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Posts posted by DoctorDoctor

  1. 1 hour ago, peecurious94 said:

    I am starting to wonder if that is what he was looking for! IDK if you have read the previous parts of the thread, but he has come close to catching me a couple of times. I feel like it cannot be a coincidence, and I almost feel as if he will catch me eventually. Who knows what his reaction will be, but I generally try to hide it as best I can for peeing in a public place. 

    Sorry, I hadn't read all the prior posts.  If he has seen you with a pee river before or suspected you had just peed, then he probably knows what you are up to and is trying to catch you actively peeing.  I wouldn't say anything to my neighbors, but I would be interested in catching them just to confirm my suspicions if I thought they were actively peeing.  I'd always enjoy a woman actively letting it out.

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  2. 1 minute ago, peecurious94 said:

    It was definitely more than a wet spot...it was running downhill starting beneath me. I doubt they saw my pussy. It's kinda fun to know they saw my pee...even if they didn't know that was what they were looking at. 

    It would be hot to catch you with a pee river running down the hill in front of you!  I would be looking to see if your pussy was still emptying that pee out. LOL

  3. 4 minutes ago, peecurious94 said:

    I was a tad horny this afternoon and, even though it is still daylight, I wanted to take a pee outside. I looked outside to make sure my neighbors weren't out, and made sure their windows were closed and made my way outside in my oversized tee. I sat on my steps as I usually do, and let my pee stream flow. A river formed under me, and I realized I needed to pee more than originally thought. Just as my stream was tapering, my neighbors came outside and got in their car. They both waved and asked how I was doing. There is no way they missed the stream of liquid on the cement below me....right? I am almost certain I caught her husband looking at it, but it is difficult to read the situation. 

    Did it clearly look like a urine river or was it more of a wet spot on the cement?  Did they see your pussy?  If it was just a wet spot and your pussy was hidden, I wouldn't worry about it.

  4. 9 hours ago, greedyneedygirl said:

    Have you noticed the difference between a thick and thin stream? For some reason this does not occur in males, as the urethra is situated at the tip of the glans and has no obstruction and would therefore be a thin stream. However, men with foreskins might pee a thicker stream, given the extraneous skin. For women, is it the case of the inner labia? If this is unusually large and obtrusive, the pee will be thicker? In pee porn, if a woman folds the inner lips back and away from the urethra, the stream will be thin and more directed. Is the familiar hissing sound greater or lesser with larger labia? A speculative topic I think and worthy of further analysis, perhaps with illustrations! 😉❤️ 

    @greedyneedygirl I am not sure if you have ever posted any pics of your stream, but could you describe your pee stream to us and whether you classify it as thick or thin.  Would like to hear your analysis.

  5. 9 hours ago, greedyneedygirl said:

    Have you noticed the difference between a thick and thin stream? For some reason this does not occur in males, as the urethra is situated at the tip of the glans and has no obstruction and would therefore be a thin stream. However, men with foreskins might pee a thicker stream, given the extraneous skin. For women, is it the case of the inner labia? If this is unusually large and obtrusive, the pee will be thicker? In pee porn, if a woman folds the inner lips back and away from the urethra, the stream will be thin and more directed. Is the familiar hissing sound greater or lesser with larger labia? A speculative topic I think and worthy of further analysis, perhaps with illustrations! 😉❤️ 

    I agree, there should be further analysis.  Also depends on what you call "a stream".  I call a fairly tight, well-defined liquid flow "a stream".  If it is fan shaped or messy, then I call it "a spray".   Either way, it is worth investigation

    Yes, anything (labia, foreskin, fingers, hair, etc.) has the potential to disrupt the stream and make it "thicker" or even a messy spray.  I always like hearing people's analysis of their own pee stream.  Not some selected pic from the internet which is probably an unrealistic  best/worst case scenario.

  6. 5 hours ago, Lilly bowman said:

    Awesome. Yeah peeing outside is just so freeing lmao (I did it twice today lol)

    Twice! - May I ask for more backstory of where and how?

  7. 6 hours ago, Eliminature said:

    Squatting openly on the grass whilst students were milling around felt great, but I must admit, I prefer to stand. 

    I enjoy watching a woman pee with an arcing stream, no matter what position - standing, sitting, squatting (or something else).

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  8. 2 hours ago, BGSB86 said:

    I love this too! And I’ve had some experience with it. I was never really a shy girl so I did go to a lot of parties with my friends when I was younger, at peoples houses and at clubs etc. I frequently found myself having partying a bit too hard and having too much to drink, so emergency pees in random corners or outside. But since I wasn’t always comfortable with that, I did occasionally find myself at the end of a line for the bathroom, hunched over with my legs crossed and my hands jammed into my crotch, alcohol flowing through me, making it 10x harder to hold.

    Wow, I can't imagine the stream and mess knowing how big your bladder is.

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  9. 4 minutes ago, arigalo said:

    My two main ideas were:

    1. Sit one of the chairs on the grass, get good and desperate, and then sit on the edge to see how far I could get my pee to shoot out. Since my neighbors were all inside, this wouldn’t count as a “too obvious” pee since from the windows you’d have to really strain to see a stream. I was also just curious as to what I could do in terms of distance. I was wearing a dress, so all I’d have to do is take off my panties, shimmy the dress up a bit, and let go. 

    2. Practice peeing while standing up, in between the shed and the detached garage. This is another place I sometimes squat and pee, but since there are some overgrown plants around there, it would work as decent enough shield to see if I could work on peeing against a wall. 

    The coin toss decided that a standing pee on the garage was it. I removed my panties, pulled up my dress, and got into position. It took me a bit to get it right, but I did end up being able to finally release all that piss onto the garage wall. The release in and of itself was almost orgasmic. I only wish it wasn’t raining so I could have seen the result and the puddle on the ground. I stayed outside a bit longer to get some more relief (😉) and peed against the garage once more before going in for the night. 

    I can’t wait to try again tonight and hopefully get pictures of the aftermath! 

    Curious in scenario #1, if you were planning on sitting in the chiar just like on a toilet, or leaning back to try to get the stream to extend further?

    Scenario #2 sounds hot too.  Would like to see that stream splashing on the garage wall and resulting puddle.


    Sounds like fun to try again.  Please post if possible!

  10. 24 minutes ago, Lucylovestoholdherpee said:

    Sure! I take off my bra and sometimes my panties (sometimes I keep them on) and rub my pussy against the edge of my bed until I climax. I always have my bra off so I can feel my sensitive nipples being stimulated by the cold air on my bedsheets.

    Nice!  Any particular level of bladder filling that gets you off faster?

  11. 14 minutes ago, Lucylovestoholdherpee said:

    used to be around once a day, now i would say around two-three times a week. The most I've done is probably four orgasms in one day. As a woman, I am glad to say I always cum, and cum quickly--usually it takes around 10 minutes. However, I have a very specific way I need to touch myself down there, meaning I've never been able to cum during penetrative sex, even though I love it so much.

    Can you teach your partners how to touch you in that "very specific way"?  I'd love to learn the technique! 🙂


  12. Just curious how much foreplay does it take for you to become "good and ready" for penetration?  Either solo masturbation of with a partner.  (Say if your partner suprises you and initates sex, not starting off super horny already.)

    (A short background on why I ask - my GF will tell me she is horny, we fool around and when she tells me she is "ready" we try.  It is still a challenge fitting for pentration.  If it has been a week or longer since last time, it is even more difficult.  Maybe she is overanxious for penetration and not really "ready".  I have had this trouble with prior partners and I always wait for them to tell me they are ready with similar results.)

  13. 1 hour ago, toseepee said:

    I have ammonia, salinity, pH, as well as other water quality tests on hand, so I should really just do a whole panel.

    If I felt like doing a bunch of work for no reason, I could even measure my hormones!

    What kind of place do you work to have access to all of that?  I am impressed with even pee volume measurements.  Can you do pee flow rate?  Or do you think you were maxxed out or could you hold even more (such as when you wake up or after a true hold)?

  14. Thanks for sharing!  It is nice that you had such scientific measuring devices to use for your "experiment".

    Even inexpensive plastic measuring jugs are fairly accurate.  I believe that most people who haven't ever measured how much pee they can hold, would be enlightened to do so, just as you did.  Hope more people who haven't tried before post here.


  15. 4 hours ago, beachmom said:

    Nothing to be ashamed of, surveys show around 85% of guys do so and surprisingly nearly 75% of moms on a parenting web site said they "allow their boys to pee in the yard." The same site revealed that 28% of housewives would prefer for men to pee in the yard and 57% would rather gardeners and landscapers workers pee in their yard than ask to come inside.

    Do you pee in the yard too @beachmom?

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  16. 3 hours ago, glad1 said:

    As a male, there's a reason I always pee BEFORE I sit on a toilet! 😆

    I don't know how common it is, but a girlfriend told me that when she was hospitalized she overshot the bedpan. 

    I am not sure why this isn't common (or maybe it is).  Isn't peeing "downward" while sitting the same direction as outward while reclined and laying?

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