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Everything posted by Kupar

  1. Ooooh! Have a lovely, lovely hold and release! I will be out this evening, but at least part of my thoughts will be with you πŸ™‚
  2. What an excellent game, whoever you are! I would love to hear an account of how the games have played out! You are very creative - I am sure your group have had fun! Thanks for telling us about it πŸ™‚
  3. Got to love a hotel room with a sauna! I only experienced that once, in the north of Norway. It was a tiny sauna - but even so - your own sauna in the room! Thanks so much for telling about your fun x
  4. πŸ€” I have no idea what is going on here - but that's OK
  5. Wow 😍 - thanks so much for sharing!
  6. Thanks for creating the idea and assembling everything @MidoriLemonade85 πŸ’–
  7. I think my Mum would definitely raise an eyebrow if I took her home!
  8. I agree with @gldenwetgoose ... a beautiful description, as ever @Sophie. Thank you - this has put a big smile on my face πŸ™‚
  9. Wow. Thanks for taking the trouble to describe that Goose. Quite eye-opening.
  10. Rachel has previously mentioned that she pees in the shower and has done elsewhere πŸ™‚
  11. I have always thought I might have been able to take Tara Fitzgerald home. And I would very much like to have done. She is not on most people's lists of the world's most beautiful women, but she does something to me.
  12. 😍 Mums / Grannies might raise an eyebrow if she arrived wearing that top, but I know she'd charm them very quickly πŸ™‚ Good choice!
  13. Wow! Part 2 was amazing! Very, very hot - thank you @gldenwetgoose for a classic, erotic wet story πŸ™‚
  14. I smiled at Lucy Beaumont's warning to TimothΓ©e Chalamet πŸ™‚ The star of the new Willy Wonka film revealed his love for the [Hull accent] ... Chalamet said: "I like the Hull accent... Hull is sexy." After people behind the camera starting laughing, the actor said: "Why is everyone cracking up?" Responding to his remarks on BBC Radio 5Live, [Hull comedian and actress] Beaumont said: "I think he's on drugs. I've had this accent for 40 years and no-one has ever told me it's sexy." The actress, who wrote the sitcom Hullraisers, added: "He looks like a very lovely young man and h
  15. Wow! I'm glad that was quashed - otherwise I would risk being in serious trouble for the desperate and quite lengthy wee I had at a layby on the A14 a couple of days ago! Actually, thinking about this some more, what a job that would be for some of us! Working for some outsourcing company with a contract from a local authority where the role involves specifically being paid to watch people weeing in laybys, then handing out fines!
  16. Wonderful! You really are the master of describing a realistic scenario and building the tension in line with the protagonist's increasing desperation. Great stuff, as always - thanks!
  17. You do love these huge performances don't you? πŸ™‚
  18. And don't forget the "naughty librarian" trope πŸ˜‰
  19. K is rereading "100 Years of Solitude" by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, which contains a pretty perfect description of what happens to men's pee streams as the years roll by, and the consequences of it:
  20. Wow! Well done! I have run a few halves before, but I would never manage a full one. Kudos!
  21. Not news; more a feature. From yesterday's Guardian magazine, a Q & A interview with actress Denise Welch.
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