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Everything posted by Kupar

  1. Seriously, or just for fun - what music do you really not want to hear when you're already getting jiggly? How about: Waterfall (Stone Roses) The opening to Love Reign Over Me (The Who) Anything by Wet Wet Wet (perhaps not at any time, actually) Water Music (Handel) Any more? (And mods - please move to another topic if it doesn't fit here.)
  2. I'll try...but the weather here is still incredibly mild. 07:30am and 11 degrees C. No steaming possible!
  3. Thanks @Sophie It's such a treat to read about your loving pee experiences. Very arousing! You and your husband are a terrific couple.
  4. That is impressive. Have you met @Bladderlad?
  5. I have *lots* of charts on the go... Let's compare at some point during the week when I have more source data 🙂
  6. This is what I see. I just choose photos and press "submit reply" after the image has uploaded
  7. Just tried png rather than jpg on my post and yes, that worked
  8. Thanks for raising this @Sophie. I had tried reducing the file size, but it didn't make a difference.
  9. I have said it before, but I am so grateful to @gldenwetgoose for starting this topic - it has been instrumental in bringing my running mojo back. I forced myself out this morning when the weather wasn't looking promising, and was rewarded with rapidly clearing skies, warm sunshine and a disappearing breeze. It was one of those runs where after a couple of miles you settle into a comfortable rhythm (3 strides per in and out breath) and you think you can run forever. The form and breathing started to go a bit at 6.5 miles, but it was still a really enjoyable exercise session. The stat
  10. I'm with you there. Though we have slight differences in what turns us on in the fetish case ... I can get aroused by self-peeing (or rather self-peeing and -pleasure can go hand-in-hand, so to speak), and having my wife pee on me results in instant hard-on and more.
  11. Sounds wonderful! You have an understanding bf 🙂 Have you turned your friend on to the piss kink, or did she already share it?
  12. I decided that I need to check that my pee frequency and volume. I’ve been worried for a while about getting up in the night (I worry I go too often), and reducing volume and force. But how could I do this and have fun too? Peeing into a measuring jug for a week was going to be tedious. But … my wife K decided to keep me company, which has made it a whole lot more interesting! For a start, she hadn’t weed into a jug before, and it has been great watching her and encouraging her … her aim is getting better (more’s the pity – I don’t mind in the least cleaning up after her). I ha
  13. Ha! I wish 🙂 . I can tell you that I don't have women queueing up outside my toilet ... but a man can dream, can't he?
  14. They're tight, sure, but in a good way 😉
  15. My wife pees on me over the bath while I'm in it, though it hasn't been spontaneous. Rather it's planned as part of a sexy session. Still fantastically erotic though 🙂
  16. Just a quick update. So this evening, my phone suddenly made that sound that the live chat makes when there's a new message - you know the one - it sounds like someone peeing. So I was in the kitchen, forgetting that my phone volume was up (because I'd just finished a late work call). "What's that sound? It sounds like a notification that is like the noise of someone weeing," said my wife. At which point, I did indeed tell her about this forum and my membership of it. And she gave me a look, asked a couple of questions about it, and ... as I predicted ... dismissed it as "one of my funny thing
  17. No offence taken @Adyguy6970! I have a wide range of underwear - none has a fly!
  18. Sorry - you've probably gone now ... but if not, then there's always the kitchen sink. Or just open the front door - check if there's anyone about, and pee just outside?
  19. Wow - thank you very much indeed! You are very kind Wendy!
  20. @peegirl99 - I have to go, but you have fun during the rest of the day ... choose a couple of chairs and leave a little of yourself there before you go home tonight. I have to leave you with GWG's capable support - I will catch up with the thread later ❤
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