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Everything posted by Adyguy6970

  1. Some nice pics there. It looks as though you were enjoying yourself. Presumably that was the time you were using the laundry basket as a toilet?
  2. Where Mr Trump is concerned, I think the least said the better!
  3. Do you ever have any skid marks left over from #2s?
  4. Hi and welcome. I look forward to reading about your experiences in due course.
  5. My preference is for wee but I regard most of the alternatives as acceptable.
  6. Adyguy6970


    Hi and welcome. I hope you have a great time here.
  7. Adyguy6970


    Hi and welcome. It's great to see you here.
  8. Hi and welcome. I hope you have an amazing time here and look forward to seeing you around.
  9. Hi and welcome. There's absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying pee fun in all its rich variety. Sadly it's often misunderstood by people who aren't into it and it deserves to be understood and accepted better. For what its worth I think it will be - eventually. In the meantime there are pee forums such as this where people can share their interest with others who won't judge them or think any the worse of them for it.
  10. Hi and welcome, Taylor. I hope you have a great time here.
  11. (This is a new story which I have posted elsewhere too. I hope you enjoy it.) "Well we're here at last!" Sarah exclaimed as she pulled into the carpark. A tatty old sign bore witness to what the place had once been – Drydale Magna Secondary Modern School. A sea of weeds populated what had once been the tennis courts. Rotting and barely visible the old nets were still there, surrounded by nettles and thistles. It would be kind to say that the buildings had a 'tired' look about them – some of the window sills needed replacing and the whole place was badly in need of some TLC. Anne pulled a fac
  12. For those interested, should pornstars pee before filming? A) Yes always - unless they're specifically doing watersports work B) No never - a full bladder is known to increase arousal and enhance performance C) Only if they personally wish to do so - regardless of what others, including other stars, might want D) Only if the other actors/actresses wish them to - regardless of their own wishes In relation to C and D it should be borne in mind that needing to go to the toilet and wanting to aren't necessarily the same thing. I'm sure plenty of people have needed to pee but not wanted t
  13. Hi and welcome, Bert. It's good to come across you here as well as somewhere else. I hope you have a great time and look forward to seeing you around.
  14. Hi and welcome. I hope you have a great time.
  15. It's certainly an interesting thought. Some time ago Skymouse was asking for expressions of interest from people who fancied helping with filming scenes but I'm not sure what came of it.
  16. I'm not near Peterborough as such,but, thanks to fast trains on the East Coast Mainline, it's a relatively short journey for me. PM me if you're interested in chatting/meeting.
  17. Hi and welcome. It's great to see Liverpool represented.
  18. That's fine. I guess to some extent it depends on which side of the pond you're on. Over here in dear old Blighty genuine public toilets are still fairly common, although less common than they were as cash strapped local councils see closing them as an easy way of saving money, especially as they're provided as a matter of grace than of right as no statutory duty exists in that regard. It was the health and sanitation conscious Victorians who introduced them as a way of improving public health by deterring people from peeing (or worse pooing) in the streets. I'm told that in the USA though
  19. I've certainly pissed in the sink at home. As for jerking off in public toilets I'm not sure whether I have or haven't. That said I have knocked one out in college and later on work toilets.
  20. I once heard a story about a performance involving short skirted ballet dancers. Apparently the queue for the gents toilets at the interval was massive - practically every man in the place was in need of relief.
  21. I think it's fairly commonplace for people to feel aroused when they need to go to the toilet. Put it this way, I know I do. It's largely to do with the muscles and nerve endings which control the excretory bits being close to - and in some cases the same ones - as those used for sexual function.
  22. I sometimes stand in the shower and pee whilst wearing a pair of pants - or rather briefs/panties for our American readers.
  23. Hi and welcome, drinkmein!
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