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Posts posted by DoctorDoctor

  1. On 8/3/2022 at 4:40 AM, acidnudy said:

    IWhere do the open stalls in the States come from? 


    The most common explanation I hear is cleaning the floors.  It is far easier to mop the floor completely when there is a gap at the bottom of the doors and walls.  Cleaning the floor along the partition wall (both sides of each) is slow and much more difficult when it contacts the floor.

    No a great situation for the user, but much easier (faster, inexpensive) to clean. (But that doesn't always mean they get cleaned well).

  2. 14 hours ago, PissDude said:

    Not sure where the misconception came from. The toilet is a relatively recent invention. Do you think women simply didn’t piss for thousands or millions of years until the toilet was invented?

    I agree the toilet is a (relatively) new invention.  The undressing and maintaining modesty in view of those of the opposite sex of was likely more problematic before that, not the actual peeing.  Even today with people who are comfortable peeing outdoors near each other, but usually segregate by sex.

    • Agree 1
  3. 8 hours ago, Girllikespee said:

    My list is so long I'm not even sure I can name them all. I'm not extremely adventurous, but I lie to try and push the limits.

    Beer glass
    Wine glass
    Garden shed
    Cooking pot
    Measuring cup
    Hot tub
    Off a boat
    Parking garage
    Hotel floor
    Hotel coffee pot
    Cup in car

    Where should I pee next? I'm not interested in getting caught so nothing too crazy.

    How about:

    next to a car

    off the edge of a wall/porch

    into a washing machine

    onto laundry

    trash can/garbage bin (the crazier the design, the better)

    Some of these are more suggestions of how, but maybe you already covered those.  No harm in trying again!  😉



  4. 5 hours ago, lillnisse said:


    perhaps this is mostly for guys, but I’m not sure. 

    I experience often low pressure when I pee, perhaps depending on stress and age, but sometimes it’s a lot higher (normal?). I think it is after I have been exercising and eaten something special, but I don’t know what. Anyone else who have the same experience?

    No, I have never had a low pressure scenario, but personallly, if it were me, I would get it checked out by a physician - might be something going on.

  5. 16 hours ago, gldenwetgoose said:

    I'm going to add to this topic - I may be taking it in a slightly different direction, but still relevant I hope:

    I was recently having a discussion with another member about the cases where someone joins and instantly asks "anyone in XYZ city want to meet up", and that got me thinking about the distribution of OUR peefans populations - purely as averages of course.


    Firstly we know that Peefans has a lifetime membership of 42,400 although many of those members are no longer active.

    One fairly simple way to estimate how many are currently active members arises from the way I construct the Birthday Shout thread - on the 'Activity' page you'll see a list of members who, in their profile, have included a date of birth.  Some of the 42,400 have and the rest haven't.   Now, looking in broad estimate terms there are maybe 40-50 members declaring a birthday on any given day, more on the first of any month and a lot more on 1st January.

    So let's assume that on average 50 members have declared each day as their birthday - that would be 50 x 365 members with birthdays in their profile - so 18,250 members which is  43% of the total lifetime membership.

    Now when I construct the birthday shout, I look at members who've contributed content and who've been active in the last three months or so.  And on a given day, of the 50 birthdays that's maybe 2-4 members on average.  Now we can factor that up to members active in the last six months and allowing for those who've not actually posted content, but then we should also factor back down for those who've joined and then decided not to carry on.   So then my wild guess is up to 6 members out of the 50 which is 12% of members being active ongoing users of the site within the last year.

    Working back to the 42,400 lifetime membership then, a very rough guess would be that maybe 5,000 Peefans members regularly pop in and view the site, even if they don't regularly post content on it.  


    Now let's think how that relates to the population in general...

    Currently the population of Europe is nearly 750,000,000 and North America is 375,000,000 and Oceana is 44,000,000  (assuming those as the areas where most of the Peefans population live).  So in total that's an area with a population of 1,169,000,000 people.

    So the bad news is, that within America, Europe and Australasia, if you stood 233,800 people in a group then perhaps one of them is you or me, an active member here.  in other words to have two peefans active members together at random you'd need to be in a crowd of half a million people or so.


    (Previously in my day job, I've done a bit of project estimating and the company I worked for had a couple of levels of estimates.  ROM were rough order of magnitude and were fairly accurate whereas WAG estimates - standing for wild arsed guess were somewhat less so.  Also known as back of a fag packet estimates.  And this definitely fits in the latter category.  

    Nice analysis.  I am guessing there are many interested visitors that aren't willing to register.  Have you ever looked at unique cookies or IP addresses in say, a month of people that return.  Some people may accidentally visit until they get a better idea of the content, but those that keep returning for more than one session have some interest in pee.  

  6. So, I caught myself unconsicously checking my bladderfullness and thought about it and I've been doing it my whole life.

    Let me explain - so, when my bladder is partially full, I don't have a good estimate of how full it really is, so if I will be going to a meeting or heading out of the house, I give my bladder (about 5 cm above the pubic bone) a gentle, quick press.

    If I don't feel much, then I have plenty of room left, if that push causes the "need to pee soon" feeling, then I know I will need to pee in the next hour or two.

    Anyone else do this or can everyone estimate their bladder filling better than me?

  7. I was just at the store and saw a giant sponge made for washing automobiles.  I am thinking that it looks like it would absorb a lot of pee if it started dry.

    Has anyone here tried jamming one of these giant sponges in their crotch and letting go?  Results?


    • Like 2
  8. 1 hour ago, pguy2981 said:

    I would, as long as you arch'ed it and pissed as far as you could onto the floor. Others, go ahead and piss into the cushion. I definitely want to hear the hissing noise.

    Yes, @Bacardi arcing a big, hissy stream off the couch and onto the floor is exciting to think about!

  9. 10 hours ago, Eliminature said:

    You can see here, as my bladder empties, the stream becomes narrower. I think this particular series of photos shows it best, but there are other examples.

    And yes, I know I look fat in that photo. 


    Thank you for posting and responding!  That is an intense stream in that first picture, you must have been about to rupture in that one.  The stream definitely narrows as your bladder empties.  I definitely see twisting of the stream too, in the first 2 pictures.

    Can I ask about if you make the hissing sound?  As a guy, I never get the 'hiss' that women get.  Does your stream audibly hiss with your labia apart?  Is it also strength dependent?

    And, no you don't look fat, you look great!  I don't know how anyone could see anything other than those spread labia and intense stream.

  10. 41 minutes ago, Pee Outside Girl said:

    It depends on every woman, some may need 3 minutes, some may need 30, my recommendation is that you ask openly what she (the woman you'll have sex with) likes or wants and how she wants it. 

    For me, it depends on the person I'm with (it happened to me once that my vagina was wet and really moist just by seeing a guy I really liked wearing a suit and we were not even going to have sex that evening) also the place, the scenery, my mood, how I feel with the person, his smell, his touch (I personally love when a guy with big hands touches me so softly that I feel like I am being touched by the petal of a rose, it just turns me on in a second). 

    To be honest I'm not that much into penetration due to traumatic events in the past, sometimes I cry d and sometimes I don't but it hurts. Still, I really like it once I've gotten used to have it inside, but it hurts no matter how long the foreplay last. 

    I always try foreplay and wait to be "invited" by the woman to penetrate, but due to my issue fitting, especially at first, I am thinking it isn't long enough,

  11. Only you know how full you were in each picture.  If it was due to bladder being fuller, then wouldn't the stream tighten up as your bladder emptied?

    It could also have to do with how much pressure you are using to pull the labia apart.  A slight difference in pressure maybe can change the opening of the pee hole to a slightly different shape.  I think the shape of the opening (slit, versus oval, versus round) makes a huge difference, if eveything is out of the way.

  12. 1 hour ago, Kelly2699 said:

    For my ultrasound I was told to drink 1.5 liters of water 2 hours before my appointment. The morning of the appointment I did my morning routine as usual. I downed the 1.5 liters of water. I was pretty desperate when I left the house, the drive to the clinic was terrible, I felt every bump. When I arrived at the clinic I slowly got out of my car and walked inside the clinic. I went to the receptionist desk and told me to sign these papers and then sit down and wait so I did. I only waited 10 minutes ( felt like 2 hours ). The doctor called me back and I was BURSTING as I walked back to the ultrasound room. The doctor told me to lay down on the table. I winced as the water sloshed in my bladder as I climbed on the table. I pulled my pants down to my hips and lifted my shirt up and the doctor put the ultrasound jell on my belly. The doctor pushed the ultrasound probe into my upper belly and slowly moved it down towards my bladder, pressing harder. I was sure I would pee myself. My bladder was screaming for relief and I was trying so hard not to pee. She moved the probe over my bladder and pressed, I said "I can't hold it anymore, I really need to pee" she said "If you pee now you will have to reschedule". She pushed and prodded my bladder for the next 15 minutes and then she told me to roll onto my side, so I did. She placed the ultrasound probe on my lower back, she reached her hand around to my belly and presses and I leaked alot

    Did the tech. notice the leakage?  I bet the release afterward must have been incredible feeling and a huge pee.

  13. 1 hour ago, Kelly2699 said:

    I have had many ultrasounds and have leaked during some of them.

    I have posted before about a medical ultrasound earlier, but I am a guy, so that may not be what you were looking for.   I would like to hear about some of your experiences if you want to share.



  14. 1 hour ago, peecurious94 said:

    I finally worked up the courage to try drinking my pee, and it is such a turn on! I mixed pineapple juice, malibu, and topped it off with pee. It was delicious, and my pussy was wet just thinking about what I was drinking! 

    How much pee volume can you hold to work with in a recipe?  Looking for drinks or other foods, such as baked goods?

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