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Everything posted by Kupar

  1. This made me smile. Such a loving restoration of a wonderful thing. For all you engineering geeks out there (you know who you are!) Long but worth it.
  2. An American story as reported in a UK newspaper. Teenage daughter roadtrip desperation and accident. https://www.mirror.co.uk/lifestyle/family/teenage-daughter-wet-herself-during-31548103
  3. I really hope that somewhere there is a dominatrix with a loyalty card scheme where every time you visit your card gets stamped. And when you've visited ten times, you get a free stamp.
  4. Ooh - I do like that phrase "Comparison is the thief of joy". That is one for me as I get older and find myself thinking back to previous PBs. Very helpful to hear those fit people talking about this sort of thing. Thank you.
  5. Go Goose! I hope you're already feeling better for getting back on the saddle.
  6. Another from my literary correspondent K ๐Ÿ™‚. From 'The Doll Factory' by Elizabeth Macneal, currently being made into a TV series for Paramount+. The scribbled-out bit is to minimise a plot spoiler.
  7. Amazing ๐Ÿ˜Š. Thank you so much for sharing your loving, intimate, sexy moments with us. You and Mark are so good together and deserve all the pleasure that comes your way. And we are blessed to be able to read about it - especially since you write like a dream xxx
  8. Live. Faster. Heavier. The OGWT version ๐Ÿ’– If you can tear your eyes away from Debbie, watch Clem Burke's drumming ๐Ÿ™‚
  9. I'd love to go for the music and the vibe and the naked run (if it still happens). The pee freedom would be the icing on the cake ๐Ÿ™‚ You sell it well @vanessa9!
  10. Some days it's just like that isn't it? I hope you have managed to shake off the disappointment - next time it'll be better I know. Sending hugs ๐Ÿ’ž
  11. I really hope the pleasure and relief of that pee made up for any embarrassment you had. Thanks for telling us about it.
  12. Hahaha! And ... thank you, and Happy Thanksgiving!
  13. I saw her live a few years ago - terrific stage presence and a formidable musician ๐Ÿ™‚
  14. Yes! There are some funny people in the comments too: "Whereโ€™s VAR when you need it - melons are clearly behind the line."
  15. The weather was lovely here today: 12 degrees C and no wind, and even some sunshine, so I took the opportunity to run. I am pleased with 10k in 54:24; the pace was metronomic at around 5:25 throughout. I must try and build in some intervals next time!
  16. I reckon 8lbs sounds about right if there are weights at that value. The gym machine increments would be 2.5lbs - 5lbs I guess. If you're doing 30 reps you're surely ready for the next challenge I should think. Disclaimer: I'm not a PT!
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