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Posts posted by DoctorDoctor

  1. 3 hours ago, puddyls said:

    i know its nothing new, but sometimes i just feel like letting you see my muffin. 😇🫦

    Beautiful muffin! We are very grateful for you sharing!

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  2. 8 hours ago, colette888 said:

    I agree, but sometimes if I wear panties under a short skirt, and the situation is favorable, I don't dislike pissing through 'em while standing.


    I have to ask the somewhat obvious question, does keeping the panties on and peeing through them provide any benefits other than being less noticable that you are peeing?  For example do they help direct the stream downward away from the front of the skirt?  Do they make it quieter?  Do they keep your thighs drier?

  3. 1 hour ago, Kittykiss said:

    I actually never thought that bladder bumps are real because I never noticed it on anyone (or me). But when I'm wearing leggings, and have to pee like I have never before but cant and trying to be discreet about it, my bf would ask me if he should stop somewhere because I clearly need to go. This always gets me because I wouldn't fidget or anything, but apparently he could tell from the outline of my bladder buldging against my leggings, but somehow I cant!!! According to him its cute haha, so I suppose some people do like it

    I am guessing it is because you are looking at the bump from above where it is less noticeable, while I find it is most noticeable to view directly from the side or from the side and slightly above.  Maybe look at yourself from the side in a mirror or take a pic from that view.  My GF made it obvious to look, because she was tugging at the waistband.  The top of her bladder bump was almost to her leggings waistband (not high-waisted leggings, just normal ones) - That was a big bump.

  4. 8 hours ago, Misslittlecutie1 said:

    This is also my favorite type of pussy. I know I’m in the minority here, but I find lippy women to be the sexiest especially when they pee. Maybe it’s because I, too, have large labia, I don’t know. But I sure do love when others do too! I also love women with large clits, but I also love women who have super fat/plump pussies. They’re all so exciting. 

    I am guessing you mean long labia as shown in the pic or do you mean thick lipped labia (or both)?   They are all beautiful

  5. 7 hours ago, ABBYPEEGODDESS said:

    Hello everyone Abby here I just a couple of questions that I’ve been itching to ask.

    For the males:

    Do you carry roll of toilet paper or wipes in the car for those emergency situations on the road for your significant other or daughter?

    For the females:

    Does your husband carry toilet paper or wipes for you or as a kid did your mother or father carry them?

    I always carry a roll in the car.  For any female passengers that need it and also if I need a #2 in a place with no toilet paper.

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  6. 4 hours ago, Sonnenschein said:

    The piss came slowly, creating a narrow long-lasting stream, hitting the wooden bench with a satisfying sound. After two minutes of very slow peeing, I stopped, thinking I was empty.

    As I stood up, I realised I wasn't empty after all. So I stood on the wooden bench and let go again, standing this time. With a lovely splashing sound, my stream hit the bench and I went for almost another minute, with some pauses. 

    PS. The sauna seems a lot less naughty to me than what some of you get up to, but I love the sound of my pee hitting something hard, so it was still nice.

    Mmmmm.  I enjoy reading the descriptions of your naughty female pee stream hitting different surfaces.

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  7. 2 hours ago, kepee314 said:

    One thing I've been wondering is has it always been like that for you or have you noticed your capacity increase over time? I'm trying to increase my capacity after a lifetime of always making sure I pee before going anywhere. I have, I guess, what's considered a medically average and healthy capacity of about 400 ml. I'm really asking because I wonder how much I can change that and how much I'm stuck with.

    I bet you can get up to 550-600 ml with some practice.  There is no real need to go above that, but many people can hold more.  I rarely use over 600 ml of my capacity and that is enough for several hours of holding.

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  8. I had a couple pints at a bar with workmates for happy hour and decided to walk home.  My bladder was fairly full when I left the bar trying not to "break the seal".  A broken down freight train across a street crossing partway home delayed my trip.  My bladder felt like a painful melon and finally needed relief, so I ducked into a alley and started to piss, but the stream was slower than normal at the beginning.  It wasn't until I'd pissed for a good 20 seconds did the stream reach full speed.  Then I continued on for another 30-40 seconds making an enormous puddle and pee river.

    Does anyone else have a slow stream flow when starting after holding a really full bladder for a long time?

    A lot of people say they "burst" or "gush" after holding, but when my hold is extreme it takes some to really get a strong flow going.

    Maybe this a guy thing or do women have this too?

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  9. On 12/4/2023 at 10:30 PM, Darlene said:

    Yes. I use a pyrex jug. It only goes up to 1000ml, that's the downside. I sometimes have to use flower vases if I do make the jug overflow. 

    Wow, those are some big pee amounts.  Have you measured your max. capacity?

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  10. 5 hours ago, Simmie said:

    I used to do this, I keep seeing this topic come up and it's giving me ideas now that I live alone. heh. Forgot how freaking good it felt. If I get a waterproof towel/mat and a couple towels would it hold it all? Really want to minimize mess. I am mindful of how much I drink

    I think a couple 2-3 bath sized towels (layered) and a waterproof mat under them should be good.  (You never said how much your bladder could hold.  I can hold a pretty good amount and that combination is good for me.)  Let us know how it turns out.

  11. On 6/1/2023 at 7:54 PM, Emilaze said:

    I'm about 180 cm tall or 181 cm, idk. Anyway yeah I think I have an average ish bladder because I cant always hold upto 1.2 to 1.5L . Its only somedays that I manage to surprise myself haha but approximately I can  hold upto 750 ml or so

    Even 750 ml is a fairly large amount.  Any idea what your normal amount that triggers your desire to pee?

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  12. On 12/3/2023 at 11:08 PM, nygirl said:

    On the subway back home, I convinced my one friend to take turns pissing in the subway elevator (one person in at a time) while one stood guard. I chose to go second so I could see his piss when I went. He chose to pee on the wall at hip height. I could barely piss, I was so turned on. 


    Wow, do you normally enjoy seeing the guys piss puddle or does it just remind you of what occurred there?


    On 12/3/2023 at 11:08 PM, nygirl said:

    On the subway ride back, I put my jacket over my lap and rubbed myself discreetly through my pants for about 10 seconds before I orgasmed in my pants right in front of a (hopefully) unaware older hot man. We made eye contact briefly while I was orgasming. 

    He was likely aware. 😉  

  13. On 11/24/2023 at 9:21 AM, vanessa9 said:

    I decided to follow them, ran to the end of the jetty and found a place between peeing guys, where I could squat and pee into the water. I told them something like "I also have a bladder", and everybody cheered and laughed while I produced a strong and nice stream, arching in front of me before hitting the water. I remember my pee went farther than most of the guys.

    @vanessa9 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This is hot.  Pissing a strong stream alongside the guys.

  14. 28 minutes ago, vanessa9 said:

    II wish I were able to pee standing, facing the urinal, but unfortunately the best I will do is a spray that will make everybody laugh (the worst I can do is peeing on my legs). I sometimes use a device called P-mate, this is great to pee like "one of the guys", as you say. It often triggers interesting conversations with the other users, who are enthusiastic when seeing a woman pee this way. And yes, it also offers very nice side views.

    I would be cheering you on (and any other women trying it)!  I think woman trying out the urinals would be great to "see" (not from a gawking sense, but to see women sharing the restroom and using a very useful, water-saving device.)

  15. 7 hours ago, pussylover said:

    Do you prefer to approach the urinal from the front or the back?  I can see merits to both approaches. 

    Facing the urinal, you're taking a "I'm one of the guys" approach to peeing into the urinal, but you are (unless you're very skilled at aiming with your fingers or wearing a dress/skirt), exposing your rear, a part of the body that definitely looks different in females.  However, despite being "one of the guys," you'll have a good view of their anatomy peeing, but it'll be harder for them to see yours.

    Backing up into the urinal, you're pulling your pants down, bending over, and exposing your lady bits in a room full of men - it's sexually suggestive, even for those who are not interested in peeing.  However, it's relatively easy to keep yourself covered by bending over far enough, keeping your legs closed, or just covering yourself with a hand.

    Looks like a classic tomboy/girly girl fork in the road.

    I just wanted to point out that the edge of a urinal is almost always disgusting and covered in urine splatters and pubic hair (more than a toilet rim).  If backing up to a urinal, make sure you don't make contact it. I've seen pics of woman sitting against a urinal and it is shockingly gross.

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  16. 2 hours ago, bane said:

    One of them had an extremely powerful stream, because she definitely started splattering and plashing the girl in front of her, who had to quickly get out of the way. What made it even hotter was the girl pissing on the other clearly didn't even care, as she made no attempt to reposition herself. 

    Sounds hot that she had such a strong stream and rude that she didn't try to avoid her fellow public pissers at the same time.  Probaby had to pee so urgently she couldn't control it.

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