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Posts posted by DoctorDoctor

  1. 2 hours ago, PeeGurl74 said:

    I like when other women get in here and share their piss-capades. 

    My moments have been sporadic, but when the mood hits like today, I'll put a short sleeveless dress on, no panties, go sit on my porch and spread my legs to piss. While doing so, I act like I had no idea the piss was coming.  The release satisfies my endorphins. ❤️💦

    So hot, @PeeGurl74!

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  2. 1 hour ago, Paulypeeps said:

    I love spandex, because I can pee through it when I am out, and as soon as I stop peeing nothing shows. I like fishnet stockings too so that I can pee down my legs without anything being visible.

    Does the stream follow your legs all the way down or does it burst through like a stream and fall to the ground?

  3. 4 hours ago, toseepee said:

    My partner, who likes piss and happily indulges with me in many aspects of the  fetish, does not share my interest in peeing into bottles.

    So because I don't think they'd think it's a good idea to piss in bottles or jars because of the risk of spillage, I resist the temptation.

    But sadly they aren't in the house for a few days, so I've been taking the opportunity to play some video games I haven't had time for, and indulging in the convenient tradition of pissing in a bottle.


    It sounds like you have a great chance to explore this activity without others around.

    4 hours ago, toseepee said:

    I've been using a quart sized mason jar, which has wide mouth that works perfectly. I just squat with the jar pressed up to me. The jar mouth is big enough cover from vaginal opening to my clit, so there's no risk of stray streams.

    I'll post pictures when it's full!

    If you find a contaiiner that works well for you - that is great.  If you desire to post pictures, I;m sure they would be well received here.

  4. 5 hours ago, InsertName said:

    Anyway, I would love to piss trash as many of the little huts as I come across so that, if nothing else, the hunter’s hideout and gear they put onto my pissy messes will reek like a human and give the animals a warning. 

    I am not sure it would have the desired effect on the animals.  Animals piss everywhere out in the forest.  Female piss is loaded with pheromones and may even draw in some male animals.


  5. On 4/24/2023 at 1:05 AM, Alygal1331 said:

    Another time I was alone by the pool (parents went out) and I was sitting on the side with my feet hanging in. I pulled my swimsuit aside, propped my feet up on the side of the pool, tilted my hips up  and sprayed a clear stream a few feet forward into the pool. That became one of my favourite ways to pee in the pool but I didn’t get the chance very often. 

    Sounds like a fun, hot, naughty way to piss.

  6. On 5/18/2023 at 3:03 AM, Alygal1331 said:

    The nurses only came and checked on me every 2-3 hours because all my vitals were normal, and they wanted me to speak to the respiratory specialist when they arrived for their shift around noon, so I was there for about 12 hours. Because of all the fluids they were pumping through my IV (honestly I thought it was a bit excessive lol) I had to pee every 30-60 minutes, and I would fill this 1.5L urinal in usually 2 pisses, then I would have to call the nurse to empty it. 


    After I got home, with the side effects from all the new medications they gave me, I really wished I had that damn urinal! I was so weak and out of breath from the short walk to the bathroom, being able to pee right from bed would’ve been amazing 😂

    Wow, they were pushing a lot of fluids if you were peeing that much and often.  Good thing you could get 2 pisses into that urinal to save the nurses some trips.

    That female urinal sounds like a handy device. You could probably buy one off the web if it would be useful often.

  7. 4 hours ago, marking my territory said:

    Sometimes I have the overwhelming urge to pee right around the corner from two people having a conversation. The knowledge that I could be caught or even heard at any moment is very appealing to me. I'd probably pull up my skirt and stand as close to the wall, spreading my cunt so my stream didn't make as much noise, just a quiet hiss. 

    Please don't quiet the hiss! 😛

  8. 4 hours ago, marking my territory said:

     Imagine being able to go out to the mall shopping with some friends, completely nude, no shoes, no underwear and then service haha. On top of that being able to squat down on the floor and make a little puddle on the cheap carpet or cool stone? Incredible. Imagine bringing home your boyfriend to meet your parents, hes a bit nervous waiting in the living room waiting for them and his bladders acts up and your parents walk in to find their daughter's new guy nervously peeing on their curtains! What a funny introduction, not easily forgotten.

      It'd probably encourage hydration to prevent bad smell from piss and effectively streamline the chronically dehydrated to nearly expelling water when they pee. Not to mention easier cleanup as well.

       Just an idea rolling around my head, please feel free to add to it if you like it ❤️❤️❤️

    I like the idea of your nude peeing.  That way you can be much more relaxed about which position you choose and not have to worry about clothing being in the way of the stream.

    Yes, hydration is good!

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  9. On 5/4/2023 at 2:16 PM, marking my territory said:

      We really should be more accepting and appreciative of men that urinate outdoors when they could easily do so inside while intoxicated.

       I personally find it quite a turn on to witness a male mark his territory or just urinating outside but thats just me.

    And of women urinating outdoors too.  I find a woman urinating or marking her territory an equal turn on.

  10. 3 hours ago, Bacardi said:

    I wish for a man with a big ass booty 😌

    I'll bow out of this thread.  I suffer from a condition known as "Noassatall".

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  11. 1 hour ago, Bacardi said:

    Haha. Well if it makes you feel any better I always just use my husband's beard trimmer (he let's me). 

    I used to have a thick, black goatee type beard on my face.  It looked like a woman's thick black bush.

  12. 19 hours ago, Foobar said:

    But how long is "long enough"? There was one time I was bursting to pee, and if the elevator had even a 2 minute hiccup I would need to pee or wet myself in the elevator (after the 10 second ride I barely made it to the toilet in time and started peeing before fully seated). But if I had to pee in the elevator I think nobody would buy my story that it was necessary.

    I personally wouldn't undertake an activity where I would be pushing my limits of holding with no toilet available.  I would leave a margin of 10-20 minutes for an elevator (lift) or maybe 30 minutes for a automobile/taxi trip.

    20 hours ago, Foobar said:

    The fact is sometimes people are carrying a very full bladder and they have no budget for any delays. I wrote this with getting stuck in an elevator in mind, but it applies in many cases. Maybe you're 5 minutes away from a bladder accident when a cop pulls you over. Or on a plane the washrooms are closed (turbulence, refuelling, etc).

    Judging by the picture of the pee puddle surrounding the woman in the news picture, I would say that she waited her maximum possible.  That is a huge bladderful of pee in that puddle.  My question is whether she did anything to put herself in that situation (didn't use the restroom when it was available), whether she tried to ask for another restoom or tried to use a drink cup or plastic waste bag.  I believe I would have at least tried to use a rubbish/trash bag or airsickness bag which are plentiful on aircraft.


  13. Bidets aren't common where I live, but I was doing some traveling and noticed that many of them are like a large, low sink.

    They look like they would be perfect for urinating and saving more water than a toilet flush.

    Anyone (men or women) on here use them for pee?


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  14. 3 hours ago, Wetling said:

    Sadly not, and I would suspect, unlikely to happen, because I don't need help to pee… but the thought of a guy touching my pussy while peeing and directing my stream has something to it. Maybe while standing behind me and taking me in his arms while doing it. Think I would like. ☺️

    Most of us don't "need" help to pee, but personally, I think it would be hot to have someone volunteer at assist (say by aiming my cock, holding a container under my cock, or wrapping their arms around me). 🙂


  15. 2 hours ago, epdreamgirl said:

    i reallyyy had to pee but ive been on this kick of not using the toilet. i ended up taking my pants and panties off, kneeling in front of a mirror, and peeing into a bowl i placed underneath me. i peed for probably 45 seconds, and i was watching myself in the mirror while feeling my breasts and teasing my nipples, and my swollen clit was making my pee aim a little wonky so some got on my legs and ran down my thighs!!!

    That scenario is incredibly hot.  I can imagine the sound of your desperate pee collecting in the bowl.

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