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Posts posted by DoctorDoctor

  1. 3 hours ago, pguy2981 said:

    Tonight however was a nice change of pace. I woke up with a painful twinge in my bladder, and with the thickest, hardest hard-on I've had in a long time. You know, the kind of hard-on where you flex your muscles down there and your cock is so hard that it doesn't move up an inch, like its made of diamond. I haven't had sex in a long while, so the idea of doing anything sexual really leaves me at half-mast. So my first thought was "Damn, no one's here to take advantage of me and its a shame". My second thought was how badly I needed a piss, which made me think of how my friend on here hasn't seen me piss on the carpet yet.

    Wow, Just wanted to say that I know this experience well!  I find a moderate full bladder the best.  Like 8 out of 10.  Sometimes after it takes more than one "session" to expell all of the built up fluids, and I don't mean pee.

  2. 5 hours ago, Sophie said:

    That absolutely terrified me as a teen. Apparently it leaves at 30 mph. I don't want to be shot!! 

    @Sophie Absolutely no offense with the laighing emoji.  I just hope that you have overcome your fear and have learned no injury is caused by that speed.

  3. 4 hours ago, Eliminature said:


    Swiped from Twitter - a rare example of the once ubiquitous trough urinal at Roker Park in Sunderland. 

    Is that a handwashing sink or a water fountain for drinking right next to the trough?  Seems like a strange location either way.

  4. Funny dream experience last night.  I was dreaming very lucidly about driving on remote country roads (no other traffic, so obviously a dream where I live) and I had to pee badly.  I kept driving and driving, but finally I decided to stop.  I pulled over next to a guardrailing and walked behind the car.  I stepped up facing into the small gap between the car and guardrail.  I pulled my cock out and tried to pee.  I couldn't!  I kept trying, because I had to pee bad.  Still nothing.  I am never pee shy, so I didn't understand what was going on.  Suddenly, I hear my GF yelling "Stop!"  I wake up, and I am standing with my cock out amd the elastic waistband of my shorts pulled down, facing a small gap between the nightstand and the wall.  I hadn't peed, but I had too, fairly desperately.  I walked briskly to the toilet and peed a really huge amount.  I feel fortunate that I couldn't start the flow in my dream, because it would have made a huge mess.

    My GF joked that I must have drank too much (alcohol) last night, but I wasn't drinking any alcohol which makes the story even stranger.

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  5. I have no problem peeing next to anyone else (male or female or NB).  I do have a personal space issue, especially if there is plenty of room available.  For example if it is a small alcove in an alleyway, then being somewhat close is fine, but if out in nature and someone pees less than 3 feet (1 meter) away from me, then that would be wierd.  I sure would leave more room than that if the other person started first.

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  6. 17 minutes ago, Peenicks said:

    Recently my browser has began to flag Peefans as unsecure. I wasn't able to read the full notice but it said something about the site's license expiring. Is this something any other users have encountered, and should it be something myself or anyone else should be concerned about?

    Either the site owner updated the security cert. right then, or more likely, your browser couldn't authenticate the certificate as valid (and not revoked) and called it "expired."

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  7. Normally, I just add a couple of extra glasses of water in between whatever I was drinking before if I want to fill up to have fun.

    The thing that fills my bladder the fastest is cheap, light beer, but that tastes terrible.- I most enjoy stouts and good ales, but those don't tend to fill the bladder as quickly.


  8. 7 minutes ago, InsertName said:

    Yesterday I was cleaning my gutters and hosing everything down and kicked myself for being in shorts (I don’t like wetting). So yeah, that’s a good idea. Whenever I start strategizing about it it’s getting dark out so I forget the obvious daytime solutions lol. 

    I would say it works day or night.  At night, they may have even more trouble deciding where it is coming from (or if they do figure it out, then you have a cover story).

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  9. 11 minutes ago, InsertName said:

    I have two porches with moderate privacy, but all the houses are packed together. I really want to piss outside sometimes but I don’t want anyone to hear me. If I sit with my pussy against the boards it will make noise as it runs below. If I sit in the grass randomly at night and try to quietly piss, I’ll look weird to any neighbors who see. I don’t have much outdoor pissing experience anyway, so I’m wondering if anyone might have any ideas to suggest. It almost makes me want to start smoking again for the excuse to be randomly out. 

    How about a short skirt with no panties.  Grab a watering can (or bucket of water and a sponge), squat down and act like you are watering a plant or cleaning a stain on the floor.  Instead, it it flow!  Nobody would question the splashing or puddle.

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  10. 6 hours ago, InsertName said:

    That’s awesome; I’m glad I’m not alone in that particular pervy thought process lol. It sounds like the same thing just slightly different due to experiential conditioning. I think I subconsciously associate being outside drinking from a water bottle with hiking and associate hiking with trails that don’t have restrooms. I can absolutely imagine having the same thoughts about people with large beers if I spent more time drinking with people. 

    I definitely think that when I see a woman drinking an oversized beverage (like a giant beer or coffee or water bottle), thinking all that liquid will be coming out at a not so distant time.

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  11. 6 hours ago, InsertName said:

    This is exactly what I was thinking about the moment you mentioned the broken chairs. I also like the idea of rubbing my pussy against the absorbent thing as I’m doing it. Just the other day I was googling to try to find videos of women or men humping soft furnishings while pissing, but didn’t have luck. 

    I still want to try peeing into one of those giant car washing sponges.  I keep forgetting to do it when I have a clean, dry one.

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  12. 2 hours ago, DoeHaze said:



    I feel the exact opposite like, peeing with a vagina for me is such a hassle and just, if I don't get positioning right or the feeling of having to fully expose myself prevents a nice sneaky pee standing up somewhere! 


    How about we trade 😛


    i think peeing can be fun for everyone mind you, but gosh I wish I could mark up a wall as well as some guys.


    @DoeHaze You do an awesome job with what you have and your capacity is better than a lot of guys!

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  13. I was taking a multi-hour college final exam in a big auditorium.  I had drank too much iced tea before the exam, but the policy was that you could not return, once leaving to use the restroom.  I was in a very long row of occupied seats far from the aisles.  By half-way through the exam, I was bursting.  With 20 minutes left in the exam, I was not finished, but my bladder was.  I was sweating, nauseous, and my bladder was screaming in pain.  My bladder was locked up in a spasm of pain and I wasn't sure I was even in control.  I knew that I wouldn't be able to wait in the predicted queue to use the urinals after the exam, so with about 5 minutes left, turned in my exam, and then I hobbled out of the room, barely able to walk upright.  I went to the nearest men's room and first urinal.  As I started peeing, my bladder muscles were in pain and almost numb.  I could see myself peeing, but could not feel it.  I peed for about 2 minutes straight.  As I finished the flood of guys needing to pee after the exam poured into the men's room.

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  14. 3 minutes ago, Alygal1331 said:

    I’m officially up for the day with 2 more stories and some videos to share! 

    So I woke up at 4am absolutely desperate. Once I was out the bedroom door, I had to hold between my legs to try to stop the flow. I didn’t have time to think or plan anything, I just ran over to the grass, pulled down my panties and squatted down to relieve myself. My stream was fast and hard, and it felt great to empty my bladder when I was that desperate. I shook off and pulled my panties back up before heading inside. I took a video here: https://www.erome.com/a/rwqQHbKX


    I woke up again at 6am feeling pretty full and knew if I didn’t go now, it would be too late as everyone would be up and it would be too risky. Because it was light out and someone could walk out around the cabin pretty easily, I decided to stay pretty hidden and stuck to the grassy spot along the side of the cabin. I squatted down and relaxed my bladder muscles and released a stronger stream than I thought I would have. I’m surprised by how much I filled up in only two hours after my previous pee, considering I didn’t drink anything. I also took a video of that pee here: https://www.erome.com/a/sfD9cszi


    Today is supposed to be hot and sunny with no clouds, so likely will be at the beach again! Hopefully I can get in a discreet naughty pee or two like I did yesterday 😉

    Those are some really hissy and refreshing sounding pees.  Can't believe they were so close together.  I can't imagine if you have tried to hold all that until morning.

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  15. 3 hours ago, Alygal1331 said:

    And another night begins… 


    I had to wait for everyone to go to bed before I could head outside for my bedtime pee. I had gone pee a couple hours before and had a big glass of water, but I guess I was a little dehydrated because not too much volume came out. However small it was, I did have to go pretty bad as I couldn’t stop thinking about it. 

    I just wanted a simple release for the first one as I wasn’t expecting much. I decided to film my pee and capture a few stills, uploading them so I can share them. You can find the pictures and video here: https://www.erome.com/a/tgdsHnYB

    Hope you enjoy. 


    Thanks for sharing!  Although short, the sound is incredible.

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  16. 2 hours ago, Alygal1331 said:

    II was in danger of needing a change of panties if I didn’t find a place to pee quickly, so I chose the most simple way. I quickly pulled my panties down, popped a squat in the middle of the lawn, and released. The pee hissed out loudly and was quickly absorbed into the grass. It was a major relief, and I felt so naughty just squatting down in such an open area, not covered by bushes/trees or anything. After the stream died down, I bounced a little to get the last few drops off, pulled up my panties, and headed back inside. I was feeling a little horny from the naughty nature of my pee, so I rubbed my clit through my damp panties for a little bit and came pretty hard. 

    I think next time, I’m going to sit on the steps of the back porch and spread my pussy lips and see how far I can shoot. I always pee hard and fast when I need to go in the middle of the night! 

    @Alygal1331, sorry to hear about your overactive bladder, but sounds like you are making the best of the situation on this trip.  Please keep us updated on the rest of your trip and how the steps peeing for distance goes.

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  17. Several years ago, I was attending an outdoor event that had a tent camping area for the attendees.  The area was nothing more a big open field and the rows of tents were instructed to be set up back-to-back with only about 1.5 meters between the backs of the tents.  It was so close that the rain fly stake lines actually crossed.

    In the middle of the night, both my GF I were awoken by the the sound of as strong female pee stream splattering uncomfortably close to our heads.  One of the drunken women from a nearby tent was peeing in between the tents.  My GF was quietly kicking me and we were both snickering as this woman peeing an incredible amount.  I was hoping that it wasn't getting on or under our tent.

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