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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. Probably a lot healthier way to de stress, although not any less addictive. if I was returning to an empty home after a night of drinking then imagine the fun.
  2. Similarly, had a few goes with the Honda engined 160cc karts - birthday party outings, that sort of thing. It’s one of those things I go into with a enthusiast optimism and come away feeling quite deflated… With no differential between rear wheels, powering into a corner generally will result in under steer and coming out of the corner far slower than proper technique, and with a single gear once momentum has been lost you become a bit of a sitting duck for everyone to pass. That and power to weight ratio is grossly affected by driver’s weight… Would love to try my hand in a ‘r
  3. No probs - I'll answer as best I can... Pictures can be posted by clicking on the 'choose files' or 'Add Files' at the bottom of the box where you enter the text. There's a size limit on pictures, but otherwise quite straightforward. Videos though need to be hosted elsewhere (because we don't have the space on the site) - so there are various third party sites you could use. Quite a few people use Erome for example. Then just copy and paste in the link. Now in terms of where to post - I will apologise that the site can seem a little binary in for example having a specific Men Pee
  4. Hi and a huge welcome to the site and a very friendly community. Do shout up with any questions and enjoy yourself finding your way around.
  5. Hi and a huge welcome to the community - hope you're finding your way around and enjoying yourself. Do shout up with any questions of course.
  6. Somewhat amusing reading some of the extreme views. Sorry, unhelpful comment from me there. One thing that would be good is now that every digital camera or even phone records full HD quality, if not 4K - shame producers haven’t got their heads around audio quality. I’m a big fan of first person speaking to camera clips, where dialogue is important- but so often muffled, lost in background noise, wind noise and generally rubbish. The same goes for the actual sound of peeing - how often could that be so much better? All it would take is a directional mix or maybe a lapel mic de
  7. Oooh what a lovely treat.
  8. Just a quick request - if pasting in content, please choose the 'paste as plain text' option. It removes the formatting, otherwise the page doesn't always display correctly given the different possible site themes and day / night options.
  9. Hi and a huge welcome to the community. Your wish is sort of met already - our interactions between each other here are mostly based around the public forum, so browse away to your heart's content. Enjoy reading (and viewing) and when you're ready feel welcome to contribute to the posts there in words if nothing more. You'll soon get to know a wide range of the people who are active and it's the quickest way to interact with a whole load of people...
  10. Was driving to pick my wife up from work earlier... Had just turned into a twisty cut through country lane and this came on. I didn't arrive late 😉 Ace driving song, although the video doesn't always fit and looks more dated than the song sounds (to me anyway)
  11. Thank you so much for sharing - love it. The fact that you have learned to not feel bad about accidents, but instead to be able to be excited by them is wonderful. And please do not worry at all about your English, your writing is very clear and perfectly easy to understand. We would much rather you share adventures like this, rather than never post anything because you worried about the English.
  12. Happy Birthday - 19th Sept @holyknight3 - Have a great day
  13. Great question... And some interesting answers in this thread from a little while ago >>>
  14. In the words of The Beatles... "They say it's your Birthday, Happy Birthday to ya" @pwpj Have a great one.
  15. Theres also version on Youtube of hime performing in a lot more recently, and sounds identical.
  16. Before my time... Just want to make that clear - but an awesome song (IMHO) and covered so well too.
  17. Yes - I agree with you on that - depends on the degree of fulness but yes, it's very difficult. I'm pretty sure it's part of the way our brain controls our bodies on different levels in the same way as a computer control system can prioritise certain tasks over others. Sometimes we wake up with morning wood where our brain gives us an erection and 'locks' the prostate to help keep hold of an overnight bladder and then there's what you're talking about where the brain decides we need to pee so won't give us an erection, since of course peeing isn't something to be done with an erect c
  18. @Peewee123 & @Simpfan - Your two exes were extremely lucky people.
  19. Hi and a huge welcome to a very happy community - welcome in. Enjoy yourself browsing around and you will I'm sure find like minded individuals across the site. Do shout up with any questions and we'll do our best. Cheers!
  20. Yesterday was a prime example... In work until mid afternoon, I'd had a black coffee at lunch and then a 500ml bottle of juice at my desk. I could easily have gone for a pee before leaving the office, but didn't desperately need to and deliberately didn't. My normal drive home should be about 30 minutes, but there are a few sets of roadworks at the moment and consequently other roads are busy. The journey home mostly wasn't too bad, I could feel myself filling up. The last 3 miles were always going to be the ones affected by the roadworks and I found myself in heavier traffic approachin
  21. Happy Birthday shouts out to @Public P. Boy & @Christian55 today - have a great day!!!
  22. Must admit I'd never heard of it until you mentioned it. Just Googled it now, first hit was a review page and first review mentions the short story "Piddler on the roof". Sounds like a hit. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1176846.Paul_Jennings_Funniest_Stories https://www.amazon.co.uk/Funniest-Stories-Uncollected-Paul-Jennings/dp/0670028908
  23. Glad it seems that way now - and as you say, long may it continue. There’s a certain amount of moderation goes on removing stuff before it gets seen by most people and causes issues, but yes on the whole 99% of users make the site such a pleasure with that respectfulness and love.
  24. You sound like an absolutely amazing couple and it’s a delight to welcome you in… Hopefully you’ll find your way around easily, but do shout up with any questions.
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