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Everything posted by Kupar

  1. An interesting list! Self awareness is the thing 🙂 You know your quirks, and have thought about them, and about what others think about them.
  2. I'm with your BF lol ... but I understand how your way is a thing 🙂
  3. Yes! Quite incredible. I love the idea that this kind of creates a soundtrack to your life (well, some scenes anyway). K does this too, but with food. Her ability to link specific meals / dishes with events in her past is weird and amazing, just like your song memory @Sophie.
  4. I love your approach to life. Admirably rational. Thank you.
  5. And that hug at the end 💗. I'm crying Sophie. Now look what you've done!
  6. 🙂 That looks simple and elegant. And have you made some nice stickers and things?
  7. Hello there! That's one of the more erudite introductions I've read 🙂. I hope and expect you'll be happy here. I guess you know your way around, so have fun contributing and interacting!
  8. Well. The Argentina-Netherlands game is living up to the hype 🙂. Looking forward to extra time.
  9. I'm loving this story @Gotah, and of course your unique illustrations lift it to another level. You really do create the most exceptional content on this site - thank you 💖
  10. Good luck this evening. I will be rooting for you. (And, gotta love van Gaal. Such a funny man 🙂)
  11. Interesting topic - thanks! 1. Do you feel, act, and look your age? Can people guess your age? I think I have a reasonably young outlook on life, but some aspects of my appearance, and the aches and pains I know I wouldn't have felt when I was younger, do bring me back to reality. I think some people I meet are surprised I am as old as I am (59). I think appearance plays a big role in whether people can guess your age, though even in a words-only-based interaction, some phrases, cultural references and ways of writing might give away age (assuming we take geography-based, and upbrin
  12. Yes - I have to say that running does not appeal right now!
  13. 😲 Still hot molten lava and earthquakes to watch out for I guess 😉 Well done on cycling this morning - it was pretty cold here.
  14. You're very kind. But what you do for us here is perfectly good for me. Perfect ❤️
  15. OMG! OMG! OMG! Thank you ❤️
  16. You have some amazing experiences my friend. I hope you realise how lucky you are ... and how jealous very many members of this site are lol. But of course, huge thanks for sharing the details with us!
  17. Oh! I *love* this! How did you know it's such a turn on for me? Thank you 😍 Hope you had fun 🙂
  18. There is an interesting combination of things going on here. You know your GF (who sounds great by the way!) better than any of us. I think you're asking for our help and suggestions about how you can start a conversation with her about your kink, rather than about how to ask her to do things. By which I think I mean you want to hear her say "It's OK for you to have this kink. Let's agree how we make it fun." Perhaps thinking of it like that will help you find a way to have that conversation. Maybe the best outcome would be that she agrees to initiate things, rather than you having to ask. Goo
  19. I hope all is well with the site @steve25805 - and not just because my Gold subscription payment has just gone out lol. Seriously, though, I would massively miss this place if it disappeared, so I hope @Admin is OK.
  20. Wow! What a lucky guy you are! Thanks for sharing your experience with us 🙂
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