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Everything posted by Kupar

  1. Great story! You sound like you know how to have fun ❤️ Looking forward to further instalments 🙂
  2. Sounds like you'll fit right in here then 🙂
  3. A quite enlightened place ... is it in Brighton?
  4. I occasionally do ... but mostly they are just plain weird. I do envy those few people (I know of only 1) who can manipulate their dreams ('lucid dreaming'). Imagine what fun you could have!
  5. If I may, I will ask you the same question as I have asked a couple of others: what three things make you happy (do not mention pee in your answer)?
  6. Another question if I may. Apart from Suzy Subaru, have you driven any other exciting cars - and if so, which was your favourite? And if money was no object, what would you choose to drive for fun?
  7. That's the thing about getting turned on ... it often happens whether you want it to or not!
  8. Thanks for your thoughtful reply Sophie.
  9. Great structure! You know how to leave us wanting the next instalment 😀 Oh, and very hot too
  10. Thanks for answering that first one in the affirmative @Sophie 🙂 I have looked back through several pages of this topic, so I think I'm not repeating things. I have a few questions, but I won't bombard you with all of them at once. the first is: how do you think your pee kink has developed and changed over the last 5 years or so, if at all? Have you found new things to do that excite you? Have things you used to find fun lost their appeal?
  11. There was a very tedious online meeting today and I was working from home alone so I planned some fun. I wore a pair of jeans that were due a wash, covered the chair with a couple of towels, had a cup of tea and a large glass of water, and settled down for the meeting with the intention that when I really needed to pee, I would, without moving. And when I found out that the meeting was a one-way presentation and we didn't need our cameras or mics on, I decided I would make a video too. I lasted quite a while before feeling the familiar twinges, and after that getting a bit twitchy. The me
  12. OK - that's it - huge relief! Lovely warm, wet legs now ... for a few minutes anyway. Then it'll be cold and damp, but still a nice feeling for the next 40 minutes are so. I'll post in men peeing later.
  13. Are you still happy to answer questions @Sophie?
  14. Starting to get a bit twitchy now ... getting towards 8. We're about to have a 'comfort break' but I think I'll wait it out for a while yet ... and get another cup of tea.
  15. 30 minutes into the meeting ... still feeling fine - at a 5 or 6. Just watching a speaker who has one of those Teams backgrounds - it's a building with a curvy ceiling and the way she is sitting it looks a bit like she has wings, like an angel. She is quite attractive too ... I've finished my tea and I'm working my way through the water.
  16. I'm feeling in a naughty mood today. I have a boring online meeting stretching ahead of me this afternoon, starting in 15 minutes and expected to last three hours ... which is significantly longer than I will last 😉 From the waist down I am wearing a pair of jeans that are due for a wash. I've covered my chair with a couple of towels, and my plan is to just let it go during the meeting some time when it all gets too much, and sit in my wet jeans until the end. I'll update this thread with any significant events. I have a cup of tea and a big glass of water on the table right now.
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