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Posts posted by DoctorDoctor

  1. On 1/20/2024 at 11:15 PM, LadyP said:

    I recently used up a jar of peanut butter and washed it out. It's become my new favorite thing to pee in. It has a wide top and its large and holds a lot. I've used it a few times, I have squatted over it and stood up holding it to pee inside it. 

    That sounds like a great idea for a overnight pee container.  My GF is always looking for a better container when camping in a tent.  Is it plastic or glass?  Capacity?

  2. 1 hour ago, weequeen said:

    I usually squeeze my legs together or grab at my crotch when I'm really desperate and not ready to pee yet, both sitting and standing. 

    Curious when holding your crotch, do you push on any spot in particular or just press against your whole pussy?

  3. 3 hours ago, glad1 said:

    One more occupation I would add are foresters. I know at least one woman who has confessed to me that her favorite part of the job was getting paid to pee in some very scenic locations.

    Foresters definitely would pee in the outdoors during work.  (I'd love to get paid to pee in scenic locations too!)

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  4. Holding to the point of feeling of a very strong need to piss and a aching bladder.  And then enjoying that feeling of a swollen bladder.  Sometimes I like some gentle pressure with my fingers around the outline of my swollen bladder.  When my bladder is very full, the edge becomes easy to identify.  A hard swollen bladder that is extremely sensitive compared to softer non-sensitive parts.  (I don't enjoy when it becomes painful and spasms start).  When the pressure starts to get too much, then time for the oh, so sweet release.


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  5. Mine are on the short side.  Probably 4-6 good sized spurts of cum then 2-3 more "dry" contractions.

    No correlation to the amount of fluid and the level of pleasure.

  6. 3 hours ago, Paulypeeps said:

    Misdirection is a good skill to have. If you are going to leave a puddle do something else while peeing - the person checking a phone is just that, not someone checking a phone and peeing at the same time. It is rather fun chatting with someone with lovely warm pee running down your legs, you are just having a conversation - no one expects you to be peeing as well.

    Knowing this, now I will always be checing every woman doing something else in public to see if she is secretly peeing. 😉


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  7. On 1/9/2024 at 6:23 AM, MommyImWettingMyself said:

    Jeans and denim probably LOOK the sexiest to watch someone wet but oddly I don't like how they feel that much.  I've yet to try silk or leather.  

    I agree that tight, medium blue, denim jeans that show a clear color change are the hottest to watch.  I enjoy seeing the huge variation in patterns that the pee makes for different positions and people.  More to front or back or more to one side, etc.

  8. On 1/9/2024 at 11:32 PM, MommyImWettingMyself said:

    Yeah I've always peed in the pool and never seen anyone get out to go to the bathroom unless it was for #2.  My friends and I LIVED at the pool as kids and it just wasn't a thing. Peeing in pools does cause a burning sensation for me though probably due to the chlorine. 

    Yes, maybe due to the chlorine or maybe the pH was off. (Used to work at a pool).

  9. On 1/8/2024 at 11:55 AM, glad1 said:

    Even where I live in the south, it often gets cold in the winter. Which means that I sometimes don't want to head out into Nature every time I need to answer one of her calls.

    Normally, I'd just head to the shower and aim for the drain or, if I'm up for some fun, at the far wall and see how far up I can make a splash.

    But, in the last month or so, the thought occurred to me that maybe I should have my own urinal. So, I created one out of a gallon-size plastic bottle and taped it to my shower. I even dressed it up with a coat of black paint on the outside, so it looks a little like something you might see in one of those trendy hotel bathrooms. 

    In the past few weeks it's seen plenty of use, though so far only by me.  But, I've had a few online friends ask how they could make one for themselves. And, I have it on good authority that at least one woman has been regularly using one which she patterned from mine.


    Looks like a great idea. Is there a hose to a drain or does it drain out onto your feet?

  10. My guess is multiple pee sessions.  There are two obvious residual marks from someone standing and peeing against the wall (one against the tile wall to the left of the corner where it ran down to the floor and towards the left along the wall,  The other standing stain is just left of the seam on the black painted wood aimed towards the corner.  The pee ran down and to the right along where the wood met the floor.  I am guessing both from a male that was standing, but some women stand and pee against objects too.

    There are also a bunch of stains on the floor.  No idea about the origin of those.  They are not clear.

    More guesses?


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  11. 3 hours ago, Syler said:

    May as well throw myself into the ring. Bonus image for cum and large lips



    Thanks for sharing.  Nice to see another with hair!

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  12. 2 hours ago, Sophie said:

    Photo of this being used, well, they have their clothes pulled down at least.



    I like the fact that it has handholds and the grates covering the in-floor troughs.  If the grates are designed correctly, they could significantly reduce splatter.  I would suggest wastebaskets for used tissue and sanitary supplies.  The other question on my mind is facing towards the wall or towards the possibly queue of waiting women, which could be uncomfortable.  Seems like facing the wall is more private.

  13. You have mentioned in previous posts about the awkward situations caused by your large bladder and forward facing urethra, such as aiming your stream, controlling the pressure, and needing to stand to pee in toilets.

    Do you ever get a chance to just empty your full bladder naturally, just relaxing and letting it go at full flow in your favorite posture without aiming or worrying about it?  Where and how do you do it?

  14. 1 hour ago, PrincessApricot said:

    If the movie I’m going to is quite long, I make sure to wear a diaper so I can just pee when I need to. For normal movies though, I prefer to hold it and then pee in the parking lot after the movie. It’s dark anyway so no need to wait in line for the bathroom.

    Do you do this alone or with your friends?  Ever seen anyone else peeing there after the movie?

  15. 3 hours ago, Sarah_Hiker31 said:

    I’ve been on a few picnics in my life and I’ve usually just squatted behind a tree but I’m going on a picnic with my family soon and I don’t think it’d be too appropriate for my to do that Lmaoo

    If you need to take care of emptying a full bladder, then it is natural and you have to do what is necessary. 😉

    It would be a little abnormal if there was a clean toilet provided nearby and you still went behind a tree, even if you prefer it.  Also peeing in open view of others in your party might be considered strange, so you might want to find a private spot.

    But, I am guessing if you have to pee, then others with you may also need to pee.

    Have a good picnic and let us know how it goes!

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