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Ms. Tito

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Everything posted by Ms. Tito

  1. I mean I like standing too. Squatting is honestly kind of difficult for me.
  2. I feel like I'm somewhere in between this divide. I'm a trans girl, and I like peeing outside, but I don't like being seen as "manly" just for doing so. I'm still shy about it as well, but if there's no bathroom around and I need to pee, why shouldn't I lift my skirt and take aim at a wall or a tree?? But then again I'm worried that I'll be made fun of or called a "fake woman," or "manly," or "a disgusting freak," ..... I have issues...
  3. I'm so upset my trip to Germany, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Hungary, and Austria was cancelled. Those places sound fun! Well, at least I'm getting my money back so I can go to two of those countries next year.
  4. I've heard many things about Finland also, mainly because there's lots of forests so people pee outdoors a lot.
  5. I love this country of Kaymala! You and Vassal have been such an inspiration for me. Maybe I could open up a Kaymalan embassy in Pisuaria ;>
  6. While I was in the lake. I'd love to try peeing into it from land.
  7. I have never peed in a pool but I've done so in a lake or the ocean.
  8. I usually use a Gatorade bottle at night.
  9. I have time in my own room to be alone, but I can't pee outside.
  10. I haven't peed outdoors since Easter I'm trapped in anti-fetish hell with my family. Aaaaa.
  11. Chapter 6: Dominykas It was late at night, past 11:30, and Dominykas was returning home from closing at a fast food restaurant. He went up to a urinal and dropped his pants to his ankles. He never wore underwear, and always enjoys showing off his ass, so he pulls his pants all the way down when he pees. He stood in front of it and spreads his lips as he pees into the porcelain wall in front of him. Another man walked into the bathroom and took the urinal next to Dominykas. Unlike in most countries, Pisuarian urinal ettiquite allows for people to take urinals next to each other, and
  12. Thanks, I love your Kaymala stories! I doubt my stories are as good as yours and Vassal's though. I'm glad people enjoy them, though! You two have been huge inspirations for me.
  13. Cap d'Agde makes me wish I paid more attention in French class.
  14. Why does Eastern Europe sound so much better than American schools teach us!!!??
  15. Can I just live in Czech Republic/Germany? Like, they both sound like paradise to me compared to the US. Both former Warsaw Pact nations AND friendly to pee lovers? Sign me up, товарищ!
  16. I now have even less opportunities since I'm quarantined with my whole family.
  17. Yes, while people here are more open about public urination, they aren't savages who vandalize stuff. They understand that janitors are people too, and messes aren't fun to clean up! lol
  18. People need to get their fucking priorities straight. Oh, Lolicon/pedophilia? That's fiiiiine. But GOD FORBID you have GAY PORN or PEOPLE PEEING. Ugh. Sometimes I just want the world to burn.
  19. I genuinely hope this blows over by summer. I really don't wanna have to be quarantined in my house and then immediately have to start college as soon as it's over. Honestly don't even think I want to go to college at all.
  20. So the coronavirus is causing lots of places to employ "social distancing" tactics to help stop or slow the spread of the coronavirus, and apparently public bathrooms are also a big risk for infection. Soooo I think plenty of people will be resorting to peeing outside. Personally, I hope I'd get a few sightings.
  21. Exactly! We just need to break their programming so to speak. I mean most other gender roles are being washed away by the tides of progress, why should this one be as well?
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