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Everything posted by MidoriLemonade85

  1. Kupar. 💚Everything you do in your videos is pure, divine, wet perfection.
  2. It is a very friendly and supportive place yes. I have made some very good friends here. Mainly British folk. A few Americans.
  3. Welcome. Good to have you here. 😊
  4. We are born this way, love. I think it is a matter of keeping a “poker face” which some of us can do easily….I think it may be harder for the blokes because their reactions can be a little more obvious. Sometimes my face goes red if I am aroused though….so it is lucky I can wear make up. For me it is not the act so much as the effect of the act…..the puddle, the mark, as well as watching the beauty of a pee stream or fountain. That is when you will see me more excited than just about the garden-variety “I have to pee”.
  5. Somehow, I knew you would see a heart. 🙂💜 Thank you for being there for Bacardi.
  6. She has obviously noticed her lovely neighbour. Who wouldn’t want to live next to you? 💕 Time to make a new friend…..
  7. Bloody hell, man! That’s some crazy judgemental people right there!! Glad you are here with us! 💚
  8. Maybe this is an Aussie thing but I have always been worried that if I wear no pants or underwear to bed, spiders or bugs might crawl where they are not meant to! 😳
  9. A tee shirt and leggings and socks. Sometimes jumper if it is cold. Never a bra!
  10. Mmmm, Sophie, your words gave me such a buzz. Sounds like a lovely time! 💜🔥
  11. I think there are a lot worse things in the world than a pee kink. It is not a violent thing. It is shared between consenting partners. It is a loving act. If people have issues with something, lets face it, you are born with (like a sexual identity, or a nationality) then really, it is their problem, not yours. And yes, I deeply believe we are born with this kink. It is who we are. If we try and hide it, it will try and emerge somehow, so why not get to know it, seeing as it is part of who we are. You have the power to choose who you share it with. I have an A4 list of kinks. I am n
  12. Vulva! 😆 Yes, I guess human error has all kind of ways and means.
  13. This is why I have “penis envy”. I have had dreams about this kind of thing! So jealous you can do this!
  14. Good point, but you are an incredible writer. And you weave so much beauty and luxury into this immersive story. So, give yourself credit where it is due, lovely Kupar. 💚 (and you would have had a pleasant time writing it too, I am certain. 💖)
  15. I really like this description. So nice. You are brave. Respect. 💚
  16. You were clearly a woman in a previous life, Kupar. Your descriptions are wonderful. That shower sounds incredible! I would have wanted to stay in there all day. Thank you. 💚💚💚
  17. That is sad. 😢 Also, what the heck kind of car is that!?
  18. As a follow up… The other day I told my husband more about my pee kink. I drank too much sake wine… We were discussing porn. I asked if he had seen any watersports videos. He said he didn’t look out for it specifically. I asked him if he would ever try watersports, more than we have. He said maybe. I asked if he wanted to watch a PornHub link … if you are interested it was; https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5b7c7080b3be4 He found the video interesting. He was not turned off anyway! He asked me if I pee in the shower. I replied, doesn’t every
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