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Posts posted by DoctorDoctor

  1. 7 hours ago, pussylover said:

    Do you prefer to approach the urinal from the front or the back?  I can see merits to both approaches. 

    Facing the urinal, you're taking a "I'm one of the guys" approach to peeing into the urinal, but you are (unless you're very skilled at aiming with your fingers or wearing a dress/skirt), exposing your rear, a part of the body that definitely looks different in females.  However, despite being "one of the guys," you'll have a good view of their anatomy peeing, but it'll be harder for them to see yours.

    Backing up into the urinal, you're pulling your pants down, bending over, and exposing your lady bits in a room full of men - it's sexually suggestive, even for those who are not interested in peeing.  However, it's relatively easy to keep yourself covered by bending over far enough, keeping your legs closed, or just covering yourself with a hand.

    Looks like a classic tomboy/girly girl fork in the road.

    I just wanted to point out that the edge of a urinal is almost always disgusting and covered in urine splatters and pubic hair (more than a toilet rim).  If backing up to a urinal, make sure you don't make contact it. I've seen pics of woman sitting against a urinal and it is shockingly gross.

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  2. 2 hours ago, bane said:

    One of them had an extremely powerful stream, because she definitely started splattering and plashing the girl in front of her, who had to quickly get out of the way. What made it even hotter was the girl pissing on the other clearly didn't even care, as she made no attempt to reposition herself. 

    Sounds hot that she had such a strong stream and rude that she didn't try to avoid her fellow public pissers at the same time.  Probaby had to pee so urgently she couldn't control it.

  3. 7 hours ago, nygirl said:

    If I use the sink, I just sit on the ledge and piss, then run the water. My suitemate has complained about the sink smelling like piss, but I just blamed it on a piping issue.

    If you run the water, then I am not quite sure why it would smell; however, if you pee strongly, there could be splatters that aren't getting washed down or even making their way around the sink and those might smell.

    The other issue that leads to smell is if your pee goes down the sink "overflow" hole(s). That passage doeen't normally get rinsed so stale piss in there could smell.  You might try splashing some water down the overflow hole.

  4. 6 hours ago, nygirl said:

    There have been times I was so horned up that I couldn’t help it and did it without their consent. Like the aforementioned time above. Another time, I was riding a boy’s face and just couldn’t help but squirt some into his mouth while he sucked my clit. He was naive, though, and thought I squirted. I let him believe that to avoid the truth. 

    @nygirl Nothing to be embarassed about if that is part of your body's reaction to sexual stimulation. If it happens involuntarily as part of sexual activity then it is just what makes you, you. Sex is messy. I don't think you have to explain yourself other than possibly a warning to partners that sometimes things get wet so they can protect their bed. If you ever feel comfortable enough you can explain your kink to partners, otherwise just be you.  (All that being said, I don't think it would be polite to intentionally release a full bladder of piss without their consent, just so you can have a good time.)

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  5. On 11/1/2023 at 4:48 AM, sunny.puppy said:

    After a few seconds of concentrating on going my stream became strong enough to easily aim the rest into the toilet, but I can’t seem to pee standing up without making a big mess in the floor. 

    I do not posess the right anatomy to provide tips, but your description sounds like you are well on your way to standing pee mastery. You identified a problem that everyone (both men and women) have.  Weak streams are more difficult to aim, you have to commit with a strong stream.

    On 11/1/2023 at 4:48 AM, sunny.puppy said:

    . . . . or if anyone has stories of peeing on the floor by accident please share; I think it’s so cute when my partner’s aim is off and they end up peeing where they didn’t mean to hehe.

    I have done this more times than I can count. I think it deserves its own thread.

  6. I hosted a Halloween party last night.  One of my female guests desperately needed the toilet (I assumed to pee).  There was a queue for the main toilet, so she asked if she could the bathroom off of the master bedroom.  I said "sure".

    I have a moveable squatty potty platform device (as gifted to me this past Christmas) that fits around the toilet for #2, but it was still in place around the front of the toilet.

    A moment later a heard a shriek (like seeing a mouse shriek, not one from pain) come from that bathroom.  I knocked on the door and asked if everything was OK.  My guest called out and asked for a minute, she then cracked the door open and asked me to call for my GF.  While the door was cracked, I saw a narrow, nearly meter long puddle of splattered pee on the floor in front of the the toilet on the tile floor.  Not a full bladder's worth, but a definite good spray. I found my GF and sent her to assist our female guest with clean up duty, not telling her what I saw.

    I don't think our guest intended to pee on the floor in front of the toilet.  Would this possibly be some sort of artifact from the guest trying to use the squatty potty to pee?  Just curious on what happened in there. LOL

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  7. 7 hours ago, vanessa9 said:

    I frequently go to naturist campsites during holidays. In those places, modesty is not really a concern, and people usually don't walk for miles to find a shelter or a bush to go to the toilet. It is generally frowned upon to pee blatantly in front of others, but nobody will care if a guy discreetly goes to the next tree, or if a woman quickly squats on the grass. At night, for example, I seldom walk to the restrooms although I have to pee a couple of times every night. Even at dawn, I usually pee in front of my tent, fully naked. More than once, people walking in the pathways in front of my tent pitch have caught me peeing, and most of the time we wave hands or say good morning to each other.

    I would enjoy camping next to you. 😄 I am suprised that your night time or early morning hissing while peeing doesn't wake people in nearby campsites. You must keep it quiet or have campsites further apart than I am used to.

  8. 7 hours ago, UltrasoundGirlRebecca said:

    Mine is a doctor fetish and a pregnancy fetish. I love any doctor appointment that involves a full bladder including ultrasound, xray, CT scans and so on. 

    Do you enjoy watching others or being the doctor or patient?

    • Hot 1
  9. On 10/21/2023 at 1:48 PM, lilpgrl said:

    i’m on the road right now, but i’ve pulled over for a moment to write this. i am SOOO incredibly horny right now. my bladder is just full to the brim. i feel like i can see its swell in my lower tummy.

     . . . . .

    ugh, i love it so much. i can feel my pussy actively getting wet as i type this, and i’m not exaggerating. my panties are just getting stickier and slicker by the second.

    Thank you for sharing.  I wonder how many women have this feeling, but are too embarassed or shy to admit it.

  10. 11 hours ago, pee2poop said:

    Story includes, poop, pee, desperation.  

    Up in the air, 5000m above the earth in a small spaceship was a flight crew, they were on mission to the space station and fixing the hubble telescope. 

    It was seeming a long flight for  the 2 guys and 2 ladies on the team, things a bit rocky but otherwise running smoothly.

    That is until they had to pee, it was quite easy for the guys they just held the funnel up and peed into it. There was a much harder time for the women though as you couldn't pee and poop without switching a leaver so the machine knew what was going on and suction needed. 

    If you had to pee and were female you had to tightly hold the funnel up to yourself and pee into it, making sure to have a good seal was extremely important as the machine turned the pee into drinkable water. You would sit and switch it to what you were doing. 

    Anyway it was about 1/2way into the trip and the girls began to desperately need to pee, dancing around, the boys Frank and Joe had already gone by pulling out their cork and letting go into the machine. Now it was the girls, Linda and Diane's turns. 

    Diane sat down  on the toilet and set the machine to the appropriate setting holding it tightly as possible and let go a hissing pee into the funnel which streamed out of her pussy spraying into the machine and thundering on for a good minute before dying down and  started  dripping she then took the machine off and wiped quickly. 

    Then it was Linda's turn she sat down on the toilet  switching the machine to the right setting  and  put the machine up  to herself as Diane had instructed and let go pee gushing out into the machine sputtering as it went, stopping and starting  till it turned to drips and stopped completely, her now removing the funnel and wiping.

    As the machine was now full it started working at turning all it had consumed into water, which they eagerly drank and  started the whole process again. 

    Pooping was different as the machine suctioned it and broke it down, smaller and  stored it until someone could hook the machine up and it would be disposed of correctly.

    This was the way it was  until the last day when the machine started sucking up the pee  instead of letting it normally flow into it as  before.  

    It still seemed fine for the guys but it sucked a little to hard with the girls and was challenging for them to remove without feeling like their pussy was being sucked up. They had to hold it a distance away  but not too far before letting go into it now. 

    This was the way things were in the small spaceship and a reason being female in space will be  a challenge until the day  aircrafts have actual toilets where you can poop and pee at the same time, it separating into the correct holding tanks to be either disposed of or turned to drinkable  water. 


    I have a "wet" shop vacuum at home.  This gives me some ideas if anyone wants to volunteer.

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  11. On 10/9/2023 at 4:27 AM, naughty_emma said:

    Hey everyone ! I’ve just started to want to film myself peeing in naughty places. I’m just wondering what people would want to see from me. Where have you filmed and what should i do?

    Anywhere and anyway you feel comfortble!  Just a suggestion - Many people here enjoy seeing the puddles left behind and if you are comfortable, the stream too.

  12. 5 hours ago, epdreamgirl said:
    5 hours ago, epdreamgirl said:

    Curious what you all like peeing in when youre not using the toilet or yourself!

    I usually prefer wetting, diapers, or the floor but sometimes like adventuring into other things. I really like being on all 4s and aiming into a long flat tupperwear (I’m a girl so small bottles are not as easy for me)


    I’m curious on what you all like to use?? I want some new, “rare” ideas! I want to try a cardboard box soon

    Curious what you all like peeing in when youre not using the toilet or yourself!

    So many things.  Anything that holds liquid. LOL  Seriously, I look in my plastics recycling bin and find all different shapes, sizes, and types of containers.  Larger yogurt or ice cream containers, cheap plastic iced-coffee or big soft drink cups. Large, flat plastic take-away food containers.  If you are feeling adventurous, visit the dollar store and find your next urinal. 🙂  My favorite "game" is to hold untilmy bladder is fairly full then search for a container that holds almost the perfect amount without me overflowing it.

    5 hours ago, epdreamgirl said:

    I usually prefer wetting, diapers, or the floor but sometimes like adventuring into other things. I really like being on all 4s and aiming into a long flat tupperwear (I’m a girl so small bottles are not as easy for me).

    Anything can be fun trying.  Does it matter if you"miss" some of it? You like floor peeing anyway.  Peeing into flat long plastic containers sounds hot - What about an ice cube tray? Or multiple side by side or even end to end if you have a strong stream.

    What about tall skinny plastic cups or short fat ones?  I'm sure you'll find something that is fun!

  13. 7 hours ago, UltrasoundGirlRebecca said:

    I had a really noticeable wet spot on my crotch and my red leggings didn't help. I was BURSTING by the time I reached the toilet.

    I am sure that felt amazing to let it out after such a procedure. I hope they gave you a good toilet and privacy so you could relax and just let it all go.

  14. 3 hours ago, LuvrPiss said:

    A lot of men seem to love the thrill of just whippin' it out and taking a piss, it's a bold move and probably brings some much needed relief along with some arousal. But why do you do it?

    Speaking only for myself.I don't whip it out and piss unless I have a moderate or strong need to empty my bladder. The feeling of all the pee causing pressure in my bladder is great and can be arousing in itself.  Seeing the stream and growing puddle while enjoying the relief is a feeling that one doesn't get while seated on the toilet or even peeing in a urinal.  The only better thrill is doing it while camping on a clear, crisp, starry night.

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  15. 2 hours ago, Alfresco said:

     . . . . I might say something so that she can choose where the cum ends up.   Also, sometimes if I know that I'm on the edge and she is not yet near then I let her know that she needs to give me a rest if she wants me to last longer.

    ^^^^^^^ This is what I was originally talking about! ^^^^^^


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  16. Who here announces their orgasms/climaxes to their partner?

    Being a guy, I always give some indication of an impending orgasm especially if receiving oral sex.  Partly out of courtesy and partly because I feel it is hot.

    I find it super hot if a woman does the same and announces her start of cumming.  I am always paying attention for clues such as my (female) partners flushing face and chest, feet tensing and changes in breathing for an upcoming relase.  But, I like it much more if it just straight up announced.

    Do you like a warning from your partner or announcing to your partner?

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