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MC Cumzy

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Everything posted by MC Cumzy

  1. Crab sticks don't actually contain any crab, and from 1993 manufacturers have been legally obliged to label them "crab flavoured sticks"
  2. Any chance you could tell us the full story?
  3. When was the last time you peed outside?
  4. Scotland's favourite sitcom "Still Game" - a show that I had a brief discussion about with @Chrissy89 - tends to have quite a lot of peeing scenes/references. The one I want to share in particular is from the episode "Dial-a-bus" in which Davey the driver (played by the late Robbie Coltrane) ends up having a mental breakdown and taking everyone on a "magical mystery tour" in order to get him to stop, Jack and Victor send Isa to the front to "come over all womanly", none of which seems to phase him until she says "But I need a pish, I could pish, and you could... watch me" The scene is a
  5. Well, I'd hope not because I've had a wank to countless posts on this site
  6. Alright, seeing as you're Scottish, I need to ask you: Are you a fan of Still Game?
  7. I actually did notice one outside the St. James' quarter in Edinburgh a few months ago, (to clarify, I'm not from Edinburgh - I'd never reveal my location online- I was only there for a weekend) judging from the splash pattern I'd guess it was from a female (or someone with a vagina - gotta be inclusive towards the trans community). It was also earlier than you'd expect to see something like that, (between 20:00 and 21:00) but it was dark. On the one hand I did feel gutted I missed it, but on the other hand, apparently this area is a popular hang out spot among teenagers so there is the possib
  8. There's bound to have been a few parents who have since joined this forum (or those who have perhaps become parents) since I first posted this so I thought I'd give it a boost
  9. Saw this yesterday (despite not using Instagram for pee stuff) and felt like I should share it here https://www.instagram.com/p/CmQ2OHVI3Jj/?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY=
  10. I haven't seen it happen yet but with it coming up to Christmas I hope to see something like this happen from my window.
  11. Regardless of whether you're into that yourself or not, that's the sort of behaviour that should have you put on a registry
  12. I must've missed that bit but i did catch her say "I need a wee" just before meeting Boy George and that other girl, I was hoping something would come of that but nope. She did make her way onto my list when she said it though. Update - rewatched that episode and caught that first mention. It's a shame she had to leave because I feel like that could've lead to some stories later down the line.
  13. In light of recent events I wanted to ask, What are your thoughts on the monarchy? Are you for or against it?
  14. If you ask me it's only the Scottish and the Australians that can really pull it off
  15. Funny you should mention that because something similar happens in a deleted scene from Endgame https://youtu.be/mUXwmZ831so
  16. Any good stories of you amd her peeing outside?
  17. I have to say, I love how you manage to make such an erotic story out of even the most basic pees
  18. Every weekday afternoon I volunteer at the local branch of a charity shop chain. On this particular afternoon the shop manager was being visited by her boss, when I heard about this yesterday, I was expecting some man in his mid 40's - 60's so I was pleasantly surprised when she turned out to be a beautiful woman in her early-mid 30's (at a guess). Anyway I was just finishing off a job in the back room where I notice her heading for the toilet. There is only one unisex toilet in this building with disabled access which has quite a thick door so it can be quite hard to hear things coming from t
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