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Everything posted by MidoriLemonade85

  1. I have done all the stupid things already. I learn the hard way. I even went into the boys toilets by accident. Couldn’t read the sign!
  2. Don’t get arrested, girls. Japanese police can detain you without cause for a month if they feel like it. Keep the shenannigans to the hotel room! 😜
  3. It takes a bit of getting used to, having a high pressure spray of water on your private parts. But, they are great. Many a silly tourist have pressed the wrong button and sprayed the water all over the bathroom instead of their butt! We have installed one at home. It is particularly helpful for post sex cleanup, actually!
  4. Awwww.💖 sweet. I think I used to do that do actually. Then I stopped, coz you know, bad for the environment. Japanese toilets can also dry you after they have washed you. No need for loo paper!
  5. The toilets play lovely sounds like crickets or waves at the beach to mask the peeing sounds.
  6. It’s true. They are very shy about people hearing toilet noises.
  7. Amazing tech, isn’t it? Hand bidet spray sounds nice. Also, these photos don’t show it, but the toilets feature music (for privacy and modesty) as well as a light (for 3am pees)….😉
  8. James, you are capable of anything. You are the truest PeeFan that has ever been! 💚
  9. I was wondering if there are any Japanese toilet fans out there? Have you used one? Have you got one? Have you ever had any weird or funny experiences with them? Here is a helpful translation card for all their amazing functions!!💚
  10. Happy birthday from the Down Under! Sending hugs and kisses gorgeous girl. 💚💞😘
  11. Yes, I am amazed at how open and friendly people are when you give them time to be themselves. What I hate is the two word sentence reply! I kick ‘em to the kerb for wasting my time!
  12. Thank you for organising this, @gldenwetgoose … sorry I did not notice it til now. I have really only ever had positive experiences here, myself. In the very beginning, a few people were trying to persuade me to go chat on Kix or Discord or whatever other new-fangled apps. I always felt safer just keeping chat here in PeeFans. Of course I now have some very dear PF friends who I chat to outside of this site as well, but we built up trust over time. Honestly, everyone who has chatted to me has been simply lovely. Maybe I am just lucky. But you are doing a wonderful job with this amazing forum.
  13. I have put on weight. 😔 I tried on my old sports bra. It is tight. But… gives me great cleavage! 💚
  14. The funniest thing is that I was quite relaxed because we discuss toilets here all the time! He did apologise.
  15. Welcome and I am sure that by now you are enjoying what the site has to offer. I remember when I was living by myself I could enjoy sprinkling a little pee on my carpet or front doormat or in my pants as I walked home in the dark, releasing it gradually til I got home then letting out whatever was remaining on the front verandah. It wasn’t harming anyone and gave me satisfaction. Wetness feels a little magical. You are on my level. 💦
  16. I am too much of a lady to sit in some stranger’s pee. If it was someone I knew, I probably would. 😊 I may have wet the seat a little more. 💚 But that floor was like that when I got there! Maybe @James_erased got there before me! 😆 Coincidentally, I visited this same toilet this morning… and a guy walked in on me! The stupid door lock did not work! I think I will call this the Trainspotting toilet from hence forth!
  17. Like this messy toilet I found during a petrol station visit? It was “unisex” so could have been a male or female that did this.
  18. I will have her when you’re done, Sophie…💚
  19. I love your logic, Goose. 💚 I wonder what things will be like in 5 or 10 years time? Society is constantly changing. The 90s is when I grew up really, from a child to a teenager and a woman in the 2000s. “Alternative” music, clothes and sexuality were big. Being gay or bi was still taboo, but lesbians seemed to be in every movie. Now they are quite normal. Perhaps in 5 or 10 years public peeing will be more accepted, and not just when people are drunk. Maybe it will start with devices that people can wear to facilitate public peeing. I mean less visits to the toilet mean we are
  20. I have been here for a couple of years. Before that, I lurked to look at videos and stories. But, I joined so I could interact with these amazing people. I was shy at first, but then saw a pattern of regulars, and within a few months, developed favourites. I commented on posts, and I interacted in Live Chat. I did not private message anyone for a long time, as I was a bit scared really. But after a while people messaged me. They had seen me in the Live Chat and my comments. That is a good way to get to know people. Doing an Intro post is helpful too, and a quick way to make friends. There are
  21. Awww, Goose. 💚I love being here, and you make it a beautiful place to be.
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