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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. And for Wednesday's Birthdays we have: @KinsleyKisses @Pee_Jeans @Kevvvv
  2. Well - certainly sounds good from the perspective of developing a friendship, even if it turns out to be entirely non-pee related. I'd be tempted to go, make it the longer hike and just take it as a developing friendship. It could be that she's lonely, in want of companionship, just has a preference for something more active in the hikes than the group offers. Maybe wait until you're reasonably well into the walk, and having gauged the conversation - then maybe you express that YOU need to pee. 'Does she mind' if you just take a quick pee against a tree or behind a bush - one of t
  3. Just the one Very Happy Birthday today: @theAnalyzer
  4. Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the Birthday Celebrations as our fine members reach another milestone. Join with me as we congratulate: @lillnisse @Skullcomet @Able @oohviech @Spike226
  5. Hi and a HUGE welcome to the friendliest, most respectful community for Peefans everywhere. That's the sales pitch over lol. Do shout up if you have any questions as you find your way around.
  6. Did he manage to maintain eye contact with you...? (Thanks for sharing with those of us who probably wouldn't even try).
  7. @JQKER @jamesjustice @blame - Hope you're taking it easy... Easy like Sunday morning. Have a great birthday.
  8. It's the weekend and added even better - it's your birthday: @peebus10 @TheArizonaSolution @MarlaB @Quirky
  9. Aww thank you both. Take a little bit of every pop wild-child you can think of from Peaches Geldof to Britney, Miley, Taylor, Kelly Osbourne - and up turn the level to 11. Mind you... I get the impression Jodie has a few skeletons in her closet too.
  10. What's your intent... If you're perhaps going to work / college / a friend or relative's house and you want to avoid using the toilet, then avoiding drinking will mean you have less need to pee. I say that with a bit of caution, dehydrating yourself can be unpleasant and even risky. So instead perhaps drinking a smaller quantity than normal, avoiding caffeine and artificial sweetened drinks or alcohol can reap the benefits of your liquid intake being more effectively absorbed into your body and less waste water filling your bladder. But your kidneys will still be clearing waste from y
  11. I get the impression that in the UK it's definitely more the 'outraging public decency' or 'indecent exposure' that gets people into trouble with the law. But a fairly recent case of an off duty police officer who peed in a shop changing room whilst drunk, was not prosecuted. (She was found guilty of gross misconduct at an internal disciplinary hearing and subsequently resigned). In a different case a woman who peed on a war memorial twice and was abusive has been jailed. And a couple of nights ago I was watching a TV Police documentary - police had stopped a driver after a car
  12. A commissioned fictional story - contains discussion on female and male peeing and tones of vandalism. Any resemblance to real celebrities is coincidental. Maybe. "Over the years City Hall have had more than their fair share of tough decisions to make. Today is no different, with the debate of whether to grant the new pop sensation Maya a licence to perform at the city's premier venue. As the debate goes on behind closed doors a crowd of Maya's fans are making their presence known outside. In the studio I'm joined by Maya's manager John White, who also happens to be her f
  13. Happy, happy, happy birthday to @Valenta @gingerninja @arnilso88 @55555 @godlikehuman
  14. Another tip that hasn't been mentioned... If you're driving to a destination and it's any distance, there's a good chance you're going to need to pee when you get there. So rather than arriving and immediately asking to use the toilet (even if you're not on this thread it's a bit of an embarrassing greeting - "Hi, great to see you. Can I pee?") an alternative is to pee by the car on the way there. As an example, I frequently have work and meetings in a city about an hour away, longer depending on time of day. From experience I know that the journey takes me from the motorway, th
  15. I should rephrase that - I just read it again. I don't mean unfortunately they're still a member (sorry!) - what I should say is that whilst @Sandicarr4urn is still a member, unfortunately they haven't signed in recently...
  16. Unfortunately @Sandicarr4urn is still a site member, but was only active for a couple of weeks and hasn't signed in for over three years.
  17. @A_AShes - I don’t want to break the fun mood of this thread, so I’ll just say this and move on. No response is needed but please message me or one of the staff if you want to discuss more. Intimidation and rudeness are very common across the internet. But absolute should NOT happen on Peefans. If you have experienced any issues please report them to staff and we will investigate.
  18. @panelvanman If you're trying to insert a website address into your post, it's fairly easy... - Highlight the website address you're after and copy it (right-click and Copy or CTRL+C etc) - On the post you're creating on Peefans, in the text entry window click the 'chain' symbol. - Past in the web address that you copied (CTRL+V etc) That will put a working link into your post. (With video clips like youtube it puts a picture in too, otherwise it just puts the link or the alternative text).
  19. @Peelover236 @Chris Mathpi >>> Happy Birthday to you both.
  20. I'd say yes... A bit of background is that some time ago there used to be regular hidden voyeur clips and pics on the site. You know the real hidden cameras in public bathrooms kind. And although we didn't really stop them, as various countries introduced stricter voyeurism laws we found that people just sort of stopped posting them. Even in the Sex & Porn section, the vast majority of people only post content which is posed or fairly benign. Now - back to festival peeing, we've had discussions between staff before. We tend to think of it that the girls and guys involved - i
  21. You know that I know of a medium sized event which takes place in northern England. Very much aligned with your hobbies, but on a smaller scale and less exuberant such that chances of pee sightings aren't that good. xx
  22. Some big hitting (pissing?) members in today's Birthday Honours List: @Great Horned Owl @ZenWizz @goldenguy @Carfun have an awesome day.
  23. That old duffer Goose is showing himself up again... sharing pretentious big-haired cheesy '80s rock from unknown bands.... In my defence - this album, and it's iconic predecessor On A Storyteller's Night were the soundtrack to my university days. And my vinyl playlist for this week is definitely going to be Magnum centric with the sad news of Tony Clarkin's death - lyrics, guitars and original Magnum member.
  24. I just read your other post on the subject - I wish you all the very best as you make those very slow steps forward. I do mean that genuinely and sincerely. I grew up in a strict evangelical background and I understand where she's been. Sadly it could be a very long and slow process for her to become comfortable with understanding her body isn't shameful, she is allowed to enjoy her (and other people's) bodies and nobody is forcing her not to do anything. At the same time, wisdom only comes with experience and when you haven't got any experience it's very easy to make unwise life choic
  25. Understand where you’re coming from @on the porch and it’s commendable of you to ask. With the size of membership you’d never get much in the way of meaningful consent - but I’d suggest it’s not a big problem for you to show her content when you’re with her (giving her your password to access the site wouldn’t be acceptable). In one sense, us being such a polite and respectful crowd means we’re a much better group of people to get to know (than maybe a lot of NSFW sites). At the same time, with a very sheltered upbringing to suddenly be hit by all of us getting our kicks from p
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