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Posts posted by DoctorDoctor

  1. 9 minutes ago, epdreamgirl said:

    im very new into this aspect of a kink but i really like the thought of someone telling me to wet my diaper, or sitting on someones lap while wearing it and they casually feel their leg get heavier and warmer because im casually peeing!!

    I never had that fantasy before, but after reading this I have a new item for my fetish bucket list.  Now, my lap is always open to any women wanting to try the other half of this scenario.

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  2. 2 hours ago, epdreamgirl said:

    ooo that sounds nice to see!!! id also love to pee in a cup in the car but theres something about the thrill of spraying the dash and windshield!

    I agree that sounds like a hot thrill.  You must have a powerful stream to spray the dash and windshield (or is this ability part of your fantasy).

  3. 5 hours ago, AnnaKarina said:

    Hey there, I am a woman, have always had a fantasy about exploring this kink with others, but I haven't been able to find anyone irl who is remotely into it. I've been filming myself peeing in different places for a few years, and I just want to share these videos with people who would appreciate. Don't need money, just want the shared enjoyment of doing this. Any suggestions? 

    I suggest sharing whatever aspect of pee you like.  There is an audience on here for everything pee related.

  4. 8 hours ago, glad1 said:

    I imagine both the lack of facilities and the awkwardness of the clothing would have discouraged most upper class women from travel and exploration. But, surely they're must have been a few whose curiosity got the better of them. I love to read their accounts of how they dealt with those times when they got caught short.

    And, there were all those pioneer women who trekked across the country in search of new land. In the days before fast food restaurants, convenience stores and tourist rest areas, one has to wonder how they fared whenever nature called. Somehow, I suspect nature provided the answer.

    Before passing away, my grandparents told many stories of chamber pots.  Until indoor plumbing was installed, when families were at home after nightfall or in inclement weather (or probably when women were wearing facy clothing), just about all urination took place into chamberpots (which were stored in the bedroom).  Husband and wife openly used them in front or each other, or perhaps behind a fabric privacy screen in more upperclass homes.  Children all used them in front of each other in shared bedrooms.  They were emptied in the morning into the outhouse (privy) and splash-rinsed outdoors with a bucket of well water before being put under the beds.  There was a special bucket with a tight fitting lid for emergency #2 at night, which my grandparents refered to as a "thunder bucket".

    There were small chamberpots (just big enough for a single urination) kept in horse-drawn carriages with handles that were used by women to place under their skirts while traveling.  The contents of which were immediately emptied before the carriage proceeded.

    My grandmother told of me having to leave formal events to return home desperate to pee because there weren't women's toilets available.  She told me that normally, the women of the hosting house were expected to provide a women-only room ("powder room") with an empty chamberpot or two for use during the event, but most women would try to hold their bladders anyway.  Men would go off to pee behind the carriage.

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  5. 1 hour ago, glad1 said:

    Some of the ones I've seen looked like they wouldn't be able to hold all that much. Can you imagine being so desperate that you overflowed one and your stream was still going strong? 

    I suppose, back in the days before Big Gulps, Starbucks Trentas and two-liter water bottles, bladders were much smaller.

    The older chamber pots and bourdaloues probably held enough, but their odd shape makes them seem small.  I doubt that bladders have changed that much in capacity.  Women's bladders may have been even larger back then, because of the lack of women's facilities and the need to hold until a socially acceptable place is found.

  6. 9 hours ago, M.Vixen said:

    I can easily pee straight down when not wearing panties and I’m sure it won’t be noticed with loud music playing and standing in a large crowd of mostly (very) intoxicated people.. 🤫 

     @M.Vixen I am male and amazed (highly impressed?!) that it doesn't soak the front or rear of your skirt or wet your thighs.  Is there some trick or do you have great luck in the anatomy lottery.  Sounds like a great ability to have.


  7. 3 hours ago, Bacardi said:

    Hi friends! 

    Firstly happy valentines day guys! I love you all 💝

    Secondly, people have been asking me for years to pee in a container, and out of the blue last night I finally got the urge. 

    To kinda set the stage, I was in quite the silly mood thanks to several people in the chat box (you know who you are and I love you 🤣). I was howling with laughter and my bladder was building. I was on the verge of peeing in my pj pants, and that's when it hit me. Just kinda out of nowhere. "I want to pee in a mug!"

    So as quietly as I could I snuck into the kitchen (since my whole family was asleep) and retrieved a mug that we don't use that often. It's larger, and a quick Google search says it holds 24 oz. I was so full of both pee and giggles that it was so hard to maneuver my pj pants off, but once they came off it was straight into the tub, squat over the mug, and let go.

    But what I wasn't anticipating was the sound 😵 I really didn't hold back so my pee gushed into the cup making this really loud, echoy noise that I can't really describe. It happened for about four seconds before I forced myself to stop and rethink the whole operation. As this was going on my pee was dribbling out into the tub, still making noise but not as loud this time, and the only thing i thought to do was bring the mug closer to me. 

    Well, that was still really loud. Even doing the stop and go thing and stopping when it got too loud I thought it was making way too much noise and didn't want to wake the family, so I decided to let the rest of my pee out in the toilet. I didn't time myself because I just wasn't thinking about it, but I did snap this picture! Don't mind the edit. It's a pretty recognizable mug so I wanted to scratch out the design:


    So, it filled about halfway and I still had a few dribbles plus the remainder of my pee in the toilet. I think, had I been home alone, I could have filled the whole 24 oz!

    Now everyone who has been asking me to measure my pee should be satisfied lol.

    Thanks for sharing!  The sound is a big part of the container pissing! Maybe should have tried the first time when you could let it roar out. LOL

  8. 10 hours ago, MasterDarcy said:

    A pattern that I've seen on this place Is that newbies (it tends to be of the female variety) get inundated with swarms of people adding them to their watch list.

    Just the latest example: https://peefans.com/profile/45963-lalayla557/

    She posted 17 times and she had 51 followers. Who knows how long it took to accumulate that following. She was only an active poster for two months.

    It probably scared her off as she hasn't been back for close to a month.

    It isn't the first time I've noticed this.

    Myself (and likely others) may use the "Follow" tool a little differently.  I use it because I like seeing a list of notifications about posts that I might enjoy reading when I log in.  Some people/topics/threads on here,I have less interest in, so I use the "Follow" tool to save time; therefore, I don't have to look through as many posts to find new ones of interest.

    I also tend to "Follow" the members who are conversation "starters," not as many "responders".

    I still look through the other posts, but less frequently.

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  9. 10 hours ago, Malika said:

    It came in my mind this memory from times ago that could be of some interest for somebody, but it could make upset the ones who are passionate for hunting.
    Years ago, I decided to rent a house in the countryside in order to have some times of relax out the big city during the summer and autumn period. It was a place with beautiful meadows, woods and paths to take long and relaxing walks around the area. When I started to do the first walks around in order to know better the place, once I noticed that at the edge of the big meadow there was a little hut (entirely made of wood with the base about 3x2 meters) very well camouflaged by some bushes. The hut had an open entrance without any door, it had two little square windows looking to the meadow and inside on a wood floor there was only a little bench, a chair and a little old wood stove. Once I spoke to a local and I asked the purpose of that shed and he told me that it was used by the hunters who had the custom to use that hut as a hiding place to catch the animals while they were crossing the meadow to easily shoot them (since they were unprotected by any vegetation). Now, since I am an ardent animal lover, this made me feel very angry and frustrated because of course I could not stop this practice since it was unfortunately legal. But I could have the satisfaction to make a spite to those people. I decided that I would have peed inside their hut as many times as I could. The first step was to hold my first morning pee and pretending to go to have a little walk after breakfast I was going to pop a squat inside the hut, releasing a huge quantity of smelly yellow pee inside. When I was at hand, also during the day I took some chances to go to pee inside the hut. Some times I had the chance to pee there also with a friend (girl) who was coming some times to spend same days at my house, not telling her my real purpose, but pretending that it was the most private place to pee safely (and she indeed agreed, since it was indisputably true!). I peed everywhere, on the wood floor, on the chair, on the bench...  everywhere and the inside of the hut became easily very stinky with my big satisfaction. Since the floor was made of wood, it was retaining my pee and it remained impregnated for long time before getting dry, and this helped to stink more the place. After every squat I was leaving right there the tissue I used to wipe my pussy, right on the purpose to show that it was a lady who was pissing in the place. I liked the idea that the hunters had to stand the smell of my urine if they wanted to stay in that place and they had to breath the stink of my urine. Of course what I did was a bit risky, not to be caught peeing, because the hut was indeed in a strategic position and I could have easily spotted anybody who was approaching, but an angry person could easily investigate and understand who was the woman who was using their shelter as her personal toilet. I was ready to face this situation anyway. At first I would have pretended that I did it without intention, thinking that the place was abandoned, if this was not enough and the hunter would have complained more, reproaching me badly, I would have just sent him to fuck him...  after all I don't think he would have shot me only because I peed in his hut...  Anyway, thank God it never happen, nobody came ever to complain with me.
    I am sorry if my story could upset any person who is a hunter. By the way, if my story breaks any policy or sounds too vandal, I will remove it, or the admin will remove it with my full understanding and I apologize in advance.

    Just curious, how many bladderfuls did you leave in the hut?  Was the smell strong to you?  If it was an open air hut, maybe there was enough airflow to dissapate the scent.

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  10. 1 hour ago, Lady Di said:

    Hi!  I held my pee in so long yesterday; that when I was ready to finally go; I was squirming so bad to try to hold it in till I got to the toilet.  As soon as I got up off the couch and walked into the bedroom; I was so close to the toilet; but too late.  My pee started to trickle out into my panties and down my leg; and made a wet spot on my rug.    It felt so good trickling out.  I really love to hold my pee in till I'm really desperate and about to lose.  

    Does anyone else like to do the same thing.  Let me know.

    Yes.  I do that too, but try at avoid wetting at all costs, even if it means spraying everything on the way to the toilet or nearest place to contain my pee.

  11. 5 hours ago, Chrissy89 said:

    Isn’t it hard to go when fully erect? 
    for me I’ll go for soft as I’m the same as B, that little shake at the end is too cute 🥰

    Yes, lots of backpressure when fully "erect" and then there is the problem with the direction that it is pointing. LOL

    Just look up "morning wood".

  12. 9 hours ago, Bacardi said:

    Do you hold it like a joint, or a cigarette? 

    Personally, I prefer the joint 😁


    Thumb on top and 2 or 3 fingers on the bottom for support and aiming.  (Not like a cigarette, but also not sure if that is the way people hold joints).

    My grip is solely based on ergonomics. Holding with my thumb on the bottom would put my wrist at an awkward angle.

    If a woman wants to hold it for me, I wouldn't criticise her grip.

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  13. On 2/6/2023 at 6:16 AM, Euro said:

    I found this during a house clearance in the attic all covered in dust.

    It's quite a plain example, but an interesting find none the less. I guess it is rather old, being made in white pottery. No makers mark.



    Interested in thoughts of practicality and utility from women on the site?

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  14. 28 minutes ago, Bacardi said:

    Right before my period and when I am ovulating I am off the walls horny. I'm talking sex with my husband morning and night, night, still masturbating at least once (sometimes more) in the afternoon, and late at night if one of my peefans friends hits me up I could probably have another one.

    I go through this at least once a month lol. Any other time my libido is low af.

    There isn't an emoji for wow, but WOW! @Bacardi

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