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Everything posted by T-Virus

  1. I have to agree. In the end, it would just be heavily abused and would lead to more trouble than it's worth. It may look good on paper, but when implemented? It's just not worth it.
  2. Sending prayers and positive vibes your way, @glad1. Hope you get well soon.
  3. Welcome back, Nickie! Glad to hear that you're doing okay. If you ever need anything, just say it! We're all friends here, and we'll do anything to help you out. And one more thing: no matter what anyone might say, you are a very beautiful and strong woman. Never let anyone tell you otherwise.
  4. When you're occupied by your tablet, but you hear a lady pouring herself a glass of water in a Brita commercial on YouTube and you instantly think of peeing and snap your head up to look, only to be disappointed.
  5. Born and bred in Tennessee, but currently residing in Florida.
  6. T-Virus

    ROOM 101

    Where do I start? 1: People who are stuck in their old ways, I.E. "Caucasian and African American people shouldn't be couples, men and women shouldn't be with the same sex, you're still a man or woman if you're transgender." etc. 2: Corrupt authority figures. (Note: I have no issue with good cops or soldiers, just the bad ones that make the good ones look bad) 3: People who won't take care of their kids or raise them right. 4: People who abuse others, animals or insects in anyway. 5: People who never grew out of their bullying phase, be it on the internet or outside o
  7. Well, to be brutally honest, if I had a choice of what kind of woman I wanted be, it would be either a drop dead gorgeous goth gal, or a suicide girl covered in tattoos and sporting some piercings. (For the curious Georges, suicide girls are nothing bad or negative, it's a pin up thing with the latter type of girls I mentioned) With either choice, apologies for being even more honest, I would probably be peeing wherever I could, my own bathroom for starters, a public restroom, outdoors, etc. And as for partners, I'd be going for feminine guys (Most internet folk know them by their unoffic
  8. 🙏 Sorry to hear that he's sick. May the Gods cure him of his sickness and help him get back on his feet soon. Sending some prayers and positive vibes his way as well.
  9. This! I agree wholeheartedly. I've had my fill with bigotry toward anyone, including trans people.
  10. In my opinion, there's no cheating when it comes to peeing. Peeing is peeing regardless, and it would be silly to slap such a term on it. (But that's just an opinion from a goofball. :p)
  11. I've been listening to quite a bit, but as the thread permits only one song, here's one of the many things that I've been listening to. I won't lie, watching this movie as a young lad for the first time gave me a horrid nightmare.
  12. One memory that I had forgotten until recently was long ago. I was extremely young then. (Roughly about three or four I want to say, but not sure) Back in that time, one of my cousins (Who's name I won't mention out of privacy reasons and respect) who was also young at the time, was visiting. Well, it was just me, my mother, him and my grandmother at our old house while my sister was at school. I forget where my father and grandfather were, I think they were away at the time, but that's neither here nor there. Well, we all went outside for a reason I don't remember, and I stepped off the back
  13. "Don't hurt them, just hold them, make someone happy." -Ozzy Osbourne, Bombers. "I'm tired, boss. Tired of being on the road, lonely as a sparrow in the rain. I'm tired of never having me a buddy to be with, to tell me where's we going to, coming from, or why. Mostly, I'm tired of people being ugly to each other. I'm tired of all the pain I feel and hear in the World, every day. There's too much of it. It's like pieces of glass in my head, all the time." -John Coffey, The Green Mile. "That was too close! You were almost a Jill Sandwich!" -Barry Burton. "The manly sport of golf,
  14. It was the pee movie list from Patche's Place if I'm not mistaken. It got shut down, but it has returned as the pee movie database on omorashi online. As for my contribution: Jaime Elle Mann in all her glory in the Sci-fi movie Haunted Prison, also known as Death Row on dvd. This was my favorite scene/movie for obvious reasons at the time, as I was a young lad and also had a crush on said actress.
  15. I've had a few erotic dreams myself over the years. Here's a few that are pee related: One time, I was sick (I forget what sickness I had) and dreamed that I was watching a porn video on my old laptop where a blonde woman, dressed in knee high boots and wearing various bits of leather gear, including a leash, was going around acting like a dog. At the end of the dream, she crawled outside and peed on a metal object stuck in the ground. In another event, I had been playing games on my old, original Xbox, Bloodrayne 2 being one of them, before sleeping into the evening. In the dream, I
  16. I figured I'd contribute as well. Here goes: Relationship wise, I've been lonely my entire life, and there isn't a day that goes by without me hating it. I'm twenty three and a half years old, and the closest I got to having a significant other were two different occasions. The first one feigned caring, acting like we were boyfriend and girlfriend, and then promising we'd get married. Sadly, not long after she said that, I get the news that she married another individual. Needless to say, I felt betrayed. I even spent money on this woman in the form of getting her a pair of earrings. Some
  17. Thanks to both of you! I enjoyed being able to talk about other parts of the U.S. and World, as well as my state. Would love to have another casual conversation as well.
  18. I usually masturbate twice a day, but sometimes it's three or four times. Other days, maybe once or I skip a day or so.
  19. T-Virus

    My pic

    Welcome, Kakula! Glad to see another member join. Really love the pics by the way, you have a wonderful body. ^^
  20. Thanks! Thank ya! I'm already having fun so far.
  21. Thanks! And that's good to hear! I always prefer to be in the company of good people who share my interests or are okay with them.
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