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Everything posted by MidoriLemonade85

  1. Oooooh, Kupar, you two are sooooo creative and you put so much effort in, puts us married couples to shame. Do you think of Date Night ideas yourselves, or do they come from a book or website? I keep my ideas in a notebook. I have scenarios to try based on my many kinks. I love how it is almost scientific how you approach these kinds of things. You keep an open-mind and are always pleasantly surprised by your experiments and you note down your experiences and improve over time. And yes, K is amazing. But you are amazing too for all the detail and commitment you put
  2. You’ll just have to start a trend. 😘 Or maybe work somewhere you think it might happen after a few drinks…. I wonder what the PeeFans website Christmas party is like? No, don’t pee on the servers! 🤣
  3. 💚💖💦 mmmmmm, Kupar. I have so much for you. Sorry for creating such a diversion…… OMG, it’s nearly January! Time to get your running vest on!
  4. Yep, well I look young so, must be some magic in me, so I would be very happy to help by providing my font of eternal youth! Very happy indeed!💚
  5. Kupar, you ain’t ever getting old and will continue to be gorgeous forevermore. I have waved my magic wand, so mote it be….there! ✨ But yes, you’ll still need to exercise. 💚😊
  6. Do you have a timetable; do you plan to do these exercises at a regular time/day during the week or do you just fit them into your day the best you can? I always wonder whether morning or afternoon exercise is more beneficial. It is hard for me to fit exercise in as I get up stupidly early, spend 3 hours on the road each day commuting, and my work has no hills or stairs, it is all flat. I have exercise videos, but it is hard to access the TV with all the gamers in my house! I got “Let’s Get Fit” on the Nintendo Switch for Christmas so, if I can get access to a spare TV, maybe I can start with
  7. Walking is great, and I have lost weight just by walking. Have you tried those really tight fitting sports bras? I know it is hard being a girl.😔
  8. Reminds me of the time I was determined to go for a swim….I wore a wetsuit into my parents pool, and when I got out my parents told me my feet had turned blue, so, there goes that idea! I love swimming, but the water is always cold here!
  9. @LovesToWet I so wish Crucial Taunt were a real band! They rock!
  10. @LovesToWet I know this is way retro but damn, so sexy.
  11. Wow! Takes me back my groupie days! Love it. Nice knife play too. I do remember being obsessed with rock stars like that. Go Fergie!
  12. You must have loved watching the Matrix. My husband told me I look a bit like Trinity. I love wearing dark sunnies and do have dark, short hair.
  13. I’d wear the second one. But with big black boots!
  14. @LovesToWet I know this is from a movie, but she rocks…..and those boots! ❤️
  15. Ooooh I like very much. I would definitely have jumped around the floor to this in my goth club.
  16. I was having a particularly sentimental, nostalgic evening, and this song matched my mood so perfectly. Music is like food for the soul. 💜
  17. Mmmmmmm, wetting leggings is a beautiful feeling. Often tempted to wet mine on my 40km journey home from work. I am certain I will one day. I have only wet mine at home. 💚
  18. Oooooh, LTW, that was sexy AF! I loved it! Sex parties are the best … and you never know what to expect…but it’s usually very pleasant!! 💚
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