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Posts posted by DoctorDoctor

  1. 15 hours ago, Cupcake said:

    Definitely! I already think I’m gonna have some piss fun tonight I’ve been thinking about it all day, I’m thinking either pissing on a towel again or maybe in my panties outside? 

    would love suggestions ❤️❤️❤️

    Sorry, I missed your post to comment on ideas.  Can you give us an update to what happened? 😉


  2. 33 minutes ago, PPrince said:

    This was an absolute delight!! The hotel was refurbishing and the room just had a new carpet put in. I of course had to offer my personal service to make it smell more homely.

    I had been on a train for several hours and was absolutely bursting!! Decided to remove the mattress and push the twin beds slightly apart and just make my toilet there onto the brand new carpet underneath, absolutely soaking it. I still jerk off to this one quite regularly and definitely must go back there some time ...


    Link broken?

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  3. 2 hours ago, iLoveGirlsPissingOutside said:

    After months of not being able to piss outside, I was finally able to relieve myself in the fresh air. The other night I was desperate for a piss and I really didn't want to go upstairs, so I snuck out of the basement door while my family was sleeping. The ground was still damp from the rain, so I knew I'd get away with it. I stepped to the right of the door, pulled down my shorts and underwear, and got into a squat position. Just a few seconds later a nice stream was coming from my pussy. It splashed on my feet a bit, but I didn't care because I was so desperate. It felt so good to be able to piss outside again. I left a sizeable puddle, and to my surprise I could still see it in the morning. Guess I wasn't far enough away from the overhang 😂 


    Great that you got a good opportunity and took it. You described a great piss too!

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  4. 4 hours ago, DoeHaze said:

    I'm never sure if I wanna post diaper content on this or not ..


    Personally I love that I can piss freely in places I don't wanna actually ruin 


    It's such a tease and also like


    Such a bad puppy if I'm made to wear protection in case I puddle everywhere.


    Let me know your thoughts?

    I believe the person posting has the creative license on the content! 😉

    I enjoy it all, but seeing an urgent stream and puddle is the most interesting.  A diaper is more fun for the pee'er and not the watcher IMHO.

  5. 30 minutes ago, Bacardi said:

    I'm happy to see products specifically designed for pubic hair, and I dont care how they have to advertise them. Shaving the hair on my legs or underarms is wildly different to the hair on my head (I am half white and half black, so hair texture is different all over my body) so I can't use just anything to shave. 

    That being said, my husband has a manscaping electric trimmer that I use to shave everything, since along with having thicker, curly hair I also get razor bumps that get infected easily. The girl stuff doesn't work for me 🤣

    Just triim your bush short, don't shaving bare.  Not worth the irritation and bumps.  It is just as hot. Just my 2 cents.

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  6. On 3/30/2023 at 5:25 PM, Wetling said:

    I grabbed it out of his hands, then slowly pulled off my panties, while he was still grinning, and started rubbing my pussy. When he realized I was actually going to do it, his face became stunned. I was laying on my back with him staring at my pussy. "Watch me" I wispered, rubbed the dildo over my pussy to get it wet, then closed my eyes and hammered it into me until I came. I never really thought of having sex with him, but somehow this situation got me going. When I finally looked at him again, he had his dick out and was stroking it. 

    I would have been so waiting for even the slightest invitation for sex at that point.

  7. 5 hours ago, Carb0nBased said:

    I've heard of those toilets, and wondered if they work as well as they are supposed to--both for women with messy/backward streams and men who pee standing, even if they understand how it's supposed to work and act accordingly. It all depends on the pee falling in the front of the toilet in such a way that it runs out through the urine outlet and doesn't splash into the rear part of the bowl. Though for guys I imagine hooking up a urinal attachment wouldn't be too hard.

    Yes, a urinal is an obvious choice for men and works 100% at keeping the wastes separated.

  8. 5 hours ago, InsertName said:

    I would never be able to aim into a bottle, but I do want to try. Maybe that’s my next adventure; I’ll spend days (or probably months) trying to successfully pee into bottles and then make a compilation of the progress when I finally get it. That sounds fun. I love (and hate) feeling my stream miss where I wanted it to go 


    Start with a wide-mouthed bottle and continue to progress to smaller-mouth bottles as your anatomy and skills allow.  It would be hot to watch your progress (or even attempts).

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  9. I recetly saw a couple of engineering stories about toilets in developing countries that separate urine from #2 (while the user is seated).  This is either for collecting urine (for fertilizer or recycling) or keeping the #2 separate and dry for composting.  It also saves a considerable amount of water.



    I was wondering if any users have any experience actually using such a toilet and if they care to share their experience?

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  10. 3 hours ago, lamepeeidiot said:

    Today is exciting. 

    for the first time ever i’m home alone AND i get to work from home. 

    you know what that means?

    Trying a diaper and peeing where ever and whenever i want. 

    today is gonna be a blast. 

    Hope you post a summary of how the day went.

  11. 5 hours ago, Wetling said:

    I honestly never reached the point on which it bursted out of me, so I don't really know my hard limit. But I think it's somewhere between 800 and 900 ml that the feeling of needing to go becomes overwhelming.

    That is an above average amount and I would consider it 'large'.

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