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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. Hi @dan7494 and a huge welcome to this community. Your grammar was 'spot on' and perfectly easy to understand. Hope you enjoy finding your way around the site. There are lots of Real Experiences shared from various members which you may enjoy, and plenty of visual content too. Do shout up if you have any questions. Also, if you want Staff to check any content against the site rules that's fine too. Cheers - Goose
  2. @dan7494 - There is a reason that you're finding it rare on this site, and also why the content you have found hasn't been updated for a while. You'll see it outlined in this thread if you read from the start, but in summary: Up to about mid-2022 we had a split slowly forming in the community here, between those who want to impose a destructive kink on others and the opposing bunch of people who wish no harm on others. It had got to the point of being rather heated and was causing a lot of harmful resentment between members in our normally kind and loving community. Both sides felt ver
  3. Thank you so much @Alfresco and everyone before. I've actually just reread the story myself - and really enjoyed it too.
  4. Hi there @Yorkshirepeefella and welcome to an amazing community. Enjoy finding you way around and don't hesitate to shout up if you have any questions.
  5. Another very small milestone... A little Christmas Gift you could say... Today on CHRISTMAS DAY we've reached a nice round number of 22,000 Topics across the forum. White Reindeer! (And a year on from the above post, we've had 7,660 new members join us too).
  6. Welcome to Peefans - there's a good chance you're reading this very early in your journey with us. it's great to have you on board. There's one thing we need to make very clear before you post your introduction: WE ARE NOT A PEE DATING SITE. AND WE ARE NOT A LOCAL HOOK-UP SITE. Please don't post here quoting your location and asking for a partner to meet with you. That is most definitely what we're about, it's even in our Site Rules. Instead, please understand that we're a world-wide online community of people who just happen to share a common interest. A group of new f
  7. I really can't believe what I've just done... I'm feeling so naughty and just have to tell someone - before I burst. This time of year is always so busy, well I mean it is for everyone. And the last weekend before Christmas especially so. Today I've been rushing about like a busy little Christmas Fairy. You see, it's been our community Christmas Carols event. So after picking up groceries for our own festive dinner I've been busy in the kitchen making mince pies, icing the cake, warming a few gallons of mulled wine. Before I knew it I was across at the community hall, laying
  8. We love you @Bacardi - and you know as well as anyone, Peefans isn't just a collection of porn, it isn't just a bunch of people wanking over what everyone else would call sick and perverted. Peefans is a bunch of people. We all have our connection, we all are there for one another. We're there for you. Totally understand now isn't the time, but when you're ready we're here for you. Until then you're in our hearts. Have an amazing time with your family, a wonderful and hopefully happy, calming time (as much as kids at Christmas permit) - and raise a quiet glass at the dinner t
  9. As seen on Facebook (I really have no idea why I still look at it). The 2024 Darwin Award applicants are lining up:
  10. There's a statue of a famous politician in my home town, standing in a dynamic pose with one hand extended. I had a friend who was obsessed with photographing the statue from a certain angle...
  11. @PublicPee - I've merged your post in here, rather than having multiple similar threads. There's a few ideas for you in here, plus you'll find lots more using the site search facility. You can use inverted commas to search on phrases as a hint, and it's a regular topic so try searching on 'where' or 'places' etc. Other than that, have fun and watch out for cameras!
  12. Much of what we talk about here on the site seems to attract a sexual connotation - and I'm just as at risk of that too. But that isn't really always the case. There's a clue in the site title 'PeeFANS' and not peefetishists or peesexaddicts. So on that basis, it's fair to think that everyone in your family group may need to pee at some point, a greater or lesser time after using a bathroom. Of course if you're in a public park or a beach where there are official toilets then people can use them - but if you're in a meadow somewhere in the wilds that's a different matter, where na
  13. There are a lot of people @Kirby23 who can very much relate to everything you've said - I can personally assure you that you're very much not alone. When seeing all the amazing content, it's easy to think that everyone has an amazing piss filled sex life, or absolute freedom to have whatever fun befalls them. But the reality is every one of us are unique, special and gifted in the different situations we find ourselves in. Personally I think that being with someone who doesn't share our passion actually helps keep us on a level basis. Perhaps sometimes it's easy to be jealous of oth
  14. If you're going to cover one of the most iconic rock songs of all time - you may as well make it your own.
  15. Good luck @LovesToWet - guess at least in your cab you're high enough to be unseen if you are using the bottle. Pretty standard practice ? But hopefully you'll be unloading (in every sense) very soon.
  16. Hi Mike - and a huge welcome to posting. You know what to expect so I don't need to say much more, other than great to hear from you.
  17. I won't dwell in detail - because I wrote about it recently, but in my case it was a neutral bathroom with two toilets and a standard thin wood partion between them. Exactly like you'd find in any gents or ladies toilet. Open below and above the less than inch thick wood. And a lady who I'd offered to let her wee first saying, no it's fine - go for it. I don't mind.
  18. Fab - thanks for sharing @Barbieoxo - wishing you and all of yours a very merry Christmas time. Hoping your on just the right balance of Santa's nice with a hint of naughty list. It looks very much that way from here.
  19. Staff speaking for a moment here: There's a couple of fundamental Peefans principles being put to the test here. Firstly is that we have a dedicated area for fictional content, where lots of fantasy is fair game. But the entire rest of the Pee Talk & Questions section and Real Pee Experiences is then for truth, whole truth and nothing but the truth. I may be exaggerating a bit - but it's in the site rules at 19 to not claim to be somebody you're not. So, for example not claiming to be an innocent 19yr old girl when actually you're an old man. Not claiming to be a total stu
  20. Quite a simple concept - just for Christmas and maybe New Year, a little run of short stories with a festive slant. And for ANYONE to contribute. Just short Christmassy pee themed stories... Emma smiled as she cupped her hands around her mug, breathing in the sweet aroma of the hot chocolate. Steam fogged her glasses blurring the twinkling christmas lights. All around her the bustle of chatter, the movement of crowds of people and the smell of food cooking. And yet Emma at the same time Emma was alone in near darkness. Able to enjoy her own moment of peace in the midst
  21. You’ve got this - for as long as you want to hold anyway, not forgetting how amazing the release will feel.
  22. Snowboard and ski poles... Surfboard ???
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