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Everything posted by mickymoist

  1. Bloody hell how have I missed this thread 'till now!? I should be severely punished 😁 @Naughtypisswife beautiful pics
  2. To be fair with your body any stocking would look great but that is hot! 😍
  3. Hi Hallie welcome to peefans, I'm sure you'll fit right in πŸ™‚
  4. Excellent intro and welcome aboard!
  5. Lovely description of the evening and glad to hear you're seeing the funny side now πŸ˜€, as you say she had a slightly unusual reaction, neither annoyed or looking away, maybe she's a secret peefan. By the way the sentence "I considered wetting through my underwear into the seat" does conjure up a lovely image!
  6. I've not done the naked from the waist down thing put have wet myself on purpose during numerous Teams meetings, it's fun to do while talking to a bunch of your workmates πŸ˜„
  7. Tried a couple of voices, the Karen Australian enhanced on iphone seems to work
  8. I used the 'speak' function on the phone to listen to this, works quite well πŸ™‚
  9. Hi and welcome to peefans! πŸ™‚
  10. In the summer time I go commando in a dark pair if cargo shorts when I'm out in the garden and just pee when I need, if I'm in amongst the shrubs no one notices. When I'm out watering in the evening I do the tubs on the patio first so that everything is wet then when I'm peeing all anyone sees or hears is the water from the hose or watering can.
  11. @ukpeegirl86 thats so exciting to read, thanks for sharing with us
  12. Okay it's not Sunday... and the opposite of lazy πŸ˜„ but in the spirit of @gldenwetgoose post about adding not creating new ones i thought I'd do just that. I went out for an early morning walk just before sunrise it was lovely, crisp and cold. There were quite a few people about surprisingly, getting a walk in before work I guess, so an outdoor pee wasn't on the cards. I let a few spurts out while I was walking which felt great, but by the time I got home I was bursting. As soon as I closed the front door I got that lovely feeling of being right on the edge of pissing myself so I quickly
  13. @puddyls just wonderful 😍
  14. Definitely a car enthusiast, Over the years once debts/mortgage were paid off I started going for hot hatches and remaps to keep finding more bhp...it gets addictive 😁. I live in the mountains so I shifted to 4wd cars that, with winter tyres, would still get me about, sort of decided that I would keep going for more power as long as I could afford it with a view to going more conservative after work. Had a couple of Subaru STi, Forester and WRX and finally peaked with my pride and joy below. Have now gone back to something much more sensible but have no regrets in the money spent on cars ove
  15. I've found this quite good too envii Bed Fresh - Mattress Deodoriser Removes Urine Stains & Odours - 750ml https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B01LZSGF7S/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_T15V5XJVQBMCV1GXMHRM
  16. @gldenwetgoose great shout on our gorgeous lady race drivers, I've watched all these talented women race. Some of the F1 drivers have admitted to peeing in the car when driving so maybe our girls have done the same...now theres a thought 😊
  17. omg @puddyls so hot 😍
  18. I'm no medical expert but as far as I know it's just down to how well hydrated you are, male or female. If you're dehydrated it will get darker, if you're drinking lot's of fluids and peeing often it will get clearer and clearer to the point of being almost colourless. Some things will make your pee very yellow Berocca does it to me.
  19. Would absolutely love to! Its unlikely I will as Im happily single but I do often fantasise about it when I look at the pics that our lovely female members post.
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