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MC Cumzy

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Everything posted by MC Cumzy

  1. I tend to just use the app for YouTube videos but I agree that the transcript feature can be useful. It can have trouble understanding certain accents though. For example there was this scottish girl I enjoyed watching (who unfortunately recently made her channel private) who would occasionally mention needing a pee in her hillwalking videos, even though she wouldn't show anything, I still liked going back to these points, but the transcript would pick up her saying "I need to pee again" as "i need EP again".
  2. Just a suggestion but you might end up getting more responses if you change the title, otherwise, people will probably just assume you're looking for a meet up
  3. Looks like someone just stuck one of those shewee things into their plant pot
  4. I remember, when I was in primary school, there was one time where, for whatever reason, all the boys in the class had to use the toilet (possibly the girls too, idk, this was at least 15 years ago), there was only two cubicles and I think the urinals were out of order, so I took it upon myself to pee on the floor, unfortunately, I was caught by the teacher who was keeping an eye on us and I was sent to the head teacher's office and my mum and dad were grassed to.
  5. People on this site are always asking who you would like to watch pee, who you would want to get peed on by, but I want to know who you would want to just be good pals with. For me, I think it would have to be Lewis Capaldi, his music's a bit bland for my taste but he's probably the most down to earth celebrity out there and his sense of humour is very similar to mine.
  6. For anyone in the UK, the series is on BBC Iplayer
  7. I will sometimes pee in the sink while brushing my teeth if I feel the need to go
  8. Well I'm sure most of us would agree that you have a talent for turning "a normal mundane every day wee" into a wonderful story
  9. Do you have a favourite comedian?
  10. While I've not seen any of his stand up, I do remember loving Lee Evans guest appearance in Doctor Who when I was in primary school.
  11. Do you have a favourite comedian?
  12. I came across this exchange on twitter earlier where someone asked "What's the dumbest thing you ever got in trouble at school for?" Someone else replied with; "Teacher said she needed to use the loo so I said "you should have gone during your lunch break" Got kicked out the classroom. I was about 10." (They also clarified that it was intended as a joke and they expected the teacher would see the funny side) It made me curious, given your occupation; how would you react if one of your pupils said that to you? And what are your feelings in general towards having a bit of banter with
  13. Is it me or does she look like a young Louise Jameson (Leela from Doctor Who in the 70's)
  14. Reminds me of a couple summers ago when Scotland qualified for the euros and I actually gave a shit about the Football for once
  15. The Caravan Song - The Sleeping Giants https://youtu.be/bdtrn6nZJdc
  16. If I recall correctly, you mentioned recently that for a while you were only interested in girls and thought you might've been a lesbian. Is this true and if so when was it you realised you were into men as well?
  17. I'm pretty sure trends are catered specifically for you so someone must be hiding something
  18. Ahh, the days when this was the most controversial thing JK Rowling ever tweeted
  19. Crab sticks don't actually contain any crab, and from 1993 manufacturers have been legally obliged to label them "crab flavoured sticks"
  20. Any chance you could tell us the full story?
  21. When was the last time you peed outside?
  22. Scotland's favourite sitcom "Still Game" - a show that I had a brief discussion about with @Chrissy89 - tends to have quite a lot of peeing scenes/references. The one I want to share in particular is from the episode "Dial-a-bus" in which Davey the driver (played by the late Robbie Coltrane) ends up having a mental breakdown and taking everyone on a "magical mystery tour" in order to get him to stop, Jack and Victor send Isa to the front to "come over all womanly", none of which seems to phase him until she says "But I need a pish, I could pish, and you could... watch me" The scene is a
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