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Posts posted by DoctorDoctor

  1. 2 hours ago, Barbieoxo said:

    Thought I'd try a new style. Can't wait to see how my cute pussy looks with a little hair growing 💦💦



    Wow, I might need a closer inspection. 😉


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  2. On 6/1/2022 at 9:45 PM, peecurious94 said:

    Female 🙂

    I always pee in the shower. I also usually pee in the sink, especially if I am not alone. I love the naughtiness of peeing in the sink in front of someone. I grew up peeing in the kitchen and bathroom sinks.

    I have to ask if there is any special technique required for women to use a sink? Or, just sit and let it flow?

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  3. On 5/31/2022 at 10:37 AM, ukpeegirl86 said:

    As for peeing in the sink I’ve done it before when I’ve been out drinking and been with a friend in the pub toilet which at our local is a toilet and sink in each cubicle set-up. She’ll take the toilet and I’ll take the sink. Saves waiting as there’s always a queue. 

    Is it always you with the sink and her with the toilet? Or do you ever switch it up, intentionially or unconsciously?  What do you think would happen if you grabbed the toilet first next time?

  4. As, I was standing at the urinal today finishing a nice long pee, I noticed that I commonly push (with my bladder, not my hands) out a couple spurts after the initial flow ends, before I wrap up and put my cock away.  This is different from the shake to make sure the "pipe is clear".  This is (I am guess where the habit started) to ensure that my bladder is empty.  I always get 2-3 quick squirts (almost blasts) of pee.  I don't HAVE to do it, and the tiny amount of pee that is left over in my bladder probably isn't a problem.

    Anyone elsedo this?  Is this a guy thing, or do women do it too?


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  5. 17 hours ago, toseepee said:

    I was walking back from an event, late at night, and I cut through a park. This area of the park is really secluded, and I had to piss something awful, so i pulled down my jeans and pissed right there in the path.

    It was already raining, so the puddle was not really noticeable, but it felt so good and freeing to just go!

    Thanks for sharing!

  6. Let me clarify a little.  My guestimates, were for simply into "pee," not in a sexual or shared manner.

    I think @beachmom has the idea of what I was thinking about.  Not necessarily into touching their pussy or peeing in naughty places, but even holding, because they think it feels good or enjoying quick pee somewhere out of the ordinary.

    Mild pee fun, not necessarily sexual.

    Do girls/women have pee solo experimentation or contests for holding, distance, or aim.  Boys sure do growing up.

  7. 10 hours ago, Bacardi said:

    Percentage of women into self pee fun (holding, naughty peeing solo peeing, wetting, enjoy peeing fun alone)? - My guess is 35 %

    Percentage into watching others (such as friends or partners)? - My guess is 80 %

    Percentage into participating in pee play with friends or partners? - My guess is 20 %

    These percentages were just based off of my experience and what I know about my female friends. Most of my friends admitted to enjoying watching other people pee.

    Thank you, @Bacardi.

    I saw an article about 6 months ago about women discussing "peegasms," which fits the definition of holding, and other women commentng that they go turned on while holding, so maybe it is even unconscious.

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  8. 10 hours ago, Dr.P said:

    Based on these experiences, I am guessing that the estimates of DoctorDoctor are on the high side, in most categories, particularly the second one, watching others pee, where I would guess 10-20%. Of all of the women I've talked to, this is the category about which they profess to know the least. Some will describe their own behavior, in detail, but claim to know nothing about the behavior of other women, in similar situations. Admittedly, I am viewing things through the lens of a much earlier time, and a much older generation, which was more repressed by society, with regard to women peeing. With regard to urban/rural differences, mentioned by Adyguy6970, they may be different now, than they were in my generation, when rural girls were more "earthy" and comfortable with their bodily functions, than "proper" city girls.  

    Thanks for the response and information.  I just believe there are a lot more out there that do these activities in private and would never admit it.  I have had GFs that stand behind me when I pee, who didn't appear to be into pee, but then again I don't know what was running through their head.

    Or, do any women secretly hold for pleasure, while home alone?

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  9. Just some questions for everyone.  I know everyone on this website is into it, but what percentage of the population of women are into pee (secretly of not).

    I'll ask in 3 separate questions:

    Percentage of women into self pee fun (holding, naughty peeing solo peeing, wetting, enjoy peeing fun alone)? - My guess is ~50%

    Percentage into watching others (such as friends or partners)? - My guess is ~60%

    Percentage into participating in pee play with friends or partners? - My guess is 20-30%

    Thoughts?  Estimates?

    I ask, because I feel nobody admits to it, but there are so many women self-posting pics of themselves peeing (or peeing+masturbating) and nobody is holding the camera. They all don't appear to be doing it for ad. "clicks" or money.


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  10. 7 hours ago, LoveToHold said:

    So I stayed up late last night holding my pee and chatting to friends.  Finally went to bed at 7am after a nice release into the toilet that felt great after holding for several hours.


      quickly grabbed my crotch, jiggling my legs around as I fought to keep control... it wanted out and it wanted out NOW.  I really wasn't sure I'd make it and was tempted to try to go in an empty bottle on the windowsill by the computer... I'm female and that would have been a disaster but I was truly desperate.


    Thanks for the account of your wet day.

    It would have been hot to see you try to direct that urgent, deperate piss into a bottle.

    I enjoyed it!

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  11. 15 hours ago, puddyls said:

    idk. lol. i come out on my front porch in my undies like aalll the time and don't really think anything of it. but, this night, i felt really sexy and sensual for some reason. it kinda just started by a short, quick rub of my clit over my panties while sipping my tea. or sometimes just feeling the soft night breeze caressing my bare skin. but, my insides were warming with that tingly sensation of desire. before i knew it my fingers had found their way completely inside my muffin, and came out with the tell tale sign of physical excitement. and i wasn't able to resist the lustful feelings overcoming me. despite my surroundings, i had to give in. i let my fingers plunge into my dampening pussy and i was lost in my own little world for a while, eventually the tingles radiated through every inch of my body, and i began to convulse in one of the more intense orgasms i've had in a while. 😇😍 omg, it felt absolutely erotic making myself cum on my porch. even though i only finished once the resulting release of tension was sooo relaxing. and i stayed out enjoying all the subsiding feelings, and the rest of my tea. 

    The look on your face says it all!

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  12. 4 minutes ago, Barbieoxo said:

    They do sometimes! Unfortunately not like they used to but wirh the right stimulation they leak 💦

    Sounds like a challenge that I would be up for.  😉


  13. 5 hours ago, Barbieoxo said:

    Awake early for some reason 😩😩 who wants to suck on these?? You may get something out of them 🤤🤤


    Yes, please, @Barbieoxo!    Are they producing?  Will that help you get back to sleep?

  14. On 5/31/2022 at 7:18 AM, M.Vixen said:

    I’m in too, of course. Now who else can be persuaded to join? 😚😏

    I didn't mean to start a topic, but I enjoyed your stream spraying straight down from under your skirt vid.  Looked like you weren't desperate, but so hot seeing those plants being watered.  More of those vids would be in this topic.  Maybe you should start off the topic outside of the "Men Peeing" category. 😉


  15. 33 minutes ago, M.Vixen said:

    Nice first video, but I fucking loveeee your description/context of your second video! 🤤

    Any chance that with some more contributors we can make a whole ‘Because I could, not because I needed to’-topic so I can drool on my keyboard on a (hopefully) daily basis? 😚🤤🫠

    Thanks, @M.Vixen!  I just chose that spot, because it looked like a nice private place for a pee.  I was not going to post it, because the pee performance was rather weak by my standards.  Glad you enjoyed.

  16. I was walking behind a woman with a really, really short skirt  The combination of walking and a little breeze accidentally revealed tattoos of ribbons across the back of both of her thighs right below her buttocks.

    I was just wondering about the meaning?  I haven't seen a tattoo like that before and the placement was odd.

  17. 4 hours ago, MidoriLemonade85 said:

    Small to average I guess. Have to pee every couple of hours. My 1.5 hour commute in the car is sometimes a struggle. When I was in Japan I found a sports drink called Pocari Sweat. It enabled me to run around catching bullet trains all day without having to find a toilet. Not sure how it works but I think you sweat it out rather than pee it out 😆 who knows. But yeah, if I am going to be somewhere, on on some transport for 2 hours I research where the toilets are in advance so things don’t get awkward. Things definitely change in the female body after you have kids…

    Have you ever measured @MidoriLemonade85 either before or after kids?

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