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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. I've just glanced back on your profile @Sarah_Hiker31 and you did write the story, on Christmas Eve 2023. For some reason it had been removed from the site, but checking it I don't know why - it doesn't break any site rules and I don't remember any other reasons. So - it's back for all to enjoy. It can be found in Real Pee & Experiences or via this link: https://peefans.com/topic/29094-family-picnic-pee/
  2. @MidoriLemonade85 - You have all of our encouragement. Kudos to you and huge thanks for sharing.
  3. And another day with a 'Y' in it, so time to celebrate a few more Birthdays. @Bill Thane @peefan30 @scih789 @owllen (Nothing wrong with a Monday birthday - I was born on a Monday afternoon. Just before teatime. My Mum was disappointed she missed tea.)
  4. 'Sefton Park' = Liverpool. Explains a lot 🤣
  5. And in today's Sunday Pee Worship we'll be celebrating with: @whiz kid @Formyeyes @notna98 @Ihartuk @ah011 @Seicheaufmich
  6. .... or would you prefer - a Goose (I'm kidding of course - you already know you've got me - answer Sophie's question instead)
  7. It's the weekend and you get to enjoy a B-I-R-T-H-D-A-Y ! ! ! @swizzyy @EagerFemaleLoo @the boss @Aspentatious Have a great day !
  8. Here’s one for you… If for some unexplainable reason you suddenly were completely changing career - and for an equally unexplained reason you don’t need to put children, husband, family, financial responsibilities etc first. You can move anywhere in the world. You can live as you wish and you can work as anything you want: What, where and why would we find @Sophie doing ?
  9. Contains female desperation, wetting, and wet sex Have you ever thought about how much of an issue it can be... being Pee-Shy. I mean, we live in a world where everyone is encouraged to be in touch with their feelings, to understand what makes them tick. There's never been more awareness or support for mental health issues. And yet there are still issues that nobody talks about, nobody is interested in. Take pee shyness for one. It's something I know all about, I've been living with it pretty much all my adult life. I refuse to say 'suffering from' because then I becom
  10. I've said this quite a few times - but just knowing from the forum here that there are ladies who enjoy watching guys pee makes me feel incredibly better about myself. Without that knowledge, it's very easy for me to feel like some creepy predator. Getting thrills from the thoughts, sounds and sights of ladies doing something which generally they'd try to be private about. And if it wasn't for this community I'd think I was the only one - and think there was something very wrong with me. In real life I could find myself peeing with a lady present maybe if a public toilet had a lady
  11. @pisszzz - I'm going to close this topic to further replies... There are already quite a number of accounts in this section of guy's pissing, also there is the whole topic area Men Pissing which you may well enjoy reading too.
  12. Hi and a warm welcome to Peefans - you'll find lots of experiences and tips across the site, lots for couples. Perhaps a good starting point could be the Real Experiences thread maybe.
  13. Seems like a lot of Birthdays for a 2nd day of the month - so let's celebrate with a cake: Takes a deep breath and wishes a very Happy Birthday to: @leilawet1 @gaz477 @PissVox @pej @tedandjane
  14. About a month ago I was going through a phase of hoping I could find reasonably high quality webcams which stood a chance of seeing pee. The best quality of cameras I found is a little bit of a mixed bag, American it seems from the concentration of locations. But many are cityscape views with no close detail. They do have several in Bourbon Street, two in particular that offer good views of a crossroads outside one of the bars, with a reasonably wide view of people passing - and I have to say it's been a total disappointment. Right now it's 7:30am in the UK, and 01:30am in New Orl
  15. Perhaps as you all get settled into the house the time will come to convince Mom she needs some hobbies and interests to keep her active. Something that’ll get her out and socialising with others for a few hours at a time - whether it be crafts, keeping fit, volunteering or whatever. Then all you need to do is align ‘being in the mood’ with her schedule….
  16. It's the first of the month - let's celebrate a load of February birthdays!!! @dougm @Peeformenow @steve88 @2718e @peter sharpe @jbr @MrHara @fredike @pojebot
  17. You can definitely share links to video content in a relevant forum post - such as this one for example which is of course in the Men Pissing... topic area. We just ask that users think about sensible places to post - often there's an existing thread which is a perfect to add a post with the link. Sometimes it may justify a post in its own right. Our Site Search, and particularly the Advanced Search is a good way to find if there's already similar content where it can be added to bring a thread back to life and get the best audience. If you were talking 'chat' as in LiveChat or a
  18. Photos (including gifs) can be uploaded to the site providing they are under 5MB in size. However, any video content needs to be hosted somewhere else and then you can post a link to it from the site here, which you've already found. But that's most likely why you found uploading not working. 😁
  19. Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to You - Happy Birthday @Uschi @Drarrylover2006 & @zanedge
  20. Great insight @Barbieoxo and @vanessa9 - thanks for sharing. Definitely great environments to become comfortable with yourselves growing up and to shape you into the chilled and accepting people you are today. And if only everyone had such a grown-up and sensible attitude to peeing - the world would be a much calmer place lol.
  21. Now there's a tempting offer. I'm sure you'll get plenty of takers...
  22. Bless you (both of you). Take care and make sure you TCB after 😈
  23. I’m not sure I’ve earned a place in heaven - each day browsing here makes me think it’s not for me anyway lol.
  24. Just under 20 minutes now. Takes you to 1750. If you feel you can manage that. Or you could always go for the hour?
  25. I’m on a turbo trainer session that finishes in 24 minutes. Happy to keep you company , although it might not be good for my heart rate, LOL.
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