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Ms. Tito

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Everything posted by Ms. Tito

  1. I have a few pee pals. but they're all in other parts of the US, and some are even in other countries!
  2. I might have an unfair advantage by being a trans woman but aiming is so much fun. I love seeing cis girls trying it too.
  3. The boyfriend sounds like a real jerk!
  4. Me, a trans, autistic, pansexual, communist, pee fetishist living in America: *basically Dark Souls*
  5. Aren't there also a lot of trans women in Thailand? Or is that just a transphobic rumor?
  6. Yes yes yes yes yes yes Even though I have a dicc but I'm still a girl!
  7. I am of the belief that all people should have the right to pee anywhere without consequence, male, female, or otherwise.
  8. I wish peeing outside wasn't so stigmatized. Especially for women.
  9. Stop talking shit about my daddy-- ;-;
  10. I'd like to be watched but only by people who have my consent.
  11. Yeah but....I have a dicc... I already have advantage when it comes to peeing standing up.
  12. Is being a trans girl considered "cheating?" Because I definitely have used urinals.
  13. Me? Both, but stand whenever I'm out in public.
  14. I don't do well at places with large amounts of people.
  15. Like Yugoslavia, I'm neutral in your cold war.
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