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Everything posted by MidoriLemonade85

  1. Thank you, lovely Kupar. 💕 Things people might get wrong about me: People, especially work colleagues, treat me as if I am innocent and childlike and need protecting. They apologise for swearing in front of me! You all know I am not innocent, and have a dirty mind, and am somewhat sneaky, secretive and opportunistic (we all have to be, to survive as the kind of people we are). But I find it amusing, though sometimes annoying. I don’t want to be left out of important conversations if people think I am not tough enough to handle it. I perhaps need to muscle in a bit more to
  2. What a great idea to put them all in one place. I will enjoy reading through all these. Thank you Mr & Mrs K for all your loving puddles. 💚
  3. She would be fun to hang out with and steal some cuddles from. 💚
  4. Thanks, it is always nice to be free. I have finally filled out into a nice handful in my 40s. 💚
  5. How about this one, @Bacardi?
  6. Wow, we talk about such an interesting variety of topics here, don’t we? Isn’t it lucky that it’s anonymous, except for those of us who know each other very well! 😉 I do love your meme, and hey, I think it’s romantic and I love BJs and flowers! I think it perhaps depends on how many partners you have had, how many different types of sex you have had, perhaps what kind of porn has influenced you, maybe how old you are, and maybe even health issues too, and perhaps your attitude towards sex, which can be influenced by everything from family attitudes to movies or music. By that
  7. Living in a house full of blokes, farts are a major form of comedy in our place. Yes, there is nothing like the freedom of being a kid. Some of my favourite memories are camping and exploring bushland and the coast with my cousins and playing cards and board games. And yes, swimming and water fights! And riding my bike everywhere and climbing trees. I am a veggie too. I do think it helps you stay young. I don’t smoke, only drink occasionally because I have expensive tastes. I find family life robs me of sleep! Thank you so much for your reply. 💚
  8. My apologies, Goose for not responding to your deep, thoughtful post for months. Getting drunk is something that has changed as I age. It used to be I would drink to dance all night. Now I drink to talk all night and sleep in the next day.😆 Yes, the Covid times made me think of the possibility of death for me and my family. Weird times. I am so sorry you lost your Dad. It really does bring you kicking and screaming into reality. As you know my Dad has been in hospital there was talk of “end of life plans” for him. But he has been sent home, though they might need to put handrai
  9. I think you are right, we are all unique individuals. I love “when you are young you still have dreams and think everything is possible and that you might have keys to a Lamborghini soon. But one day you wake up, are in the end of your 30s, work HERE and drive an Astra'. So, so true. The idealism of youth. I try and keep my imagination alive in my 40s though. Many of my wishes have come true. There are a lot of inspiring older people. With age comes wisdom, confidence, skills and experience. All good things. I think you will be a very interesting older person.
  10. Sounds like you haven’t had the easiest life. I think you would have a lot of wisdom to pour into your novel. Good luck.💚
  11. Learning languages is great for brain training. Great answers. 💚
  12. Sorry for the lazy, late reply, Chrissy! Yes, being a parent does age you, it is exhausting. Everything is harder…exercise, sleep, decent food, me time, a sex life! It s survival mode! I hated High School too….learned more out in the real world. I am good at pretending to be a responsible adult. 😉 But I don’t feel like a grown up. Yes, the pee kink is a little bit of freedom, a little treat in the Mum life. Cool, hope to bump into you on your travels in the future.
  13. Great answers. 😊 I think staying young is mind over matter, but wear and tear do add up over time and your impulses do change.
  14. Sorry it has taken a while to reply. I don’t know how April got here so quickly! Thanks for your answers….they made me smile! Grow old disgracefully….love it! Your wife just sounds like the perfect woman. 💚 Yes, wouldn’t it be nice to just do nothing. Have you seen the movie Office Space? It is all about chasing the ultimate dream of doing nothing! 😆
  15. You just have to make the most of each day and not have regrets. I chased my dreams in my 20s, living out my fantasies, and travelling and seeing live music. In my 40s I have many fond memories to inspire me and make me smile.
  16. You do give off a very youthful vibe. I definitely agree with no. 3. I don’t want to be unable to enjoy life, and would not want to use up resources, so I would prefer the peace of death than the anguish of a drawn out terminal illness. No. 6 is so true…I look forward to the kids moving out and having some time to relax and travel. Even things that I just don’t get time to do, like the beach and library sound great. All I do is work!
  17. Yes,it is true. Older people tend to talk more about health issues. You have to be more mindful of health as you age. I think that your body will look after you if you look after it, but can’t do much about genetics. If you are going to inherit health issues,it just has to be managed.
  18. Sorry, got confused with the posts but love you too Bacardi!!!!💕
  19. Sounds wonderfully compliment-worthy to me. 💚
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