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Posts posted by DoctorDoctor

  1. 14 hours ago, M.Vixen said:

    My friend had the (or at least one of the possible) answer(s) though; you can use it to pee in a bottle. Duh 🤦‍♀️ Since it’s more flexible material than the device itself and the diameter is perfect.. that suddenly made a lot of sense 🤷‍♀️😅

    I think peeing in a bottle with the device would be incredibly useful, especially if you could use it in a car, seated without too much gymnastics to get the posture correct.  Not sure if it works.

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  2. 43 minutes ago, Bacardi said:

    Sorry to not play by the rules here, but I have something to say about this lol. 

    I have a breeding kink and sort of get this, but the lactation kink is something I actively participated in virtually for someone way back when I was still breastfeeding. It was a one time thing, and it was so erotic to hear about how much he loved my milk and how good it would have tasted. But, it wasn't potent enough to stick around, especially since I had a real life baby to feed, shirts, pillows, and sheets that were stained with warm, sour milk every morning, and having to wake up every three hours to pump even tho baby was sleeping through the night. 

    Who knows. Maybe next go around I'll find another guy into it and then I can come back and say I have yet another new kink 🤣

    Thanks for sharing.  Just a comment.  I have seen lactating women on porn sites and it looks hot and like something to fun to take part in.  Don't believe I had a fetish, maybe as you called it, a kink.

  3. 8 hours ago, Peewee123 said:

    It’s not my thing but if someone really wanted a taste of mine I’d probably allow them to taste a little from the tap. I don’t want to drink any myself though. 

    I'd definitely like a quick "slurp" of @Peewee123's nectar straight from the tap, just to try it.  I'd have to be careful not to drown with some of her previous huge pee posts.

    • Cheeky 1
  4. 30 minutes ago, Peewee123 said:

    I think there’s many in here who enjoy pee but not in a sexual way. 

    I would guess there are multiple times more people into pee in a non-sexual way.  I remember (as a male) growing up, including through the end of college, peeing with other guys in a non-sexual manner.  Little contests like peeing the highest on a wall, biggest puddle, and even trying to make the biggest hole in mud with our streams.  Other guys I've met enjoy public urination way too much and will do it even when toilets are available.

    Maybe someone else can post about women's experiences with such non-sexual pee activities.

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  5. 5 minutes ago, ukpeegirl86 said:

    This morning I got caught short in the car outside a busy train station and I had to pee in a McDonald’s cup as there was nowhere else to go. I couldn’t leave the car as I was waiting to pick someone up and there was nowhere I could squat discreetly outside. I took advantage of my car’s dark tinted windows and headed into the back of the car, sat right on the edge of the seat, pulled my knickers down and let loose into the cup. I think I’m very lucky I didn’t pee more or I’d have ended peeing on myself and flooding the car! I put the lid back on the cup and placed it in my drivers door cup holder. When I got back I took the cup casually into the office and emptied it into the sink. 


    If you were bursting, I'd say that your bladder and that cup are closely matched in size.  Glad it all worked out with no mess.  Thanks for sharing.

  6. 5 hours ago, foxypiss said:

    I currently have to pee and I wanna naughty pee but not on or somewhere that'll make a mess. My options: towel, bowl, chair and im up for suggestions!

    It has been 5 hours, so I assume you went.  Where did you go?  I would have voted bowl or towel.

  7. 3 hours ago, Hornyrrd said:

    My latest thing was laying down in the empty bath naked, lifting my legs up and peeing so it fountains up in the air onto my belly. Things are progressing quickly for me now, my latest fantasy which im planning to do soon is that possition where im on my back, lifting my legs and bum so i can pee on myself up to my boobs as in yhe pic, although i dont think im ready to pee on my face just yet xxx

    Very nice image in my mind.  Beautiful pee fountains, even when they are going straight up.  Have you tried for some distance or directing your "fountain" against the walls of the shower or tub while laying back or onto your feet?  I am assuming that you have tried very full bladder, high power fountains.

  8. Wow, all this talk and I had to break out the ruler (in inches, sorry not cm ruler available).  So, I am clearly a "grower" being only 3.5" limp and 6.75" hard.  I think some on here are exagerating their girth.  My girth when hard and the soldier is standing up at attention is a solid 6" (thicker than a toilet paper cardboard tube (in the US)) and I haven't see too many that thick, even in porn videos.

    I have to say, It is not a blessing.  I've been rejected for too big (I'm assuming girth) and had two failed relationships, because they just couldn't fit it.  Never tried giving anal.  Don't think that would end well.

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  9. Duck down an alleyway and go between an object and a wall, or a fenced garden/yard.  I for one would be interested in any pics or videos you would like to share documenting your experience or the puddle aftermath.

  10. Cameras in hallways and parking garages are so small now.  They are minimally always by stairwells, entrances, and by elevators.  If I need to go where there may be cameras, I try to get between an object (such as a car or dumpster) and a wall or pillar.  Just recently, when I needed to pee in a garage, I found a pillar next to a wall.  Just enough room to slip in there, quickly pee and leave.  I always try to be sure that any slope runs away from a visible area, because I tend to pee big amounts when I am desperate (like a lot of people) and the river of pee will give you away, sometimes while still going.

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  11. On 11/22/2021 at 8:32 AM, M.Vixen said:

    I don’t feel that the situation is much different from a guy who just took a piss, gives it a sqeeze and puts it back in his pants. I’ve encountered many situations where there was no toilet paper in the ladies rooms (or maybe just not the one where I was at because I didn’t check 😅). In which case; no problem, I will just squeeze my labia together from the outside inwards so any pee left will drip down, put my panties back on and usually don’t even think about it for another second and just go about my day. 

    Honestly, the post pee dribbles that some guys seem to have seem worse to me 😮


    Sounds like you have a good way on removing any trapped pee on your labia. (That method sounds so hot! but I digress).

    Besides back-splash droplets on my pants, the biggest probllem that I have and women wouldn't (or much less) is the big dribble that happens several seconds after I put my cock away.  It mush be pee trapped in my urethra.  Even shaking doesn't help, so I believe it is trapped further back inside.

  12. Thanks for posting.  You made a good effort to find a restroom first.  No doubt that you had to go bad from the looks of that stream and puddles - that had to feel exhilerating and relieving at the same time.

    Did your friend notice the fresh puddles?

    Hope you share more "experiences" if and when you have them.

  13. 1 hour ago, Peewee123 said:

    I like to hold and build up a full bladder but it’s more so I can have longer fun releasing it more than the holding / desperation. However when it happens naturally, the relief to finally go is nearly orgasmic lol

    I totally agree with the releaase is better than the holding.  Do you hold until the release is involuntary when you can't hold any more, or what do you mean by "naturally"?

    Do you reach your limit with pain or urgency first?

    I personally only hold until I feel a spasm or the pain is more than an mildly uncomfortble ache.


    I intended this question to be for everyone.  @Peewee123's comment just inspired my questions about desperation.

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  14. I am into desperation and holding, but likely because I get to enjoy a huge, relieving pee at the end.  I don't think I would be into it so much if that wasn't the case.  The only time I don't like it is in public situations.  Of course anything is better with a partner doing it along with me.

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  15. 50 minutes ago, M.Vixen said:

    I see wayyyy too few marks like this in my everyday life. Keep up the good work 😚

    I agree!  More people should be leaving marks like this.  Just hopefully not in high traffic areas where they are tough to avoid.  I like seeing, but would like to step over or around when possible.

  16. 1 minute ago, Peewee123 said:

    I haven't measure I can just tell. Before I could do a powerful pee for quite some times and knew a fair amount was coming out. Now I kinda dribble on and off and only for like 10 seconds and I am done. It is quite a drastic difference. And I have been a day with no need to go!

    Are you sure it is really empty? Could your bladder be super full and you are having trouble emptying?  That does sound drastic., especially that you haven't needed to pee in a day?  A visit to a clinic sounds in order.

  17. 17 minutes ago, Peewee123 said:

    My capacity and flow rate is WAY down!

    😲 (suprised emoji) Wow, did you measure or are you estimating?  Care to share? Maybe a bad estmation or outlier measurement.  Did you try a couple times?  Hopefully if it is really down, it goes back to normal soon.

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