath and needed to pee. Typically I'll just relax let it flow into the water. This time I laid back and spread my legs. I started to pee straight up into the air, pushing hard to send a stream of pee a couple feet into the air. 

    Pee fountains are beautiful.

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  5. I am in a long-term relationship and not currently looking to date, but I do remember trying a few dating sites, a couple of years ago.  I recently had memories (or "flashbacks") of my experiences and wondered if the dating sites had become better or worse lately.

    I vividly remember wading through so many seemingly fake profiles (postal/zip codes that didn't make sense, same picture under multiple profile names, looked way to go to be real, etc.) only to get no responses from messages that I sent or messages saying that they were overwhelmed by too many messages.

    Admitedly, I've been "whacked hard by the ugly stick," and I'm slightly below average height for a guy which didn't help my cause.  I got a disappointingly few messages, profile views, or "ping-backs" (or the metric of the site).

    I wish I could pull back their "curtain" and mine their activity data - like distribution of profiles views, ping-backs, messages sent, messages received, etc.

    My first estimation is that ~50% of the women's profiles are fake, and my second guess is that 10% of the remaining real profiles get 95% of the activity.

    I wonder how such sites can remain econmically viable, if all they do is generate mostly dissatisfied customers.  Maybe there is an endless supply of customers to be dissatisfied.

    Have these site continued to get worse or have they actually used technology to improve?

  6. 8 hours ago, arigalo said:

    So, last night I was finally able to pee outside! It wasn’t my favorite pee experience unfortunately, really the problem was that I was having trouble finding a good spot to release. It was late enough for most people to be off the streets, but not late enough for people to be asleep, so there were way too many house lights on and I was worried with one look out of a window people could have seen me. What I really wanted to do more than anything was squat between two cars (which given the circumstances would have provided the best cover) but all of the cars were parked in pretty well-lot areas. 

    Eventually, I needed to go badly enough that I just decided to squat in the darkest driveway I could find. I took a picture afterwards, but unfortunately since the driveway was so dark, I didn’t notice until taking the picture that I had just peed over a bunch of leaves! So it’s not my best pic, but if you look closely you can see the wet parts. 😅


    I can clearly see a big pee puddle!  Thanks for sharing.

  7. 10 minutes ago, Malika said:

    Unluckily no potted plants to pee on there, because the furnishings had been removed for the works. Anyway, after a brief evaluation I noticed that among the working equipment and materials abandoned there in the rooms, there was a bag of white powder (lime? gypsum?) that the workers left open and leaning against a wall behind a corner. It was perfect! The size, the position, everything! I would have used it as "litter box" with the advantage that if somebody would have come later after me, he would not have found my visible puddle.
    So, I did, because now I was really bursting.
    I pulled up my skirt and panties down at the knees, taking a squat right over the opening of the bag, in order to direct my stream all inside the bag and not to wet outside. Then I finally released my pee in a strong vertical stream that hit the powder making a lot of noise and foam. It was never ending and extremely relieving.

    Thank you for sharing that awesome pee experience!  I especially enjoyed your detailed description of how you peed in an urgent and naughty way, but with care to not leave noticable signs.  You could have just released that urgent pee in any private spot without any care, but you took care to make it secretive.

    • Thanks 1
  8. 17 hours ago, PeeGurl74 said:

    The thing about pee, is it's a natural function that we can enjoy while doing it. Before the invention of toilets, our buildings for that matter, what do we think people did back then. They probably walked somewhere away from people, squatted, spread their legs, or whipped it out and pissed. 

    Privacy while peeing is probably a modern habit since clothing and modern toilets.  Outhouses were usually used for #2, but peeing happened in chamber pots in front of, or near, other family members.  They probably just moved far enough away from each other so they didn't splatter each other.  I can't think of any other animals that care if they pee in front of each other.

  9. Similar to the thread "Favourite surface to pee on?" 

    What is everyone's favorite pee sound (to make with your own pee) or enjoying listening to?

    I'll go first.

    I like a lot of the sounds, but the sound of a strong stream filling up a paper (or plastic container) is my favorite.  The splashing when combined with the rising pitch of a rising liquid level is so hot.

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  10. 15 hours ago, Alfresco said:

    Fantastic experience.   Sounds like she may have done that because she didn't want to go and pee next to the person that was sleeping on the floor next to the toilet and that was an ingenious and convenient method, which also gave you a great experience.

    Did the person sleeping in the bathroom deliberately set up camp there or did they fall asleep drunk whilst in there?  If the former, a great idea if they wanted to potentially witness others using the toilet!

    Did you find out what anyone else did about peeing whilst the toilet was "occupied"?   I wonder if anyone peed on the toilet next to the sleeping friend or whether they used the bath tub, kitchen sink, went outside etc?   I take it you didn't find any puddles on the floor or you probably would have mentioned it.

    What did you do about your own peeing need?

    My GF isn't into pee at all and I am sure she thought of using the pail an an inconvience since the toilet was occupied.  She wasn't doing it for me.

    I had peed in the toilet just before the drunk party-goer went into the toilet sick or passed out.  I was sleeping and I didn't find out he was in there until the next morning, but I figured something was going on, because my GF would never normally pee outside of the toilet.

    I seriously doubt the person was trying to witness peeing, but was just very drunk and possibly sick.

    I didn't hear or ask what everyone else did for peeing, but I would guess the kitchen sink was an option.  I didn't find any obvious puddles after the party.

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  11. 1 hour ago, Eliminature said:

    Whilst photographs of my pissing seem to be well received on this website on the whole, sometimes Mr E and I don't always get it right. 

    Last night was one example. We had been at a gig and I had been hoping to get another piss shot for my thread. I made sure to drink plenty of the post-gig water that we had with us and not go to the loo so I could get a decent shot. When we arrived at the secure parking garage where our vehicle is permanently stored, Mr E went first because he was already twitchy. He pissed a long, splashy stream into a corner and then it was my turn. 

    Before I continue with the story, I would like to address a point right now that I've been asked about before. I only had a light pressure on my bladder at this point. I don't know why it is, but I don't seem to get desperate very much. I really don't know why. One reason may be that I have to avoid drinks (and foods for that matter) which contain artificial sweeteners, colourings etc for medical reasons. I've been told that these can have an effect on a person's desperation. The truth is, I'm not really into desperation and I don't get desperate very often. If desperation is your thing, then I'm sorry but my posts probably aren't your thing. 

    Now, having just arrived from a gig, I was rocking double (faux) leather; a leather jacket and a miniskirt. I lifted the faux leather skirt as Mr E got into position with the phone - then I let loose. I was standing about a metre and a half from the wall and I sent a strong, pale gold stream shooting forward from my loins. It hit the wall and went trickling down in streams and meandering rivulets. Tiny drops flecked from this golden stream like sparks. Beautiful! All the while, Mr E fumbled with the phone. 

    I forced out the final drops, shook myself dry and smoothed down my skirt - only to discover that Mr E had taken precisely two photographs - neither of which showed the stream. He'd taken a pic of me standing with my skirt lifted and underwear pulled aside, getting ready. And another of the puddle/wet patch I'd made against the wall. 🤦‍♀️ Nothing else. Well, I couldn't upload those, they were no good. With hindsight, I could have probably uploaded them here, but in frustration at the situation I deleted them both. Which I regret doing now. 

    We're out again this evening, so we'll try again tonight. I thought ny fellow urophiles would enjoy reading about the experience anyway, even if there were no photographs to enjoy. 

    Also, I don't care what anyone says: double leather will always be a look! 😉

    Good to hear that the cause of the "outake" wasn't the peeing, but the photography.  The description is great.  I am sure there are many of the members here that enjoy pics of the resulting puddles and wet patches.  Thanks for posting the experience.

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  12. 3 hours ago, pguy2981 said:

    Tonight however was a nice change of pace. I woke up with a painful twinge in my bladder, and with the thickest, hardest hard-on I've had in a long time. You know, the kind of hard-on where you flex your muscles down there and your cock is so hard that it doesn't move up an inch, like its made of diamond. I haven't had sex in a long while, so the idea of doing anything sexual really leaves me at half-mast. So my first thought was "Damn, no one's here to take advantage of me and its a shame". My second thought was how badly I needed a piss, which made me think of how my friend on here hasn't seen me piss on the carpet yet.

    Wow, Just wanted to say that I know this experience well!  I find a moderate full bladder the best.  Like 8 out of 10.  Sometimes after it takes more than one "session" to expell all of the built up fluids, and I don't mean pee.

  13. 5 hours ago, Sophie said:

    That absolutely terrified me as a teen. Apparently it leaves at 30 mph. I don't want to be shot!! 

    @Sophie Absolutely no offense with the laighing emoji.  I just hope that you have overcome your fear and have learned no injury is caused by that speed.

  14. 4 hours ago, Eliminature said:


    Swiped from Twitter - a rare example of the once ubiquitous trough urinal at Roker Park in Sunderland. 

    Is that a handwashing sink or a water fountain for drinking right next to the trough?  Seems like a strange location either way.

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