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Everything posted by MidoriLemonade85

  1. I am a pacifist. I hate arguments. I will do anything to avoid them. just want to love everyone, as you guys know. I have a big heart and being a Mum, very nurturing and supportive.
  2. Drove the family car first, a station wagon with no power steering and crappy air conditioning. Had a cassette deck in it. Then eventually got a little Barina. Loved it. Had so many adventures in it, with the Spice Girls turned up full blast!!!
  3. Dance music I like Joel Corry, Becky Hill, Pete Tong, Deadmau5, and whatever I hear in the radio driving the car! First concert was American band Morphine, in the front row (do we still call it a mosh pit?). The lead singer looking directly in my eyes as he played his bass guitar. At the end of the show I stole the set list and got to shake his hand. A bass player’s hand is so muscular. 🥰 Favourite cover song is the Bowie song, The Man Who Sold The World by Nirvana. Kurt sings it with such reverence and respect for it.
  4. Favourite musicians…..David Bowie, the Beatles, Cold Chisel (Aussie band), INXS, BTS, Bjork, Moby, Lady Gaga, the Spice Girls, Fatboy Slim, Endorphin, Stone Temple Pilots, Morphine, Blur, the Verve, Elastica, John Mayer, Queen, Michael Jackson, Primus, Greenday, Jeff Buckley, Jamie Cullum….so many. I like dance music too. I will answer rest later.
  5. Well, thanks Goose! I used to work with a lady whose Dad used to work for the airlines, and she used to travel first class on planes. It sounds absolutely wonderful. I would love to soak up the luxury of sleeping in the sky in a bed (as opposed to the awfulness of cattle class Economy), with all the lovely food and wine they get, and being completely looked after by the flight attendants, in your own private space. Be nice to just sit in that first class bed, getting my breakfast brought to me, and not worry about using my ensuite. Having a nice, relaxing pee in my bed after I finished my
  6. Intro to HTML, CSS, Python (that sounds kinky) and JavaScript. That is a hard one. I often think about the strength of Goose’s webbed feet in fighting all the bad guys…he does such a great job of it. When I was about 3 years old, I was bitten by a black swan, and I will never forget the strength of that beak. I grew up near a duck pond, and had a pet duck too, and I know how fat they can get, so if a fat, horse sized duck sat on me, I would not have much chance of survival. So, a horse sized duck would be a formidable force. Duck sized horses sound so cute. I would probably lean down to
  7. So, I have been pretty regular on here, but I am starting a programming course that is going to take me away from you guys for a bit, for a few months. My plan is to check PF once a week, towards the end of the week. That should help keep me disciplined with my time management, I hope! I need to stop daydreaming and start focussing, but still maintain my connection with you, so this is kind of my parting gift, though I am not really leaving you. Is there anything you would like to ask me? Silly crazy questions welcomed, questions about what life is like for a woman in a man’s world,
  8. When it happens, I will report back!
  9. I think I would like to crawl inside your brain for a while. Would that be ok?
  10. This sounds absolutely luscious, and I hope one day to have a Date Night like this!
  11. Ooooooooooooooh yes! Man of many talents, our Kupar. 💚
  12. This was my favourite part. Very raw, and oh so wet. Very sexy story. I think they would have had a lovely afternoon together.
  13. Kupar. 💚Everything you do in your videos is pure, divine, wet perfection.
  14. It is a very friendly and supportive place yes. I have made some very good friends here. Mainly British folk. A few Americans.
  15. Welcome. Good to have you here. 😊
  16. We are born this way, love. I think it is a matter of keeping a “poker face” which some of us can do easily….I think it may be harder for the blokes because their reactions can be a little more obvious. Sometimes my face goes red if I am aroused though….so it is lucky I can wear make up. For me it is not the act so much as the effect of the act…..the puddle, the mark, as well as watching the beauty of a pee stream or fountain. That is when you will see me more excited than just about the garden-variety “I have to pee”.
  17. Somehow, I knew you would see a heart. 🙂💜 Thank you for being there for Bacardi.
  18. She has obviously noticed her lovely neighbour. Who wouldn’t want to live next to you? 💕 Time to make a new friend…..
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