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Everything posted by weequeen

  1. When I was younger me and my friend used to wipe each other for fun when we did our pee games. In a relationship with a woman who knew of my kink I’ve wiped her but she didn’t return the favor.
  2. Both have happened to me. Within the last year I walked in on a guy at Starbucks. The women’s restroom was being used and I had to pee really bad so I was going to use the men’s. The guy hadn’t locked it… I startled him mid-pee and he ended up peeing all over the seat and floor and wall lol. He wouldn’t even look at me as he left. (I ended up hovering over the seat and contributing a bit more to the mess since it was already peed on) and one memorable time a guy walked in on me and a friend peeing at a club. It was one of those bathrooms that doesn’t have a door and you walk through corne
  3. I don’t do much bed wetting, but I am probably due for a new mattress so I’d like to do some peeing the bed before i get a new one 😉
  4. Oh, many times. A lot of times planned (would drink a lot to fill up and not purposely going to find a restroom), but there have been a few instances where it happened where it was situational. I was at a concert where everyone was standing and I didn’t want to leave my space and try to find the bathroom. It was dark so I just let my pee go through my shorts. First I let it go in spurts so it wasn’t a sudden flood, but then I had to pee soooo bad so I couldn’t stop. Ran down my legs and got in my shoes and in a puddle under me. Unsure if anyone noticed but nobody said anything. The relief felt
  5. I can comfortably hold 800ml or so before it starts to be uncomfortable. 1200ml is when I become desperate, and 1500ml is more so and I begin to lose it. That’s about the most I’ve measured when pissing it out at once, but I’ve held up to 1800ml before bursting.
  6. I don't care if anyone hears me peeing into the toilet, but if I sit more towards the front of the bowl I pee not into the water and it makes it quieter. Like I said though, I don't mind if someone hears me, and in fact I like when people can hear!
  7. awesome! Walking and pissing a trail like that was like a pee parade haha
  8. I also like wearing skirts where I can discreetly squat/sit and pee whereever. But also I like wearing shorts that are short or lose enough i can pull them to the side and piss. Or just wet them lol. There’s less fabric to easier to dry
  9. This sounds like a fun challenge! i also like peeing into soft absorbent things. did you get to empty your bladder once more so you could give your pussy the attention it deserves?
  10. H called me the other night randomly and i answered. she said she had a question about work but first “hold on i have to pee” and then over the phone i could hear her pee gushing into the toilet. it is something she’s done before (pee when i’m on the phone with her) but i am 97% certain she called just for me to hear her pee. regardless it got me excited and i ended up having a pee myself about 20 minutes into the conversation. i took off my underwear and put her on speaker, telling her to hold on because i’ve got to piss, and then peed into a container i keep in my room. i know she coul
  11. Rude that people were staring when they know how difficult it is for pregnant people to control their bladders. but thankfully your wife was turned on by it! love the story. would love to hear any others you have to share
  12. After her last child she was around some my peeing fun and she’s became more open to it since so he’s to hoping… I am thinking maybe her and her husband had sex later on after i left since she appeared to be turned on
  13. i don’t carry toilet paper in my car. i have towels to use if i pee in my car, and if i pee outside my car i usually don’t bother with wiping. if i wanted to i have some random napkins.
  14. Friend -- I'll call her H -- is now very pregnant, more so than her first one since she got pregnant again so quickly after her first. This meaning her bladder is very reactive. Almost every time we are on the phone for a long chat she pees while we're talking, and it's always on speaker (mostly so she can have both hands free but also I think it's so I can hear it better lol), and when we've been out there are some times where she has urgency and has to find a bathroom right away. When we go out I drink a lot so I can have a pee with her at the same time in the bathroom and I go in the stall
  15. Oh I haven’t actually done that, just meant it would be a fun idea haha
  16. Last place I peed was just a few minutes ago into the cushion of my computer chair. Was reading things on here and getting turned on and had to pee, so I wet through my underwear
  17. haha thank you! I am proud of my bladder capacity. Honestly I’ve been practicing this childhood, around age 5-6. I would hold because I didn’t like going in public but also it felt ‘fun’ in a way I couldn’t describe. When I a little older and more curious I started measuring it in cups and stuff - I’d sneak plastic cups into the bathroom and fill them up and dump them in the toilet. I had a friend and I who would also do holding challenges and see who go longest without peeing. In high school I refused to pee during the day in the toilets so I would be holding from around 7am - 4pm witho
  18. usually it’s either 19 or 20. defintely 19 when I’m on my period. i used to be a 9 - the least amount of clothing without it being a bra, but then started sleeping topless a few years ago and not going back
  19. the most I’ve measured from a desperate hold was around 1.3L. I can often hold over 1L. I get desperate around 800ml. Although a few times I think I’ve done more when I do holds and I get beyond my limit and leak and let out spurts on accident. When I manage to get my measuring cup under my pussy it gets to be around 1L.
  20. Movie theaters are one of my favorite places to do some naughty peeing. It’s fun but also convenient to not have to get up and miss the movie to pee. Usually I cant last any movie without needing to pee during it. I drink things during it but also I think I have it in my mind that I ‘need’ to hold my pee so it makes my body want to pee more lol I do take into account who I’m with and the theater if I piss in the seat or the floor. If i’m with people I absolutely do not want to know of my pee habits I clench down and hold. Also if its theater with more monitoring. I am amazing at holding
  21. ooooh that makes sense. I mean I guess someone could want to empty their glove box to be their toilet but like you I have mine crammed with stuff lol
  22. doing my part to encourage other people to naughty piss - if not for fetish but for usefulness! when I was growing up I would pee into plush things all the time (myself and with friends) such as pillows, so after one week of getting annoyed of having to leave my room to pee and then usually having to wait I wanted to continue my habit. also I was too addicted to peeing like that hah. So I thought of what would be the best thing to pee in. A couple friends knew my pee habits and so i would leave it, but if others ever came over I would put it under my bed. and then lots of fabreeze to c
  23. Yeah I’m in the driver seat when I do it. but pissing into the glove box is another option!
  24. I also did peeing in towels as some as my early pee fun. Folded it long ways and pressed against my slit and let little spurts of pee out. That's when I started doing laundry being "so helpful..." lol. Now I still do this for fun, peeing into the towels directly. I like to see how much I can soak it one piss. I did it once in a sauna not long ago too. Sat on a bunched up a towel against my pussy in a changing room and unleashed my bladder into it. It was dripping wet when done. I put it in the laundry basket with the others and then tossed a dry one on top of it.
  25. I change places for both purposes that I'm less likely to be noticed, also it spreads my pee around more I do drink more than usual at waterparks / spa to stay hydrated, put it doesn't really make me pee more than usual due to my body keeping up with said hydration. Unless I flood myself water/alcohol then there's more pee lol. Definitely a lot of fun to be free-peeing through my swimsuit where ever needed.
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